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Question for Cardinal Backer


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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Trump was more worried about attacking Biden through his kids than he was in defending his own record. 

That’s why he got rag-dolled in the election last month.  

A baseless opinion from someone ate up with TDS.

I guess you failed to quantify the constant media attacks against him (90+ percent negative coverage). Or the media ignoring/failing to give him credit for his many accomplishments. Yeah, Trump mentioning the Hunter Biden issue (which main stream media ignored and social media banned) was the reason he lost. Give me a break. Did it sound any more "intelligent" in your head when you where typing that trash?

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Here’s some innocent little poll workers working hard in the we hours of the night after they sent home all the Republican poll workers. They just so happen to find some ballots under the table after the republicans workers left. They wanted to make sure the machines counted ballots probably so they kept rerunning the same ballots thru the machines. 😂🤣😂

Gotta Love Twitters fraud warning 🤣😂

Never saw Twitter put any warnings on Democrat Politicians when the made false allegations about Trump involving Russia when they had Zero evidence.


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23 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Did y’all see where Trump’s Twitter will be suspended after the inauguration?

The same Twitter that banned American free speech. Not surprising. If you were the Owner or CEO of Twitter, would you ban Trump from Twitter?

Since we are just throwing things out there, did you see a few weeks ago where Obama said that Trump was the one putting kids in cages. Did you see the media outrage over that outrageous lie. Me neither.

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13 minutes ago, Englebert said:

The same Twitter that banned American free speech. Not surprising. If you were the Owner or CEO of Twitter, would you ban Trump from Twitter?

Since we are just throwing things out there, did you see a few weeks ago where Obama said that Trump was the one putting kids in cages. Did you see the media outrage over that outrageous lie. Me neither.

I’m sure they were too busy reporting on the latest goofy thing Trump was tweeting. 

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16 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Lame attempt of dodging. How embarrassing for you. You would be better served to back up your claims. I guess when you can't, this is your only option.

To answer your question, no... I do not think that social media platforms should be censoring political speech. The voters will do that, as we’ve seen in this most recent election cycle. 

The one in which Donald Trump got beaten like a rented mule. 

Are you mad that the media reports Trump’s lies but not Obama’s? 

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45 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

To answer your question, no... I do not think that social media platforms should be censoring political speech. The voters will do that, as we’ve seen in this most recent election cycle. 

The one in which Donald Trump got beaten like a rented mule. 

Are you mad that the media reports Trump’s lies but not Obama’s? 

So, no backing up your claims. Typical.

It's a sad day in America when the media blatantly chooses sides, even to the point of outright censorship, covering for their "chosen one", and lying (mainly through omission) about their "enemy". Are you mad? Are you even worried about the path the media has taken? You seem to parrot them an awful lot, so I'm guessing not.

Now, can you name some of the Trump lies? Before beginning this feat, you might want to look up the definition of a lie. Please list a few of the ones you feel are most egregious. There is a database somewhere out there that purports to list thousands and thousands of lies. I wouldn't use that database as a reference if I was you. I read some those those "lies" listed, and just had to laugh.

While we are on the subject of "lies", let's discuss your whopper. You claim that Trump lost the election because he "focused" on Hunter Biden, and this prevented him from focusing on other, more relevant issues. Is this a lie? In order for it to be a lie, you have to have known at the time when you stated it that it was not true, and was stated as a means of deception. Any rational person knows this statement is untrue, but did you know it at the time? Did you utter the statement as a means to deceive? I'm going to guess that it wasn't a lie. I think it was meant to deceive yourself, that is, internally rationalize your own flawed thought process. Did you know at the time you wrote the statement it was untrue. Of course you did. If you didn't, then you have a lot more issues to worry about than this message board. 

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8 hours ago, Englebert said:

So, no backing up your claims. Typical.

It's a sad day in America when the media blatantly chooses sides, even to the point of outright censorship, covering for their "chosen one", and lying (mainly through omission) about their "enemy". Are you mad? Are you even worried about the path the media has taken? You seem to parrot them an awful lot, so I'm guessing not.

Now, can you name some of the Trump lies? Before beginning this feat, you might want to look up the definition of a lie. Please list a few of the ones you feel are most egregious. There is a database somewhere out there that purports to list thousands and thousands of lies. I wouldn't use that database as a reference if I was you. I read some those those "lies" listed, and just had to laugh.

While we are on the subject of "lies", let's discuss your whopper. You claim that Trump lost the election because he "focused" on Hunter Biden, and this prevented him from focusing on other, more relevant issues. Is this a lie? In order for it to be a lie, you have to have known at the time when you stated it that it was not true, and was stated as a means of deception. Any rational person knows this statement is untrue, but did you know it at the time? Did you utter the statement as a means to deceive? I'm going to guess that it wasn't a lie. I think it was meant to deceive yourself, that is, internally rationalize your own flawed thought process. Did you know at the time you wrote the statement it was untrue. Of course you did. If you didn't, then you have a lot more issues to worry about than this message board. 

Here’s one for you... do you remember all through 2016 when he was going to “lock her up?” I don’t remember her even being questioned. Do you remember how he was going to “repeal and replace” Obamacare? That didn’t happen. Do you remember how he was going to fix our trade imbalances and put America first? Our trade deficit is worse than ever. Remember that wall that Mexico was going to pay for? Where is it? I’d like to go visit. 
“Oh, but Covid happened” you all cry.  Covid is just the excuse that you use to justify Trump’s failures. 
This is what all of his blind supporters like yourself can’t understand. The guy isn’t a leader. Whenever the opportunity comes to be a leader, he doesn’t know what to do but pass blame. What has he done on Covid? Blame China. That’s about it. Even today, do you hear any plans, any updates? Nope...just blame China. When the nation was in great turmoil during the George Floyd protests, he was nowhere to be found. There were an unlimited number of things he could have said and done, but he chose to talk up a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Scarborough instead. Some leader. I mean, he DID have the photo op at the church in DC... the one where he held the borrowed Bible upside down. 
When it was time to talk about his plans for 2020 and beyond, all he wanted to do was talk about his opponent’s kid.  

Think about it. Zena Stephens ran for sheriff in Jefferson County. Can you imagine if the key point she made during her campaign was to attack her opponent’s child? People would be appalled and offended-much like most people were appalled and offended by Trump’s attacks on Biden’s son.... who (like Hillary) has never been charged with anything.  

But explaining rationale to people with TDS (people who are delusional to the point that they believe Trump was a good President and that he was robbed of a second term) is a complete waste of time and oxygen. 
I think Trump himself said it best:

Y’all are proof that he wasn’t lying about this, anyways. 

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7 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Here’s one for you... do you remember all through 2016 when he was going to “lock her up?” I don’t remember her even being questioned. Do you remember how he was going to “repeal and replace” Obamacare? That didn’t happen. Do you remember how he was going to fix our trade imbalances and put America first? Our trade deficit is worse than ever. Remember that wall that Mexico was going to pay for? Where is it? I’d like to go visit. 
“Oh, but Covid happened” you all cry.  Covid is just the excuse that you use to justify Trump’s failures. 
This is what all of his blind supporters like yourself can’t understand. The guy isn’t a leader. Whenever the opportunity comes to be a leader, he doesn’t know what to do but pass blame. What has he done on Covid? Blame China. That’s about it. Even today, do you hear any plans, any updates? Nope...just blame China. When the nation was in great turmoil during the George Floyd protests, he was nowhere to be found. There were an unlimited number of things he could have said and done, but he chose to talk up a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Scarborough instead. Some leader. I mean, he DID have the photo op at the church in DC... the one where he held the borrowed Bible upside down. 
When it was time to talk about his plans for 2020 and beyond, all he wanted to do was talk about his opponent’s kid.  

Think about it. Zena Stephens ran for sheriff in Jefferson County. Can you imagine if the key point she made during her campaign was to attack her opponent’s child? People would be appalled and offended-much like most people were appalled and offended by Trump’s attacks on Biden’s son.... who (like Hillary) has never been charged with anything.  

But explaining rationale to people with TDS (people who are delusional to the point that they believe Trump was a good President and that he was robbed of a second term) is a complete waste of time and oxygen. 
I think Trump himself said it best:

Y’all are proof that he wasn’t lying about this, anyways. 

You sure waste a lot of time and oxygen explaining your TDS. 😂

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8 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Here’s one for you... do you remember all through 2016 when he was going to “lock her up?” I don’t remember her even being questioned. Do you remember how he was going to “repeal and replace” Obamacare? That didn’t happen. Do you remember how he was going to fix our trade imbalances and put America first? Our trade deficit is worse than ever. Remember that wall that Mexico was going to pay for? Where is it? I’d like to go visit. 
“Oh, but Covid happened” you all cry.  Covid is just the excuse that you use to justify Trump’s failures. 
This is what all of his blind supporters like yourself can’t understand. The guy isn’t a leader. Whenever the opportunity comes to be a leader, he doesn’t know what to do but pass blame. What has he done on Covid? Blame China. That’s about it. Even today, do you hear any plans, any updates? Nope...just blame China. When the nation was in great turmoil during the George Floyd protests, he was nowhere to be found. There were an unlimited number of things he could have said and done, but he chose to talk up a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Scarborough instead. Some leader. I mean, he DID have the photo op at the church in DC... the one where he held the borrowed Bible upside down. 
When it was time to talk about his plans for 2020 and beyond, all he wanted to do was talk about his opponent’s kid.  

Think about it. Zena Stephens ran for sheriff in Jefferson County. Can you imagine if the key point she made during her campaign was to attack her opponent’s child? People would be appalled and offended-much like most people were appalled and offended by Trump’s attacks on Biden’s son.... who (like Hillary) has never been charged with anything.  

But explaining rationale to people with TDS (people who are delusional to the point that they believe Trump was a good President and that he was robbed of a second term) is a complete waste of time and oxygen. 
I think Trump himself said it best:

Y’all are proof that he wasn’t lying about this, anyways. 

It's hilarious that you try to attribute your TDS to Trump supporters. It's really making you look stupid. You used to have some pretty good posts on this forum, but apparently your true intellectual capabilities are shining through.

Revisionist history doesn't serve you well. Trump didn't say he was gonna "Lock her up". That was a chant started at his rallies. He never said he would even go after her. Who is the liar?

He wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare. Couldn't get it done through Congress. Happens to every president.

Every economist I heard talk about trade has said his tariffs were working until Covid hit. Revisionist history again?

You fail to mention any of Trumps accomplishments. You are so laser focused on his "perceived" failures that you assign all weight to those (again, perceived) failures when you evaluate the man. This is textbook behavior, so much so, that rational people gave it name...TDS. And again, hilariously, you pathetically attempt to alter the meaning, even reverse it to apply to people that are not inflicted with the mental disorder. How childish.

Do you remember Operation Warp Speed? Do you remember the Covid task force? Do you remember procuring PPE? Do you remember the new hospitals, floating hospitals, ventilators, masks, so many other things that were accomplished by his leadership when Covid broke out? Do you remember the governors of New York, California, and plenty more thanking Trump for his actions? Of course you don't. Your hatred won't allow you to evaluate the accomplishments, much less even acknowledge them. Rational people can. What would Biden have done? We all know, hide in the basement.

If one of Trump's kid would have been photographed sleeping with a crack pipe in their mouth, thrown out of the military, then scored a high paying job with a foreign company (of which they have no experience in the field), do you think Biden might have mentioned this during his campaign, especially if the media squashed it and social media forbid even discussing it? Do you? Really? Again, TDS is really making you look stupid.

How about you open that closed mind and do a little research on what Trump has accomplished in his four years. Compare that to what other presidents have accomplished. It will be difficult because the media likes to hide that info from its sheeple (you to a tee). But it's probably hopeless now. TDS has rendered you so blinded that you even feel the need to spew your hatred in public, not even realizing how stupid your arguments make you look. I wouldn't count on Biden finding a cure for you. Does the Whitehouse have a basement?



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49 minutes ago, Englebert said:


Revisionist history doesn't serve you well. Trump didn't say he was gonna "Lock her up". That was a chant started at his rallies. He never said he would even go after her. Who is the liar?

He wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare. Couldn't get it done through Congress. Happens to every president.

Every economist I heard talk about trade has said his tariffs were working until Covid hit. Revisionist history again?

You fail to mention any of Trumps accomplishments. You are so laser focused on his "perceived" failures that you assign all weight to those (again, perceived) failures when you evaluate the man. This is textbook behavior, so much so, that rational people gave it name...TDS. And again, hilariously, you pathetically attempt to alter the meaning, even reverse it to apply to people that are not inflicted with the mental disorder. How childish.

Do you remember Operation Warp Speed? Do you remember the Covid task force? Do you remember procuring PPE? Do you remember the new hospitals, floating hospitals, ventilators, masks, so many other things that were accomplished by his leadership when Covid broke out? Do you remember the governors of New York, California, and plenty more thanking Trump for his actions? Of course you don't. Your hatred won't allow you to evaluate the accomplishments, much less even acknowledge them. Rational people can. What would Biden have done? We all know, hide in the basement.

If one of Trump's kid would have been photographed sleeping with a crack pipe in their mouth, thrown out of the military, then scored a high paying job with a foreign company (of which they have no experience in the field), do you think Biden might have mentioned this during his campaign, especially if the media squashed it and social media forbid even discussing it? Do you? Really? Again, TDS is really making you look stupid.

How about you open that closed mind and do a little research on what Trump has accomplished in his four years. Compare that to what other presidents have accomplished. It will be difficult because the media likes to hide that info from its sheeple (you to a tee). But it's probably hopeless now. TDS has rendered you so blinded that you even feel the need to spew your hatred in public, not even realizing how stupid your arguments make you look. I wouldn't count on Biden finding a cure for you. Does the Whitehouse have a basement?



You’re right... he never said this. 

Operation Warp Speed? We weren’t even close to being the first country with a vaccine. 

He did a great job of firing everybody on the Covid task force that wouldn’t go along with his lies, excuse me, “downplaying the seriousness of Covid.” It’s just going to disappear, remember? If not, here you go.

One thing is for certain, though... it’s becoming more and more obvious that the right guy won the election. 

Like I said earlier... the Maga hat is the 2020 version of the vagina hat from ‘16.  Are you gonna go outside and shriek while JB is getting sworn in? How about a rousing, never ending chorus of “HE’S NOT MY PRESIDENT” for the next four years.


Y’all a buncha babies.  


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15 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Lol... that’s funny, because I actually voted for Trump twice. Y’all are the ones acting like that because your Orange daddy got beat up in front of everybody... and won’t stop crying, lol. 

Trump will transition into his 2nd term just fine. Like I said I think your turning Burnt Orange.

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23 minutes ago, Realville said:

Trump will transition into his 2nd term just fine. Like I said I think your turning Burnt Orange.

The only thing that I know for certain is that the Chief Justice will be sweating in Joseph Biden on January 20th, 2021. 

Anybody that believes any different has literally lost their grip on reality.  

I’ll bet it’s gonna be really quiet here on the boards that day, lol. 

I can’t wait. 

Buncha clowns. 

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

You’re right... he never said this. 

Operation Warp Speed? We weren’t even close to being the first country with a vaccine. 

He did a great job of firing everybody on the Covid task force that wouldn’t go along with his lies, excuse me, “downplaying the seriousness of Covid.” It’s just going to disappear, remember? If not, here you go.

One thing is for certain, though... it’s becoming more and more obvious that the right guy won the election. 

Like I said earlier... the Maga hat is the 2020 version of the vagina hat from ‘16.  Are you gonna go outside and shriek while JB is getting sworn in? How about a rousing, never ending chorus of “HE’S NOT MY PRESIDENT” for the next four years.


Y’all a buncha babies.  


You can easily do a search for "Trump won't go after Hillary" and find the information. Maybe you still think Obama claims that marriage is between a man and woman. The media sure has done a number on you.

While you are doing research, search for all of the things the Trump administration accomplished with Operation Warp Speed. And again, what would Biden have done that would have been measurably better? I'm already laughing at you trying to spin this. In probably a year from now, the media will be claiming that Biden deserves credit for eradicating Covid, and I'm sure you will be soaking up that lie just like a good little sheeple.

You are delusional...and it's crystal clear. You witness how others act and try to attribute those action to me. I attribute your own actions/words to you. Have fun in your hate-filled life experiences. Again, maybe Biden will find a cure for your illness.

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5 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

The only thing that I know for certain is that the Chief Justice will be sweating in Joseph Biden on January 20th, 2021. 

Anybody that believes any different has literally lost their grip on reality.  

I’ll bet it’s gonna be really quiet here on the boards that day, lol. 

I can’t wait. 

Buncha clowns. 

You sound mad. Did you get your liwwle fweelings hurt. Instead of feeling hatred, you should be feeling a barrell full of embarrassment. You started a tirade of calling everyone delusional. Instead of proving that, you proved you are the one lost in irrationality.

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Cardinalbacker I am going to cut you some slack an post a video that you should really watch. This happened just a couple of days ago. I think it might change your mindset about Trump an what he’s dealing with right now. I have posted that Trump will get re-elected because I am an optimist that Truth will prevail in this situation. If it doesn’t then it will be a sad day for this country. Not because Trump didn’t get re-elected but because the will of the people was stolen from them. The video is about 39 minutes but it is very informative on what Trumps dealing with right now. Patrick Byrne is a very successful super intelligent guy that just met with Trump. 



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13 hours ago, Realville said:

 If it doesn’t then it will be a sad day for this country. Not because Trump didn’t get re-elected but because the will of the people was stolen from them. 

“The will of the people?” First off, millions more people voted for Biden than Trump. Nobody is even claiming that Trump won the popular vote. I mean, unless that’s what you’re saying. 
The right (including myself) was hoping that Trump could once again win the Presidency with fewer votes than his opponent.  That’s hardly the “will of the people.”  

Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the election and winning new voters in battleground states, he just went scorched earth on his “enemies” and had massive rallies for his loyalists... you know, the ones like yourself who he knows wouldn’t change their vote “even if he shot somebody on fifth avenue.” 
There was an abortion that occurred live on tv that was the caller the first debate. Angry, hateful, completely unlikable. The moderator, the network, Biden’s kid. That’s all we heard about. 
That’s great for firing up the people that were already going to vote for you, but it doesn’t move the needle with the voters that you need... in fact, I’m confident that his behavior actually drove even more people to vote Biden. 
That’s the difference that you all can’t understand. Most Americans hate the guy, as evidenced by every version of polling and vote totals in 2016, 2018, and 2020. But his supporters still consider THEIR votes “the will of the people.” 
Do you mean “the will of the electoral college” was stolen?


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47 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

“The will of the people?” First off, millions more people voted for Biden than Trump. Nobody is even claiming that Trump won the popular vote. I mean, unless that’s what you’re saying. 
The right (including myself) was hoping that Trump could once again win the Presidency with fewer votes than his opponent.  That’s hardly the “will of the people.”  

Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the election and winning new voters in battleground states, he just went scorched earth on his “enemies” and had massive rallies for his loyalists... you know, the ones like yourself who he knows wouldn’t change their vote “even if he shot somebody on fifth avenue.” 
There was an abortion that occurred live on tv that was the caller the first debate. Angry, hateful, completely unlikable. The moderator, the network, Biden’s kid. That’s all we heard about. 
That’s great for firing up the people that were already going to vote for you, but it doesn’t move the needle with the voters that you need... in fact, I’m confident that his behavior actually drove even more people to vote Biden. 
That’s the difference that you all can’t understand. Most Americans hate the guy, as evidenced by every version of polling and vote totals in 2016, 2018, and 2020. But his supporters still consider THEIR votes “the will of the people.” 
Do you mean “the will of the electoral college” was stolen?


I think you need two Jackasses as emotional support animals. Your an example of TDS on steroids. Have a nice day.

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

“The will of the people?” First off, millions more people voted for Biden than Trump. Nobody is even claiming that Trump won the popular vote. I mean, unless that’s what you’re saying. 
The right (including myself) was hoping that Trump could once again win the Presidency with fewer votes than his opponent.  That’s hardly the “will of the people.”  

Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the election and winning new voters in battleground states, he just went scorched earth on his “enemies” and had massive rallies for his loyalists... you know, the ones like yourself who he knows wouldn’t change their vote “even if he shot somebody on fifth avenue.” 
There was an abortion that occurred live on tv that was the caller the first debate. Angry, hateful, completely unlikable. The moderator, the network, Biden’s kid. That’s all we heard about. 
That’s great for firing up the people that were already going to vote for you, but it doesn’t move the needle with the voters that you need... in fact, I’m confident that his behavior actually drove even more people to vote Biden. 
That’s the difference that you all can’t understand. Most Americans hate the guy, as evidenced by every version of polling and vote totals in 2016, 2018, and 2020. But his supporters still consider THEIR votes “the will of the people.” 
Do you mean “the will of the electoral college” was stolen?


Here’s two more clips to help with your TDS.




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