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Repeal or Replace


Repeal Or Replace  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think Republicans should do about Obamacare:

    • Repeal Obamacare only
    • Repeal and replace Obamacare
    • Keep and modify Obamacare
    • Keep Obamacare as is

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2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Since you agree with BlueDove3's statement, why don't you answer my question to him (since he ran from it): Who doesn't get what? Please use your Liberal enlightenment powers to educate us on what we don't get. I bet you run from this question just like he did because your answer will reveal your brilliance.

And I'm seriously thinking about quitting my job just so you will have to pay for my healthcare. If I thought Obamacare would be around for another year I might would try it. I would even thank you for your payments, even though you didn't thank me for mine.

It is ova.(not over) That was the last hoorah. Nice try. We stay winning.

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1 hour ago, texanabroad said:

I am not a Trump defender by any means, but by your standard you have given the man two months to complete his campaign promises. How long did it take for Obama to close down Guantanamo or bring all our troops home from Iraq? If you want to hold one president to those standards, hold them all to that standard.

He said he was going to repeal Obamacare "on day one"


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1 hour ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

I didn't see your question. So, you think unemployed people benefit from Obamacare? Please say I'm misreading your comment. You see, y'all went in focused on the wrong things, banning people and healthcare. I see one common denominator in both of these events. God don't like ugly. That's why yall lost the war of southern aggression. 

You cant shop on the exchange if you dont work. You would have to apply for Medicaid. You have to be a special kind of stupid to hate something you dont fully comprehend. Sigh... 

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14 minutes ago, Big girl said:

He said he was going to repeal Obamacare "on day one"


First off, he can't make or repeal any laws. That is the legislative branches job. He did push the fact, which is trying to keep his promise. It was a poor replacement plan and that is why it failed. Now, will you admit that your other allegations are a bit premature? And if not, does that mean that you also consider Obama a failure for not completing two of his biggest campaign promises?

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2 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

I didn't see your question. So, you think unemployed people benefit from Obamacare? Please say I'm misreading your comment. You see, y'all went in focused on the wrong things, banning people and healthcare. I see one common denominator in both of these events. God don't like ugly. That's why yall lost the war of southern aggression. 

You make me laugh dove, but the north won because manufacturing in New York was way more than the entire south combined 

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4 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

I didn't see your question. So, you think unemployed people benefit from Obamacare? Please say I'm misreading your comment. You see, y'all went in focused on the wrong things, banning people and healthcare. I see one common denominator in both of these events. God don't like ugly. That's why yall lost the war of southern aggression. 

Sorry, I should have given you more time to answer, but I was basing my response on recent history.

And how in the world do you think that trying to keep Americans safe is ugly. That has to be one of the most remarkably and patently false statements ever uttered. Trying to figure out a way to distinguish terrorists from non-terrorists seems ugly to you. Your Liberal mouthpieces are once again filling your brain with utter nonsense.

And the Civil War was started and fought because of Northern oppression. I see you are reading those secret history books again. Can you please show me where I can get a copy, or do you have to be a Liberal to get one? 

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11 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

I didn't see your question. So, you think unemployed people benefit from Obamacare? Please say I'm misreading your comment. You see, y'all went in focused on the wrong things, banning people and healthcare. I see one common denominator in both of these events. God don't like ugly. That's why yall lost the war of southern aggression. 

You cant shop on the exchange if you dont work. You would have to apply for Medicaid. You have to be a special kind of stupid to hate something you dont fully comprehend. Sigh... 

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Imo ACA is so bad, it's not fixable.  Repeal it (which is what really needs to happen) and the Media will blame you for every death for the next four years.  I can hear CBS' Scott Pelley now with their lead story, Today another 6,700 people died because the Republicans repealed Obamacare.   

Heard a democratic congressman on the CBS news earlier in the week say, "They've had 8 years to fix this mess, and haven't come up with a viable plan yet".   I wanted to pause it there and scream, See, you know ACA is a mess.  I'm probably the only conservative that watches it, so I doubt anyone else caught his "confession".

The ACA is the Kobayashi Maru of politics.

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28 minutes ago, REBgp said:

Imo ACA is so bad, it's not fixable.  Repeal it (which is what really needs to happen) and the Media will blame you for every death for the next four years.  I can hear CBS' Scott Pelley now with their lead story, Today another 6,700 people died because the Republicans repealed Obamacare.   

Heard a democratic congressman on the CBS news earlier in the week say, "They've had 8 years to fix this mess, and haven't come up with a viable plan yet".   I wanted to pause it there and scream, See, you know ACA is a mess.  I'm probably the only conservative that watches it, so I doubt anyone else caught his "confession".

The ACA is the Kobayashi Maru of politics.

How many died prior to Obamacare? How many runny noses and headaches went unpaid to emergency centers, yet these are not considered emergencies. Go figure. Didn't Orange have ever to close down their emergency room? Ever wonder why? Does everyone see all the emergency rooms cropping up everywhere?

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Just found a most astute quote on Government Health Care that I'll share with y'all.

One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine.  It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project.

Ronald Reagan

And that was/is the plan for the ACA, to steer the United States to socialism.  The Democratic Party doesn't have a humanitarian bone in its body.  Jmo.

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19 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

can republicans and democrats try improving this bill in order to help hard working Americans, just to see what happens. Or must they satisfy the folks that are paying them off.

How about they acknowledge their ineptitude in running massive Federal programs and just repeal the current monstrosity. They should leave it to the individual States to enact these kind of programs if they so wish. It never was nor never will be the Federal government's job to allocate cradle to grave entitlements.

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16 minutes ago, Englebert said:

How about they acknowledge their ineptitude in running massive Federal programs and just repeal the current monstrosity. They should leave it to the individual States to enact these kind of programs if they so wish. It never was nor never will be the Federal government's job to allocate cradle to grave entitlements.

people with pre-existing medical conditions need the governments help

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34 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

people with pre-existing medical conditions need the governments help

How hard would it be for the government to pass a law on this one subject? They could have it done by tomorrow. Why do we need a whole monstrosity of a doomed government program just for this one issue?

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11 minutes ago, Englebert said:

How hard would it be for the government to pass a law on this one subject? They could have it done by tomorrow. Why do we need a whole monstrosity of a doomed government program just for this one issue?

If its so easy to do, why haven't they done it yet. I will answer this......its because they don't give a ......

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9 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

If its so easy to do, why haven't they done it yet. I will answer this......its because they don't give a ......

You have stated on many occasions that Congress is inept, in it for themselves and don't care about the people. Since you hold this stance, why do you continually advocate for bigger and bigger government? Do you think if the government gets big enough and has enough power, they will somehow magically convert to good up-standing people?

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2 minutes ago, Englebert said:

You have stated on many occasions that Congress is inept, in it for themselves and don't care about the people. Since you hold this stance, why do you continually advocate for bigger and bigger government? Do you think if the government gets big enough and has enough power, they will somehow magically convert to good up-standing people?

Programs like meals on wheels don't affect the government as much as favors for the drug companies and other large companies that pay of our government for favors

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5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

You have stated on many occasions that Congress is inept, in it for themselves and don't care about the people. Since you hold this stance, why do you continually advocate for bigger and bigger government? Do you think if the government gets big enough and has enough power, they will somehow magically convert to good up-standing people?

If giving the elderly a free meal is considered big government, I'm all for it

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