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What a crock. There was nothing wrong with the posts but some people are offended. 

The last time I checked, freedom of speech applied to everyone. While a person can be terminated for speech that is not against the law, there were no racial slurs or any such language in their text.

Some people need to get a life. 


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Let's see, if you say the word racist then you are racist. So I wonder if the person that complained about these comments being racist, makes that person a racist?

In another example listed, a white woman makes fun of a white woman who lied about her race and that is claimed to be racist.

I have also found that apparently only police officers use profanity on private pages on Facebook.


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Ridiculous !  Makes my blood boil.  I've heard and seen enough, to me, offensive dialogue done under the protection of Freedom of Speech to last several lifetimes.  You can look on this Forum and see many of the same opinions expressed, many by me.  The complainers are a prime example of those that will complain about others, doing something they can't, or don't want to do.  Definitely not the kind of folks CBS is referring to on their newscast.  Yes, get a life. 

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I can't say this was racist but it sure was classless and makes you wonder. Freedom of speech yes say what you want its your right but it do and should come with consequences. For a grown man to speak of the firstlady in that language do reflects on his character. some of you guys are the biggest anti Barack people I no Non of you stoop that low.

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I can't say this was racist but it sure was classless and makes you wonder. Freedom of speech yes say what you want its your right but it do and should come with consequences. For a grown man to speak of the firstlady in that language do reflects on his character. some of you guys are the biggest anti Barack people I no Non of you stoop that low.

​Here is the thing about that.....

Is saying Al Sharpton is a race baiter racist?

Is calling the 1st lady a "bi%^&" racist?

Can anyone, regardless of color be called any of those names??

Chief Blanton is a spineless little (see word above) if anything happens to the officers....

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​Here is the thing about that.....

Is saying Al Sharpton is a race baiter racist?

Is calling the 1st lady a "bi%^&" racist?

Can anyone, regardless of color be called any of those names??

Chief Blanton is a spineless little (see word above) if anything happens to the officers....

​Here is the thing about that.....

Is saying Al Sharpton is a race baiter racist?

Is calling the 1st lady a "bi%^&" racist?

Can anyone, regardless of color be called any of those names??

Chief Blanton is a spineless little (see word above) if anything happens to the officers....

Thats the thing racist or not it makes you wonder about the character of this police officer. The firstlady is no politician and affects his life in no way so what beef could he have with her?

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You may be right PF on the Ref to Mrs. O, classless.  Slap his hand & move on.  Shame on the media if they "run with this", and shame on the Chief if he doesn't backup his folks.  That's the drawback to social media.  Say something in the heat of the moment, and hit that enter button, Bam, it's out there forever.  

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Thats the thing racist or not it makes you wonder about the character of this police officer. The firstlady is no politician and affects his life in no way so what beef could he have with her?

​His opinion......Should he not be able to express it?

Let me ask you this.......

I think Obama is a bad President, he has helped divided the races. I think Sharpton and those like him are race baiter, just looking for fame and money. I think taking down the Confederate battle flag at war memorials was wrong. I think cops should be respected and you should do what you are told. I'm not a big fan of rap music......or classical.

So, with that information........Am I a racist?  Could I not be a police officer? What about a Manager that manages all races?

Should I not volunteer at the food bank anymore because of my beliefs? I also volunteered my time for the students of Memorial, I gave them a finance class.....I was planning on doing it again......should I not?

I want honest answers  

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If you was posting the same crap on internet I would say no. Spazzing out on the internet about a woman the firstlady who has no affect on your life shows immaturity shows he can be very petty. He may have woman issues. As a officer plain and simple he should be setting a example not feeding Facebook trolls for likes.

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​His opinion......Should he not be able to express it?

Let me ask you this.......

I think Obama is a bad President, he has helped divided the races. I think Sharpton and those like him are race baiter, just looking for fame and money. I think taking down the Confederate battle flag at war memorials was wrong. I think cops should be respected and you should do what you are told. I'm not a big fan of rap music......or classical.

So, with that information........Am I a racist?  Could I not be a police officer? What about a Manager that manages all races?

Should I not volunteer at the food bank anymore because of my beliefs? I also volunteered my time for the students of Memorial, I gave them a finance class.....I was planning on doing it again......should I not?

I want honest answers  

I think often times people come(jump) to conclusions without educating themselves on the issues.  I would agree with a lot of what you said, but I would also say the respect thing goes both ways with policeman.  It's the arrogant all mightier than now policeman that really make it difficult for the good ones.  I also agree that our country is more divided for whatever reason(I personally think both sides just can't find common ground).  There is never enough dialogue and you can't have a conversation about differences without it becoming personal or just a plain ole argument.  I think people in our country need to have more respect for each other regardless of what sex, religion, race, or whatever.  That seems to be lost in our culture.  We've agreed on some things Hippy and we've disagreed on some things.  I'd have beer with you though (if you drink), I'd probably learn a thing or two.

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I think often times people come(jump) to conclusions without educating themselves on the issues.  I would agree with a lot of what you said, but I would also say the respect thing goes both ways with policeman.  It's the arrogant all mightier than now policeman that really make it difficult for the good ones.  I also agree that our country is more divided for whatever reason(I personally think both sides just can't find common ground).  There is never enough dialogue and you can't have a conversation about differences without it becoming personal or just a plain ole argument.  I think people in our country need to have more respect for each other regardless of what sex, religion, race, or whatever.  That seems to be lost in our culture.  We've agreed on some things Hippy and we've disagreed on some things.  I'd have beer with you though (if you drink), I'd probably learn a thing or two.

I would absolutely have a beer with you.  It's ok to disagree, if everyone agreed on everything it would be such a boring world. I'm sure I would learn things from you.  I think the media, just like in the article above has an agenda and is not reporting fairly......

Maybe it's time to set up a setxsports beer summit

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If you was posting the same crap on internet I would say no. Spazzing out on the internet about a woman the firstlady who has no affect on your life shows immaturity shows he can be very petty. He may have woman issues. As a officer plain and simple he should be setting a example not feeding Facebook trolls for likes.

Kinda funny.......based on your opinion, his post are crap and I'm sure you honestly believe that......but why is your opinion right and his wrong? They are both opinions.....and I agree with all of them but the first lady comment.....honestly I think she would make a better President that her husband......but I am far from Racist..... 

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To many ppl are walking around with chips on their shoulders trying to make anything they can racist. If a person is not racist, this kind of attitude might drive you there.

I would ask y'all to look at this post again.  I've seen quite a few articles and comments about how bad race relations seem to be getting.  Too many are hollering racist (for the attention?) and the media is to quick to make a big deal out of it.  This only drives another wedge between blacks and whites.  

It's not good for the country, and it's not good for all of us.  As always, unless we can get folks, and the media to stop (which isn't going to happen), I don't have a clue what to do about it.  Just be aware, and each of us do what we can as individuals. 

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Kinda funny.......based on your opinion, his post are crap and I'm sure you honestly believe that......but why is your opinion right and his wrong? They are both opinions.....and I agree with all of them but the first lady comment.....honestly I think she would make a better President that her husband......but I am far from Racist..... 

Thats my only concern is the firstlady comments. Just bad taste for any man to swing that low.

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