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The root problem in America is not Obama.


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The root problem in America is not Obama. He is just the most observable symptom of the national disease. The disease is the godless secular humanist evolutionary worldview that took over America and allowed evil men like Obama to rise to power. If the government is changed, the “progressive” Left with their evolutionary worldviews, still will remain well established, and they still will control America. America must return to the biblical worldview of its founders or it has no hope of change for the better.

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The root problem in America is not Obama. He is just the most observable symptom of the national disease. The disease is the godless secular humanist evolutionary worldview that took over America and allowed evil men like Obama to rise to power. If the government is changed, the “progressive” Left with their evolutionary worldviews, still will remain well established, and they still will control America. America must return to the biblical worldview of its founders or it has no hope of change for the better.

This is possibly the best and most factual post ever made on SETXsports.com!!  Great post coach!

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Huh? Factual? It's just one big long opinion.


I agree but liberal leaders can't bear the whole burden of fault. Many of our "conservative" leaders are playing a role too.


Our country is too screwed up for man alone to fix, either party.

Compromising on morals will do that and to your last statement, agreed. Did you read the link

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Sorry bud, but it is a fact. How I feel about HIS opinion is an opinion, but there's no argument that it is in fact an opinion that was posted in the article.

Here's a fact for you, 99.9% of everything written or spewed from mouths is opinion (even writings from your favorite resource wikipedia).  The Holy Bible and websters dictionary are the only two writings that I know to be absolute, but according to agnostics, athiests, muslims, hindus, and believers of other religions that is just my opinion.

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Here's a fact for you, 99.9% of everything written or spewed from mouths is opinion (even writings from your favorite resource wikipedia). The Holy Bible and websters dictionary are the only two writings that I know to be absolute, but according to agnostics, athiests, muslims, hindus, and believers of other religions that is just my opinion.

It's probably been six months or more since I've quoted Wikipedia, so I'm not sure what that's all about, but its mostly full of facts. i have no problem with you accepting what's written in the bible as fact, but this thread was started based on one man's opinion piece based on his interpretation of scripture, not the scripture itself.
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