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IT IS NOW OFFICIAL!! Magee has resigned from Ozen

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Silly comment. From a PN-G guy, I see. Dare I say throwing stones at glass houses?

first you said i was nederland now i am pn-g. you have no clue. please tell me some bad things about pn-g and their glass house.


you are the one who said shady and greedy. i just pointed out shady and greed happens a lot at BISD. so don't blame the coach for doing what everybody else around him is doing.


how does that old saying go? don't hate the player hate the game……  :)

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I would highly doubt it if Coach Babin were to come to Ozen. My pick should be Verrill Young of Memorial! He is the right person for the job! He lead WOS to the State title game in 2000 and was on John Clayton's staff over there and was the head boys track coach! We should be lobbying for Verrill Young to be the head football coach at Ozen!

I dont know much about Verril Young so I wont comment on him. 


Babin on the other hand I think would be interested in the job. He is one of the youngest AD's in the area. His whole career he has been at places where the odds are against him talent and numbers wise. Ozen would give him an opportunity to have those 2 things on his side. He even put a kid on the Willie Ray Smith award finalist list. He knows how to put his players in a position to be successful and brings discipline and toughness to his programs.  

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first you said i was nederland now i am pn-g. you have no clue. please tell me some bad things about pn-g and their glass house.

you are the one who said shady and greedy. i just pointed out shady and greed happens a lot at BISD. so don't blame the coach for doing what everybody else around him is doing.

how does that old saying go? don't hate the player hate the game…… :)

I've lived in Groves for 2 years and knew and know many things about that district. So, I really don't think you want that here. Plus, u know a lot of those kids. Good kids by the way and have formed friendships with some of their fans. So I'll kindly take the higher road and decline to trash them at this time. Nice try though...

By the way, my comment was in reference to the ex coach, not BISD. Simple observation and commin sense could have easily deciphered that. This topic wasn't about BISD.

Have a nice day! B)
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The coach was a son of a gun.  Has been on "leave" for several weeks, the kids have not been working with the weights, and they were not planning any spring training.  He moved his son two weeks ago, and could have let the district know at that time.  Magoo wanted to play 2 and 3A teams so his record would look better.

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its a dang shame, those kids deserve someone better than that. Ozen needs to do some soul searching and getem a  coach quick. The season will be here before you know it. Its a shame they have to go start all over and relearn on both sides of the ball. wish them the best coach searching, curious to see who gets the job. Soulja where ya been phone aint rang in a while im ready for a rant, hollar at me so i can vent lol. :-]

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I would highly doubt it if Coach Babin were to come to Ozen. My pick should be Verrill Young of Memorial! He is the right person for the job! He lead WOS to the State title game in 2000 and was on John Clayton's staff over there and was the head boys track coach! We should be lobbying for Verrill Young to be the head football coach at Ozen!

Young would be a good one too.

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The coach was a son of a gun. Has been on "leave" for several weeks, the kids have not been working with the weights, and they were not planning any spring training. He moved his son two weeks ago, and could have let the district know at that time. Magoo wanted to play 2 and 3A teams so his record would look better.

Magoo Bwahaaaaa that's a good one
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Coach Young would not change Ozen around I played for him....he's too much of a players coach he wouldn't be hard enough on the players excellent track coach and assistant football coach but he's not the guy for this job. We need a guy who's going to bring discipline to the program mainly and can relate to the players. Might not hurt to hire a young guy. I actually think Coach Jones who coached at Westbrook would be a great fit I wonder where he's coaching at now. But I've heard through the grapevine that BISD has pretty much stripped AD Rodney Savaet of his powers when it comes to hiring, the hiring is pretty much in the hands of the the big dogs at BISD.  

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its a dang shame, those kids deserve someone better than that. Ozen needs to do some soul searching and getem a coach quick. The season will be here before you know it. Its a shame they have to go start all over and relearn on both sides of the ball. wish them the best coach searching, curious to see who gets the job. Soulja where ya been phone aint rang in a while im ready for a rant, hollar at me so i can vent lol. :-]

Lol. Ey, I'm all caught into this possible basketball state run. Lol
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Not any and everyone can coach these kids. It's more than just X's & O's, they have to be able to relate to the kids & help them deal with their situation. A lot of single parent house holds where kids police themselves, some not having responsibilities or account ability at home so would have to be taught this. It's socialwork issues as well sometimes and the coaches must have balance and know when to be sinsitive and then stern. Also, the Pear Orchard will not let BISD slipp just anyone in this position again, trust, they will rally if it's not done right this time. Too much talent in the school to just mess over to let other schools look better! SMH
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It's gonna be hard to restore ozen to their playoff years from a few yrs ago when Nelson was there.. When Magee was hired ozen lost good coaches in Taylor (Central), Strange, Douglas (west brook) and a few more coaches whom each left on their own terms b/c of Magee and what they saw in him... These were the coaches who parents knew and kids respected now they are left in the hands of basically Magee flunkies who followed him in from Dallas only to desert them and move to MISSISSIPPI I highly dought he has jobs for em out there.. In order to give ozen any hope they need to go after one of two coaches either YOUNG or even KEVIN GOODWIN both were finalist last yr for head jobs in BMT both had success at WOS and GOODWIN has been a head coach of a playoff team for the last few yes OZENS only chance!!!!!! If not I seen Ozen losing kids by the mass over the next 2 yrs
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Some people may not like this but Ozen needs a coach who will be dependable, committed to being here for several years (not a resume' builder), someone who can relate and be compassionate/caring for these kids future and not just their own! They need a good structured disciplinarian, manager of people and a program, especially if they are not a good X's & O's guy, they have to be able to put the right assistants in place. Ozen currently as of this past year only had about 8 coaches while the other BISD schools had 12 to 14, so this definitely  must change!


I know for a fact that Ozen is loaded with talent and the turn-around process would not be that long. They need a coach who can run multiple offensive sets, utilizing a fullback & tight end sets along with read options and some spread. They don't have a quarterback who will put time into going to camps to be able to read coverages and work on their skill set to become efficient in the spread game. The coach has to be somewhat of a social worker and surrogate father because he will deal with some unusual circumstances from time to time. It's about developing kids as well as the program. Show them consistency, honesty and love and they will jump through walls for you. These kids will be at a disadvantage having a new coach coming in but hopefully he won't change everything and simply add and remove somethings as needed! JMO


Sounds Like Ozen may be ready for me!!!  :)

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Smiles from everyone who's intentions were to see Ozen struggle but the old saying goes, "He who laughs last, has the best laugh!" The program is at an odvious disadvantage but there is light at the end of the tunnle. It's how you handle adversity is what determines a winner not just how pretty a picture looks!
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Smiles from everyone who's intentions were to see Ozen struggle but the old saying goes, "He who laughs last, has the best laugh!" The program is at an odvious disadvantage but there is light at the end of the tunnle. It's how you handle adversity is what determines a winner not just how pretty a picture looks!

I hold Ozen close... I understand a coach up in Missouri Valley College is seriously looking at relocating..... He loves Ozen... recuited 7 players since taking over the recruiting for this area from Ozen.. hes familiar with the kids...knows how to win.    Young and in it for the LONG HALL


Coach Barry Rave ...Hes got my vote   ;)  

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Has this Rave fella ever coached at the high school level?  College coaching looks great and makes admin and committees oooooo and ahhhh....however, coaching at the college level is completely different than coaching at the college level.  Seen it too many times with the college coaches thinking they are going to bring in "the college way of doing things and out coach all those lowly high school coaches."  About mid way through the season, the teachers have eaten them up, eligibility and the paperwork for eligibility is done wrong if done at all....you don't get to pick your players, gotta play with what you are dealt.  I have coached at both levels and I can tell you without hesitation, 80% of college coaches would not make it at the high school level.

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