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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from smitty in Vaccines, Values, and Atheist Free Riders   
  2. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Uncle Pig in SFA sign day   
    Axe Em!
  3. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PNGFan in ISIS   
    King of Jordan has balls, our King doesn't!!!
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to bullets13 in NYC Homelessness At All Time High Under obama, de blasio!   
    I'm not completely against welfare like some on here, but it's really hard to get behind helping someone who's brought that many children into the world without the means to take care of even one of them.
  5. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to CRUSHCOACH in NYC Homelessness At All Time High Under obama, de blasio!   
    OMG ! The woman has 12 kids and can't afford to have one ! Seems like someone should have thought about all of this before having 12 dam kids !
  6. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to EnlightenedMessiah in By Definition - Shouldn't Conservatives Be Pro Pot Legalization?   
    Legal system now is set up to arrest as many people as possible to collect revenues via fines/court costs/probation so police departments can get some damn tanks and sniper rifles to "protect us from terrorists".

    Such a joke.

  7. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from EnlightenedMessiah in By Definition - Shouldn't Conservatives Be Pro Pot Legalization?   
    I'd vote for it....the billions saved in the "war on drugs" could better be spent elsewhere.......
  8. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from smitty in By Definition - Shouldn't Conservatives Be Pro Pot Legalization?   
    Real conservatives say leave the issue up to the states......
  9. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Who's This Mythical "True Republican" I Keep Hearing About?   
    Well, there are 49 other states to choose from...myself, I like it here.
  10. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Texas Muslims   
    Wrong. I'm not going to let any group or faction politically correct their way into power while silencing me by saying they have some inalienable right not to be offended. Big Girl, you just offended me so shut up. How's that?

    Never try and silence me from speaking my mind. I have every right as the Muslims to voice what I think.

    First and foremost, someone has to prove to me that they are an American citizen. If they are not, our laws and our rights which Americans have died for do not apply to them. Pretty simple really.
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Texas Muslims   
    I have no problem with folks practicing whatever they want but you cant come to America which was founded on certain principles and laws and try to make us convert to your laws are way of life. If you like sharia laws one should either stay where they have them or move to where they have them. We have heard it time and again that the goals of the muslims is to implement their laws in this country. Keep your head on a swivell or it may end up rolling around on the floor and always remember to lock and load!
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Texas Muslims   
    I hope they were offended. Political correctness takes away your 1st amendment right to freedom of speech.
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 77 in Texas Muslims   
    this group is able to recognize the enemy inside our gates and spoke out about it....kudos to the protesters AND to the state rep who recognizes an enemy when she sees one......
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 77 in Rehaticans   
    As far as the title of this thread, you see more hate and vitriol coming from liberals than you do coming from republicans and conservatives.........it's like all these pinko lefty hate everything and everybody........comes from not having God in their lives if you ask me..... 
  15. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Texas Responsible for Entirety of US Net Job Growth Since 2007   
    Now, if we could just lure the arms and ammo manufacturers here I would be very pleased. Texas can't be copied. We are unique.

    I love Texas. If some of you don't, I suggest I-10.
  16. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to EnlightenedMessiah in bang   
    True "small government" republicans will not get air play on fox. Mainstream republicans arent small government except for the programs they oppose.
  17. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to LumRaiderFan in bang   
    The true conservative answer to these problems is to realize the fed gov has no role in these areas...it should not fund excellence and it should not fund mediocrity.
    Too many so called conservatives still believe the fed gov should be involved in powers not granted to it in the Constitution and for good reason...it was intended to be handled by the states.
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to ParDreamer in Mercy Rule?   
    They had a shot clock ,  he quit pressing after one.  Starters never set foot on court after first Quarter.  WHINE  WHINE WHINE.  I heard an old coach say one time "I don't get paid to make your team better".
  19. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to tvc184 in Isolated incident or assassination attempt blunder?   
    Biden should have just gotten his double barrel shotgun and fired it in the air like he suggested that everyone else do. No need for more powerful weapons or the Secret Service. 
    ......... or maybe that is what he was doing. 
  20. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from smitty in In the Steps of the Savior: Jesus, John, and Baptism   
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from smitty in Free Community College   
    The problem with this is that I'm sure there are plenty of the establishment liberal republicans ready to get behind this so they can look good to the lapdog media........if we don't keep on their butts about it, it will pass.....
  22. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to smitty in Free Community College   
    Bold part above, I couldn't agree with this more.  But -- the difference between a liberal and conservative, is that we believe People should help People and NOT laying it off on the government through forceable confiscatory tax rates.  Just think about it:  Which one makes more sense?
  23. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to smitty in I Hope All 3 Runs...   
    The last staunch conservative to run, Ronald Reagan, destroyed a sitting President and then beat an ex-Vice President  -- a northern liberal, 49 states to 1.  Bush was semi-conservative but won.  Dole, McCain, and Romney were NOT conservative and lost.   Heck, Romney couldn't beat the worst President in history.  Give the people a clear, conservative message like Reagan did and you win.  Remember, Reagan said, "government is NOT the solution to our problem; government IS the problem." 
    If people were really honest, how could one disagree with this?  Other than the military, what does the feds do right?  Every agency is bankrupt.  We are running an 18 TRILLION dollar debt.  It can not be sustained!!

  24. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to tvc184 in House votes to overturn Obama's Immigration Executive Order   
    I know that you probably missed it but the mid-terms were back in November. I can post the results if you need. 
    Wow! The Republicans are against illegal immigration. I am sure that most people are as shocked as I am. 
    The Republicans will gain no support if they sit back and do nothing. I don't see any significant percentage of Hispanic voters swinging over to the Republicans if they simply allow the (illegal) executive order to stand. I can envision much more grass roots supports for candidates that back the conservative Republicans or in other words, the ones that have stayed away from the polls under such statements as, "They are all the same anyway". 
    Winning the majority in a big way in the last election will mean nothing if the party simply takes that huge lead and then acts by doing nothing, which is coincidentally what we got from the Democrats for the last 6 years. 
  25. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in I Hope All 3 Runs...   
    A true conservative will clean her clock......moderates like Dole, Romney, and McCain are losers because conservatives won't get behind them and vote for them...we go third party or sit at home......until the republicans finally decide to put a REAL CONSERVATIVE on the ballot, they will reap the benefits of another Reaganesque landslide.......
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