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Everything posted by gary-us-bonds

  1. The band did a nice job at the game against LaPorte. The LaPorte side gave them a standing ovation. I was entertained as well. I have a question that's been bugging me for years though. What's the name of the song that causes the fans to pull out their umbrellas, put them over their head and start spinning them around?? That never fails to get me pumped up.
  2. I thought maybe his family just moved????? Hey, I'm not complaining. Like I said, I've never seen him before, but he went from not even being on the team to being our best linebacker. Played the whole game against North Shore and did quite well.
  3. Missed too mnany wide open passes early that could have put big mo on PAM's side. Then Davon Brown went down and that was all she wrote. Not sure why PAM was going for 2 every time. they would cut a 28 point lead to 22, then go for 2. What's the point. Also, they never once tried an onside kick. Then they punnted the ball, down 29, with 5 minutes left... Why? Miracles sometimes happen. Why punt?
  4. WB looked good out there today, particularly once they came to the realiztion that they are a running team. They need to pound, pound, pound the ball, then pound a little bit more. The Bruins' qb can make a few passes here and there, but dn't ask him to do much more than that. Just keep pounding the ball and you might be able to work something in this playoff run. Memorial surprised me. they had some pretty fast guys. WB got a little lucky that Adamek or whatever his name got hurt and didn't come back in. I think it would have come down to the end had he stayed in at qb.
  5. What can you tell me about this Rakim Cleveland guy that moved to Baytown? He just moved in and started and played the whole game for Lee against North Shore.
  6. Well Lee gave it all they had out there tonight. Moses was hobbling around and barely able to pick himself up at the end of the night. NS was punishing him on every throw. Lee just couldn't make the plays when they needed to...had 1st and goal at the 7, down by 3 in the first overtime, td wins the game. Just couldnt punch it in...
  7. lol North Shore has been struggling lately. They were tied at the half 3-3 with Pasadena Memorial. Pasadena Memorial only beat Sterling 14-13. I don't think it will be easy, but North Shore isn't unbeatable by any stretch. And if you think our football team's in trouble, wait til yu see our basketball team lol I think we were 5-27 last year and 1-13 in district.
  8. Not only does this guy rewrite the record books, he rewrites the articles for the Nederland paper too you're tellin me?...this guy's unbelievable.
  9. Might as well put the game at LaPorte. Is this supposed to be a neutral site? lol Deer Park stadium can't be more than 5 or 6 miles from LaPorte high school. That's a 10 minute drive for LP and 100 minutes for PAM. They should have tried to put it in Baytown somehow. At least that would cut down the PAM drive by 25 minutes or so and be about the most neutral site you could get with a respectable stadium. Oh well, I'll still probably go watch and root on PAM. Gotta make the district look good. Hopefully Lee pulls out the win Firday, so I won't be too depressed to go Saturday
  10. The sooner they realize Michael is their best running back, the better off they will be. That guy is like a Leeland Mcelroy clone. They need to get the ball in his hands as often as possible. The other back is pretty good, but Michael is a star waiting to happen.
  11. They must be rioting and burning the press box after the Falcons hit the game winning td.
  12. I wish I woulda went to this game. Are they playing in BMT or Cview?
  13. I'm not going to sit here and say the Falcons are a powerhouse, but they looked pretty solid against Lee. If they had any sort of offensive line they would have a really good offense. McNorten is a really good running back, very shifty. The quarterback is adequate, they have some pretty good receivers. With any pass protection, they'd be really tough to stop.
  14. If Vince Young had gone to Dayton, they would have at least 2, possibly 3, straight state championships. I just shudder tothink about what Vince could have done with any sort of a disciplined, tough team around him. Those HISD schools.....I mean go look at Madison this year. Then try to think about that ragtag bunch adding one player and being within a few points of being the best in the state. It boggled the mind how much better Vince made them. Without Vince, Katy would have laid the hammer down on Madison early in the playoffs to the tune of about 35-7 probably. You heard the same bs about Pierre Beasley too lol This kid from Dayton is probably more along those lines. Probably more like Carlyle Holiday. It just gets old trying to fight off some homers saying they have the next Vince Young. Jerrod Johnson is the same thing. He can't hold Vince's jock, but I'd be willing to bet Jerrod is just as good as this Green kid is.
  15. Michael for West Brook #33... Running back, and I am almost certain he's a 10th grader. He looks like the next coming of Leeland McElroy. He should be starting as he is by far their best back...and the starter is darn good too.
  16. The score doesn't even truly reflect the type of hammering Humble put on WB. I thought for sure WB would roll in this one. Humble could have just as easily won this one 56-7; they totally dominated from jump street.
  17. West Brook will win this one easily. Something along the lines of 37-14 I would guess
  18. In 8 games, PAM has scored more than 34 two times. They have a nice offense, but they make too many mistakes. They will turn it over at least 4 times probably. Lee held them to 27, with 7 of those coming on a last minute drive to win the game. Lee's defense stinks pretty much. Valcin is really good, but the others just get their yards because they pass so much. Could PAM score 50? Yeah there's a chance, but there's also a chance they score 20, if they fumble it around like they're known to do.
  19. You're right that Sterling could surprise PAM, particularly if PAM makes mistakes. I don't think Sterling will be able to do much to stop PAM's passing game though. Sterling's pass defense is their weakness. I'd be more inclined to believe that Sterling may upset Kingwood
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