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Everything posted by mat

  1. The recent bond included quite a bit of money for stadium improvements
  2. Does anyone think GSP should be concidered for PFP best fighter? Just wondering
  3. Thanks for finally clearing up your status. You should have done it long ago. It seems to me your biggest opposition is the tax increase and as I and others have stated, that is a legitimate stance. JMO No one, as you claim, has ever said that life can not go on with out a bond. They only claim that it is needed.
  4. He won't answer [/q You've challenged many on this board and their motives and credability but you refuse to answer the one single question directed at you. It appears that you are just having fun with this and its sad that you continue to try to break down Nederland's educational progress when you don't even have a dog in the hunt.
  5. How are they buying their way to a championship? They might have bought some players lately but it hasn't worked LOL. Even I know that. If they were buying championships they would only have a loss or two this season and not be 6-6 and just gotten beat 22-4. Can't argue with that. If they ever win another championship (lol) it won't be as impressive from a "money's no object" team. I'm not a big Marlin fan either but I am very impressed with their success so far and with a minimal payroll.
  6. I didn't see the fight but everything I've read said it was a big disapointment. Also time for Chuck to hang it up?
  7. I don't have much against the Yankees but I hate to see any team buy there way to a championship. Kinda takes the game out of it.
  8. I'm very impressed with the one year turn around WOS has had. Congrats on the improvements and keep up the good work.
  9. I'd love to see Faber in the UFC but Penn may not have the belt by then. He needs to hurry.
  10. In the last few years I think LCM, Vidor and Lumberton had bonds vote down. Bonds passed; PA, PNG, WOC, BMT, Orangefield, HJ, Deweyville, BC and I'm sure others I've forgotten. I'm going off memory and apologize if any of this info is incorrect.
  11. You continue to discredit those with first hand experience with a "bias" label. Your "unbiased" definition appears to be an opinion of those that may be the least knowledgeable. I respectfully ask; who much time and effort have you personally spent really access the need of the district? Agenda? Whats wrong with an agenda to improve school facilities, reduce utilities, improve technology, etc... and yes, improve athletic facilities. I also ask; are you a Nederland tax payer? Just wondering and on disrespect intended. Not clear. In your attempt to educate you failed to explain the other side of the coin. Biased can be someone that does not want their taxes to go up no matter what the need or benefit and tries to discredit those who may have some involved insight. (By the way, I totally understand and respect the statement that someone doesn't want or can't afford a tax increase but not at the experience of discrediting others) So who needs the education? By not answering the question about being a Nederland tax payer I will assume your not and you really just enjoy a good debate. ;D ;D Yes Also a fan of other area schools Also a fan of educational improvent
  12. Record breaking last quarter surge to end half game out of wildcard spot. 8)
  13. You continue to discredit those with first hand experience with a "bias" label. Your "unbiased" definition appears to be an opinion of those that may be the least knowledgeable. I respectfully ask; who much time and effort have you personally spent really access the need of the district? Agenda? Whats wrong with an agenda to improve school facilities, reduce utilities, improve technology, etc... and yes, improve athletic facilities. I also ask; are you a Nederland tax payer? Just wondering and on disrespect intended. Not clear. In your attempt to educate you failed to explain the other side of the coin. Biased can be someone that does not want their taxes to go up no matter what the need or benefit and tries to discredit those who may have some involved insight. (By the way, I totally understand and respect the statement that someone doesn't want or can't afford a tax increase but not at the experience of discrediting others) So who needs the education? By not answering the question about being a Nederland tax payer I will assume your not and you really just enjoy a good debate. ;D ;D
  14. You continue to discredit those with first hand experience with a "bias" label. Your "unbiased" definition appears to be an opinion of those that may be the least knowledgeable. I respectfully ask; who much time and effort have you personally spent really access the need of the district? Agenda? Whats wrong with an agenda to improve school facilities, reduce utilities, improve technology, etc... and yes, improve athletic facilities. I also ask; are you a Nederland tax payer? Just wondering and on disrespect intended.
  15. I don't claim to know the athletic/stadium needs. But on the lighter side; Am I the only one that finds it extremely ironic that there is so much opposition to turf and stadium improvements on this sports site/football thread? ;D
  16. Is it so hard for you to comprehend people that actually have the kids interest first? Does anyone that makes that statement have to have an ulterior motive? ??? ???
  17. I agree. Kudos for making it happen with limited resources
  18. First I would like to commend you on your effort to improve your district and your commitment to serve on the bond committee. There is a lot more time and effort involved than most people think. I also think you have done a very good job of presenting the facts and representing your position. I equally appreciate those who differ because their opinions/votes also matter as long as they are informed opinions. Now, if it appears the stadium and turf improvements could cause the bond to fail, the committee may want to concider separating those items and having two bond proposals to vote for. WOC had to split their bond request because of opposition to turf. In the end their bond passed by a slim margin and the turf bond failed. If they had not separated it the bond would probably have failed. Good luck on a successful bond campain because the students deserve it.
  19. There are some claims that artificial turf holds Staph, possibly from players and treatment is recommended. A more recent study claimed the problem is not nearly the concern as once thought. Artificial turfs are not maintenance free. The biggest advantage, as stated earlier, is the versatility to accommodate a lot of activity without wear. The cost is about $900,000 - $1,000,000 with a $600,000 replacement recommended after ten years. The numbers can be manipulated but in most cases its hard to say its cheaper than natural grass turfs.
  20. I really appreciate a GOOD natural turf.
  21. Great info There have been other close WOS games that could have gone the other way but they never do. They certainly have the edge even in close games. Can't agrue the history.
  22. True A lot of schools have talent walking their halls. Programs have to attract the talent and then know how to get the most out of them. Maybe it's the WOS program that attracts the athletes.
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