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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Yeah. I predict a win unless we lose, then I predict a loss.
  2. That is exactly what Nederland did. They made their team better by letting other players get experience in a varsity game. There is no point putting up points once you know you are going to win and up by 7 touchdowns.
  3. Lumberton probably won't be able to contain Central's speed either.
  4. I predict that four teams will make the playoffs and LCM will not be one of them.
  5. Bright line rule? Discretionary act as opposed to a rule? Constitutional grounds? Test case? Issue must be ripe? LOL... sounds like a defense attorney trying to make closing arguments or grounds for an appeal to the 5th Circuit. You can call it anything you wish. It is within the perogative of the school officials to make and enforce. If you want to call that a discretionary act instead of a rule then do so. You are arguing sematics though. Either way, the officials are totally within their rights to do what was done.
  6. You're kidding right? There is no democracy in school rules. The principal doesn't have to take a vote of students or parents to make rules. He/she doesn't even need to go to the school board. There are no checks and balances. This in not the US government as laid out in the Constitution. The students can file a grievance to see if the principal or her superior (superintendent) will overturn her rules.
  7. ..........but PNG needs to get it together real soon. Like before next Friday night.
  8. With the way teams are beating each other, I don't see how anyone (except LCM) is out of it. A team might have two losses and at least tie for the district title.
  9. Oh yes... kick us while were down.... real classy.... Geez... give me a break.
  10. Big game for Lumberton. They still control their own destiny for the district title.
  11. The field sure is beautiful.... except for those purple end zones. It really is a great looking field though. Livingston looked pretty fast on it also.
  12. Because they are people. I have noticed some fans from every team say some kind of wild things on here. Each team has hundreds if not thousands of fans and half a dozen of them are nut cases (or just immature or goofy) that get on the internet. I don't see where any team has cornered the market on stupid posts. It all makes for interesting debates/arguments and makes this one of the most popular sites in Texas. We thank you for your support.
  13. I guess, what I meant to say was that I think Vidor will be a playoff team this year, therefore "spoiling it" for one of the other teams that is counting on being one of the four teams..... such as Lumberton, or maybe Central. But I do agree... it is really too early to say. Therein lies the problem with forums. You can't always tell what someone is thinking by the way they wrote it. They need voice inflections on here so we can hear the tone of voice. On the other hand... maybe we don't.
  14. If it was a perfect world, there would be no need for rules. Restraining order? Get real. The word of a person in charge is all that is needed lawfully. A person has no right to demand to stay on someone elses property short of a court order. Discrimination? No such thing in state criminal law. You can file a lawsuit if you wish at a later date if you feel that it was a civil rights violation. This argument is getting pretty far off on a tangent. It is not rocket science. The person(s) in charge of any premises have the right for whatever reason to control that property. In addition, school officials have control over students at their venue and set the rules that the official(s) wants. Rules can be written beforehand or given at that particular moment. It is no different than being on the job. The boss/supervisor/owner can make rules up as they go. It is still a rule. The school officials are completely within their right to control their property as they see fit. To that extent they can make up the rules on the fly. If someone doesn't wish to comply, they can leave the property or be forced off of it at the discretion of the person(s) in charge. There is nothing that the person can do at that point to change the situation. It is entirely based on the wishes of the person(s) in charge of that property at that moment. Now that the legal stuff is out of the way.................. As I have said, kids that are painted and with no shirts don't bother me. To some extent, it can be great stuff. There is however a way to protest it and try to get it changed and that is not by breaking the rules, written or oral, known beforehand or made up at the moment. File a complaint with the principal, go to the school board, get a petition drive, have the news media do a story on it, file a lawsuit (good luck with that one) or all of the above. Breaking rules and say that they are standing up for a right or what's right is not the answer.
  15. Well when you take into consideration that more than half of the district will get into the playoffs, it ain't that big of an accomplishment. Winning district or runner up is the only thing to boast anymore. And as far as most are concerned the playoffs don't really start now until after bi-district. You are correct but I was only responding to the "spoiler" statement made by KHS. A team isn't a spoiler if they make the playoffs themselves and I thought it was a bit premature to cut Vidor out of the hunt for a spot.
  16. LOL.... I am calm. It takes more than your opinion to get me excited. .... and in this case, you are wrong again. A person can buy a ticket and be arrested for trespassing the moment they walk through the gate or even standing in line to get the ticket. A football ticket doesn't override state law.
  17. i truly believe that central will pull through against nederland, call it gut instinct, but i think it will be central sittin on top of 20-4a this year That doesn't seem that far fetched. Central has had Nederland's number a couple of times in the past when I thought Nederland would have won. It seems like they save their best game of the year for the Bulldogs.
  18. I think that Vidor may be more than a spoiler and go ahead and make the playoffs themselves.
  19. Interesting perspective. If it was my kid and the pricipal told him to put his shirt on, and he didn't, he wouldn't have to worry about the school consequences. You are correct and I think the lack of what you are talking about is part of the problem. It doesn't matter if the principal made a bad decision or was making a mountain out of anything. When the person in charges makes a decision, then that is the law, the rules or whatever you want to call it. It is not a democratic process.
  20. Sure there is a rule. A school official walked up and told the students to cover up. They have that authority on their property. The school officials can go as far as having offenders arrested for trespassing if they fail to leave when asked. I have seen that in person. I don't see a problem with no shirts and think the principal is being too strict but when told to comply or leave, the students made their choice. How much of a rule do you need? schools are funded with tax money, making them public property you can't arrest someone for trespassing at an event in which they have paid for a ticket.... sorry tvc, but you're wrong on this 1 Gee, I'm wrong? Silly me. How do I know anything about the law? Sorry Vidor Pirate, not only can you be arrested for trespassing on school grounds, there is a special law just for that. TEXAS EDUCATION CODE § 37.107. TRESPASS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. An unauthorized person who trespasses on the grounds of any school district of this state commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. I've seen several people, including students from that particular school, arrested for trespassing on your "public property".
  21. All rules are subjective to the rule maker's opinion. That goes whether they are written or oral. Oral rules are still rules. If they were kicked out without a warning for something that was previously acceptable then they would have a valid complaint. When a person in charge tells you something, then that is the rule in that situation. It is not open for debate if the person in charge doesn't want to. These kids were not standing up for a principle. They were openly violating a rule that was told to them and then they were given a chance to comply without penalty. They chose to knowingly ignore the rule and then got penalized. Go figure.
  22. Why not? You can't schedule all of the games home/away/home/away. Nederland plays 7 district games and 4 are on the road this year. Next year 4 games in district will be at home. As Walter Cronkite used to say, "And that's the way it is".
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