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    77 reacted to BS Wildcats in When You Think Hillarious Clintonista Can't Say Anything Dumber Than She Has...   
    How many different groups is she going to blame?  Why not take a look in the mirror?  It would surely tell her that Trump is the fairest of all.
  2. Like
    77 reacted to BS Wildcats in And The Oscars Go To...   
    I would argue the best actor should go to obama for his portrayal of an American president.
  3. Like
    77 reacted to Reagan in And The Oscars Go To...   
  4. Like
    77 reacted to stevenash in MAGA!   
    Ah, yes.  This results from the "groundwork" laid by Mr. Obama.
  5. Like
    77 reacted to Reagan in FBI To Investigate The Clinton Crime Family Foundation!   

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    77 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Minimum Wage Hike Is Killing Jobs in This Arizona City   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up But, but, but, I was so sure it would work this time.
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    77 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Illegal immigrants with sex, robbery convictions among those who evaded capture after Dem mayor's warning   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Wasn't sure whether to post this under "Dems should be so proud" or "Just a little thought on the goofiness of liberals".
    Decided to give it it's own thread.
  8. Like
    77 reacted to jv_coach in what if auto garages worked like public schools.   
    What If Auto Garages Worked Like Public Schools?
    We don't force kids to go to mechanic school, so why do we force them to go to teacher school? This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up   by  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up
                Imagine a world in which all kids were sent to auto mechanic school for the first few decades of life.
    Some percentage of them, those destined for a future with cars and mechanical problems, would love it. It’d be a great fit for them. They’d spend their time focused on the skills they enjoy and that will bring them value in their careers as mechanics.
    For most, it would be wasteful and annoying. They’d spend years and years being prodded into memorizing and repeating facts and tasks that they don’t care much for and that bear no resemblance to what they’ll do for a career.
    Of course, those who grow up to be mechanics would think the whole system is great. They’d be genuinely baffled by people who dislike it or think it should be skipped or scrapped. They’d go on about how valuable all of the skills and habits gained in the system are for life.
    You don’t have to imagine an educational system like that because we already have it.
    Instead of mechanic school, it’s teacher school. And college is professor school.
    Public School Is Teacher School
    It’s no surprise that it’s such an epic waste for most people.
    The entire system, top to bottom, is designed by and for teachers. All the things learned and methods of learning are valuable nowhere in any part of the real world except in the academic professions. The most effective learning happens just from being around things and being in an incentive structure that rewards certain behaviors. School means you spend all your time around educators (and none of it around any other real-world professions) and in an incentive system that rewards things they like. So that’s exactly what you learn; how to live like an academic. As I’ve described elsewhere, 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up . It’s no surprise then that teachers and professors are baffled by people who complain about the fluorescently-lit hell of classroom-cramming and credential-chasing. They loved the whole experience, and it taught them all the stuff they needed to succeed in their careers as academics and educators. It’s also no surprise that it’s such an epic, colossal waste for most people who want to enter other parts of the vast job market.
    There’s nothing bad about auto mechanic school. But it’s easy to spot the absurdity of forcing every person to spend 12 or 16 or 20 years in it and telling them it will be valuable no matter their interests, goals, or future career. It’s no less absurd to do what we currently do and force everyone to go to professor school for most of their young lives.
  9. Like
    77 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Hollywood   
    Somebody’s chickens are coming home to roost.
  10. Like
    77 reacted to stevenash in So very well expressed   
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    77 got a reaction from jv_coach in Post here if you are a member of the NRA   
    NRA- Dilly Dilly!
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    77 reacted to Reagan in ISIS Training Class   
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    77 reacted to Reagan in Just A Little Thought On The Goofiness Of Liberals   
    As is if we needed any more evidence!  But think about this:  Liberals always say George W. Bush is an idiot.  BUT -- then in the same breath liberals say he was the architect of 9-11.  Amazing how they can't put 2 and 2 together!
  14. Like
    77 reacted to stevenash in Trump Tax Plan   
    How did your insurance costs do under the previous administration?
  15. Like
    77 reacted to baddog in Trump is so Stupid   
    He should have kept this country with open borders, then we could all enjoy no-go zones. What say ye leftys? 
    Angela Merkel admits that 'no-go zones' exist in Germany
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    77 reacted to PhatMack19 in Dems Should Be So Proud   
    Democrats - Making America Racist Again! 
    Chuck Schumer votes against South Carolina federal judge nominee because he's white
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    77 got a reaction from Hagar in Californians   
    they created this utopia they should live with it are clean it all up! idiots are defiantly running Cali!
  18. Like
    77 reacted to baddog in Californians   
    Are a bunch of two-faced low lifes. They protect CRIMINAL ILLEGAL aliens from deportation, yet the real Americans who may have fallen on hard times, get evicted from their tent cities. I know, homelessness is a huge problem and trash has to be collected, but passing legislation in order to EVICT......WTF is the difference?

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    77 reacted to jkbtjc53 in Worst facilities in the area?   
    All of WOS’s facilities are 20 years outdated. But I think coach T likes it like that, keeps the hard work mentality going.
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    77 reacted to LCMAlumtiger32 in Worst facilities in the area?   
    WOS probably has one of the largest 4ll stadiums in the state I’d imagine. 
  21. Like
    77 reacted to Reagan in Florida Shootings   
    In the Florida shooting -- it's amazing how the government failed and the NRA gets the blame!  SMH!!
  22. Like
    77 reacted to Reagan in Feinstein to Conservative ?   
    When a far left commie isn't good enough for you, then you know you may have gone beyond the point of no return!
  23. Like
    77 reacted to PhatMack19 in Gun Control   
    The majority of our military is under 25.  They can go die for our country, but wouldn’t be able to buy a gun.  Makes no sense. 
  24. Like
    77 reacted to baddog in Gun Control   
    Although he is right about the bullet velocity, it makes no difference as to whether or not you can take him out with the "slow" .45. I assure you he cannot sidestep that round. Terrible argument drummed up by the left.
  25. Like
    77 reacted to Englebert in Does Rosie know she is a snowflake?   
    I'm not a gun control advocate, but I would love to get my hands on the list of people that actually purchased one of these shirts. This list is an example of mentally disturbed people not fit to own a firearm...or vote...or even be a part of a civilized society:

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This will take very, very little imagination, but imagine how the media would react if a GOP supporter was propagating things like this about Obama. No wonder the Left has disappeared from this site. How can anyone defend the actions of their fellow cohorts? But somehow, somewhere, many Liberals are still out there in their safe space spouting that Obama was treated badly as president, while simply ignoring the mountains of contradictory evidence piled right in front of their face.
    Would anyone care to buy one of these?
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