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Everything posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. Unpopular opinion but these morons make me wish we had some Dubya or Obama types back in office Make America Normal Again
  2. Let me guess.. Fox News is the exception here, after all, they are “fair and balanced” and would never lie for rating$
  3. I was on board with DeSantis a year or so ago but his culture warrior nonsense and abortion stance made it a non-starter. It’s too bad. Instead we get battle of the 80 year olds, round 2. Yay 😵‍💫
  4. Stick it to em brother! Show these big bad corporations who’s boss
  5. Pro business, pro job creation crowd at work folks. Truly the most patriotic patriots
  6. Obvious point being that redhatters are clearly the dumbest group of voters, ever
  7. Didn’t even get to the article before seeing this obvious scam and grift lol. Man these people must think redhatters are the ultimate suckers (oh wait, they are) Donate your money folks! Own the libs! Oh god there’s a “save our great nation” part at the end, LOL They canceled Tucker, now they’re coming for us… but you can fight back. Cancel Fox Nation and instead click here to subscribe to Revolver. Or give the gift of Revolver—simply select the annual subscription and select “This is a gift” on the next page. If you want to give extra during this critical time, you can make a one-time or recurring monthly donation — whether it’s $1 or $1,000, every bit goes towards the battle to save our great nation.
  8. @ redhatters WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Republicans have been awarded their very first Emmy award for outstanding performance in acting like runaway government spending makes them sad. "I'm so humbled to be receiving this prestigious award," said a giddy Kevin McCarthy, holding the golden statue aloft. "This award belongs to all of us--every Republican who has gone on Fox News to complain about the national debt or give impassioned C-Span speeches to an empty House floor to convince the American people they care about this stuff, your acting really paid off." "Lastly, I would like to thank God, who gave me such great acting ability." McCarthy then shed a single real tear without even faking. Sources say the national debt is now over $31 trillion and still climbing, as it has under Republican and Democrat administrations for decades. Economics experts are hoping the debt will continue to climb uninhibited until money and numbers are meaningless and we're all futuristic space communists who don't use money, like in Star Trek. [Hidden Content]
  9. My thoughts - you should stop talking to yourself in this dead topic lol
  10. That’s you projecting that I’m boasting about how much money I make, when I’m simply pointing out how most redhatters are generally broke and/or highly uneducated I believe only bullets13 knows what I do for a living
  11. Poor red hatter brain can’t fathom other people being successful. Guess that’s why you’re a broke red hatter
  12. So you admit the WNBA product sucks, but couldn’t help yourself with the “go woke, go broke” line? What gives? > The WNBA isn’t losing money because of any agenda. It is losing millions of dollars because it just is not exciting to 99.5% of the public Just looking to ramble and throw in all the clever catch phrases?
  13. Imagine trying to flex about wearing a stupid hat
  14. If you’re broke just say that
  15. I was at a conference last week. Predominately conservative crowd, all highly educated and very successful with net worth in the 7-8 figure range. Politics topic came up at one of the tables. They all laughed at the poor, small towners who support trump (most everyone here) and think trump supporters are the biggest idiots and suckers on earth. I told them, yeah you’re right I grew up around these mouth breathers and they are the absolute worst
  16. Rich vs. poors 101 But the poors on this forum are supremely convinced a rich Hollywood celebrity is the chosen one to save humanity lol
  17. Sounds just like all you Twitter University graduates on here talking finance and economics, and using debt and deficit interchangeably
  18. TVC is a retired cop I believe. So yeah. No disrespect but there’s really no point debating this
  19. Now imagine if you’re poor, black and/or brown. You’re essentially SOL (even more so) if this happens to you
  20. What are you trying to say here.. that Fox News is trash? Duh dude I’ve been telling y’all forever
  21. THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN, ANY DAY NOW Trump #2024 be patient folks! I promise this time! (I was kidding last time)
  22. Imagine unironically still being a red hatter and thinking you’re smart
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