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Separation Scientist

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Everything posted by Separation Scientist

  1. Its a political/financial assination of Trump. This is exactly what they do in places like Venesuela, Russia, Brazil. The USA is officially a Banana Republic. Just what you would expect from a George Soros ran nation. Evil to the core.
  2. Protect your friends all you want but you know thats not true! LOL
  3. North Shore and Duncanville are the two best programs in the State. Shocker, isn't it?
  4. Try thinking your way through this. If Biden is reinstalled by Soros, then that would be eight consecutive years under Dementia Joe. In an eight year time period, Biden will absolutely own the epic crash.
  5. I don't know why people are so economically illiterate. Most are absolutely unaware how economic cycles work. For an illustration, lets say the USA elects a very pro buisness President that wants prosperity for the nation. He fast track approves drilling, pipelines, and export terminals. So when does it positivly affect the economy? Years later! Permitting takes time, as does engineering, land acquisition, and construction. The payoff only comes 5+ years later when the oil actually flows and goes to market. So lets say in year 4 of those 5 years, another President is "elected" that hates the American industry and wants to kill it off. He does everything he can to restrict and outlaw the industry. However, the product is already flowing and profits are now rolling in. Who gets credit? The Pro buisness Prez that supported it, or the one who hates it and wants to kill it but happens to be in office when the profits come in? Economic cycles and effects are by nature delayed. If you want to see how well an adminstration does, look at the economy 5 years later. Thank you Trump for the stock market today.
  6. LOL! They want to talk about Trumps SUB 2% inflation, lack of Fentanal deaths and the secure border we had then.
  7. I think most people are so tired of woke/lawlessness/flood of illegles/Bidensdisasters that they want to vomit. You can hope for Republicans to lose but Biden will have zero coatails in TX and many other states. Most of America readily recognizes thet the USA is in steep decline the past 3.5 years.
  8. BH 2 Austin Bowie 0 BH 6 Smithson Vally 0. BH Pitching is getting locked in!
  9. BH is a young team. Next years Eagles can be really good. Good season!
  10. A Sheldon ISD friend of mine was there and she told me that one ref really had it in for OF and the OF coach. She said the other two were OK. She is knowledgeable and for her to comment like that it must have been really BAD! Nice job by OF overcoming that ref. There is no room for BS like that in the playoffs especially.
  11. I heard its at 12 noon. You are probably right about 1pm though. Can you confirm?
  12. Ty, what you just said is painfully the truth. The democrats are demon possesed. Anyone who defends their criminal actions and total lawlessness is complicent. The Republicans have many flaws, but at least they don't HATE AMERICA like Dems do, and they don't want to DESTROY AMERICA like the dems do. Evil has taken over the Democrat party. King demon is George Soros. Immorality and evil is alive and well in the White House.
  13. Barbers Hill 15 SA O'Connor 0 Barbers Hill 4 Dripping Springs 1 Hailey Nutter recorded her 500th career K.
  14. Thats what they did before they executed all those blacks. I am glad you support their exections. Thank You!
  15. So, who determines innocence? Courts do, and "verdicts" are handed down. Either you respect verdicts, or you don't. Which is it? "Verdicts" said the blacks that were executed are GUILTY. Then I suppose you fully support the execution of these blacks, because they were found to be criminals.
  16. I had to look it up. It seems Chaparral is a Killeen school. Maybe its a new one, or one that just got renamed. [Hidden Content] Either way they are good!
  17. Not many would have imagined that, BH is not regarded as much of a basketball school. But BH wins in almost everything.
  18. Why? Why can't you answer it? Do you, or do you not support all state "verdicts"? If you do, then you support blacks being executed in the past for their "wrong doings". That's what the "verdicts" decided. I am glad you support the execution of black "wrong doers:".
  19. This is EXACTLY what a banana republic does. Destroys political rivals with bogus accusations and "verdicts". Notice Putin's system just imprisoned and murdered his rival?
  20. Is BH the only local team with both boys and girls still in the playoffs?
  21. Whats going to help blue New York? They are going bankrupt even if they destroy Trump. This will speed the process, New York = DEATH SPIRAL.
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