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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Would any Democrats or Biden Voters like to publicly thank the Biden Regime for the 7% tax increase they received this past year. 7% is the highest inflation increase in a year since 1982. Let’s Go Brandon! Biden is wrecking the US economy! Price increases over last year (CPI report)... Gasoline: +49.6% Used Cars: +37.3% Gas Utilities: +24.1% Meats/Fish/Eggs: +12.5% New Cars: +11.8% Food at home: +6.5% Electricity: +6.3% Food away from home: +6.0% Apparel: +5.8% Transportation: +4.2% Shelter: +4.1% Overall CPI: +7%
  2. You know 81 million individuals voted for this tyrannical regime. 12 million more than Obama. The most in American History! It was all legit. 😂😂😂 But on a serious note, it’s all gonna come to a head at some point an it want be pretty.
  3. Federal laws are made to be broken. The elites do it all the time. Lol. Good Chat tvc
  4. I understand what your saying but there’s a difference between exempting your state from a so called emergency use authorization vaccine that doesn’t work and is causing deaths and serious side effects than exempting your state from federal income tax.
  5. Maybe I miss heard him or I am interpreting the video incorrectly but I hear him saying call a special session for Texas an make it illegal for mandates on Texans for gaining employment.
  6. We are entering an age of censorship in which the only truth that exists is the one approved by the state. Beware.
  7. Democrats want to federalize elections so they can secure the right to cheat, not the right to vote.
  8. Welp the country is screwed imo. The election corruption in this country is Deep an has been even before 2020. The tyrannical power grab in this country has to be addressed if we’re going to be a truly free country. It’s not even about Republican and Democrat anymore. It’s about Good vs Evil.
  9. I’ve said it before an I’ll say it again. What’s being done to this country by our so called elected officials is Treasonous. Sad thing about it is that it’s not incompetence, it’s intentional. Fix 2020 or Bust!
  10. We’ll at this point I believe there’s one party. The Uniparty ( The Government Party) against We the People. The Democrats don’t even try to hide their Hate for America anymore and the Republicans are just as repulsive as they sit by an watch like a bunch of Wussy’s. Oh they talk a big game but they don’t ever do anything about the Democrats Playbook. As for troll boy…he just gets excited when he gets play time after finishing his coloring books. I prefer to call him Jussie. 😁
  11. I will say the Corporate Welfare that is fed by the DC Swamp and all the Cronies is pretty pathetic.
  12. This can’t be true. I saw a billboard leaving Beaumont off I-10 eastbound sponsored by Orange County saying the vaccine was Safe And Effective. 🙄
  13. The same people that took 20 years to replace the Taliban with the Taliban are now fighting a War with Covid. Smh
  14. I miss Aunt Jemima!! I have been having to go to CRACKER BARREL😁 to get me some good pancakes ever since they canceled her. I read where Aunt Jemima’s family wasn’t to happy about her being canceled. No more royalties.
  15. We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended.
  16. At this point I think Elmer Fudd could crush Abbott. Abbott will not get my vote….that is if my vote doesn’t get flipped with out my knowledge.
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