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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. 75% of “Covid Deaths” were in people with at least 4 comorbidities according to the CDC. Imagine that! Chalk up another victory for the “conspiracy theorists”
  2. I would bet my life savings AOC will get covid drugs this administration has been keeping from you.
  3. The Supreme Court of the United States is deciding on a mandate for a vaccine that literally does not stop the spread of a virus. You cannot make this 💩 up.
  4. Some hospitals claim to be so full they’re turning away unvaxxed patients. But if they keep turning away the unvaxxed, who keeps filling the hospitals?
  5. PAMFAM10 909 This group still believe trump won the election. So goodluck.
  6. I swear I feel like I am listening to CNN. I am now dumber for reading this post. You seriously need help! TDS is the least of your problems.
  7. So in other words you have nothing. It wasn’t a stupid question but that sure was a stupid vague answer.
  8. The fact that SCOTUS is even contemplating whether or not government should be able to inject you with chemicals against your will is in itself insane and so far removed from what the Founders intended.
  9. Have you been able to find out what Trump supporters were charged with insurrection? I am still waiting.
  10. It’s ok that we have differing opinions but you can’t just lump antifa,blm, and the feds in with Trump supporters because the agitators were there.
  11. I heard that was actually Trump in disguise. I heard it on CNN so it must be tRuE!
  12. No problem. It happens to me sometimes when I try to process things in the morning before I have had my daily 2 cups of coffee. Lol
  13. For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven't taken it.
  14. Bingo!!🎯🎯 Rand Paul is my new favorite Senator! It’s nothing more than a Power Grab! If people don’t see that by now then they’re helpless.
  15. That’s a total distortion of my post. Amazing how you got that message out of it. Lol
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