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Posts posted by jimmyw

  1. I believe that two equal teams will give it there all and the difference in a win or loss could be luck, bad break, or just a missed assignment. The term "they wanted it more" is generally used by a team spectators that losses to a better team. I believe the last 4 times my Newton team has played Silsbee the game could have went either way. Don't remember the scores but they were close. I do know both teams wanted to win and wanting it more had nothing to do with it. They left it out on the field and luck for Newton was a bad break for Silsbee or visa versa.  JMHO

  2. If Newton plays anything like they did Friday night against Marlin , Franklin will win by 2 tds . 

    Newton defense still looked salty to me ,Offense was not consistent. However, I thought Marlin had a lot better athletes  on the field than we played the week before. Marlin made several mental mistakes but they matched our speed period. I think we will play better this week, just read to much about how week Marlin was. (Trap Game). Marlin is definitely an under-achiever team, way to many athletes. We better be ready or Franklin will be playing Crockett or C C. JMO

  3. Put pressure on the qb and tackle him every play (even when he goes over to the coach to get plays) enough hits and his accuracy will tend to get him off -target. I think you over looked last weeks opponent, I know you will come out hitting on all cylinders  and believe you can beat the  striped donkeys. Pulling for you E. C.

  4. So the playoff runs in 13/14 had nothing to do with the fact they were a classification below what they are now?  Or nothing to do with having less talent compared to their competition?

    w.o.w...  You, sir/ma'am.. I think you are clueless.

    Tatum was in the same district and 4a div 2 last year. I thought this was abut Newton anyway.

  5. Long time ago, someone asked what a great coach was? Someone replied ,Bear Bryant because he can take his team and beat yours and the next week take your team and beat his team. Good coaches seem to make fair athletes become good athletes ,good athletes become college material. good coaches seem to get the most out of what they have and know how to use them.JMO 

  6. football at Newton is broke up into Pre -dist which they try to get the right people in the right places and play sound football against good teams, ( we are 1-4, no big deal ) then district which we hope to win every game in dist, these game count. Then if we make it to the play-offs, we play till we lose. Last year it was sometimes in Dec. I believe I will tell you what our problems are in December. JMO

  7. I am a Newton fan and I feel we will not win, I just hope we can compete with West Orange. I hope we match up to them better but we have so many going both ways the 4th quarter belongs to the opponent and we cannot afford to get anyone hurt or sick. Surrender is not in us but we are bruised up somewhat, anyway I hope it is a decent game. West Orange would rough up Henderson, Newton was behind Henderson 11-8 at halftime but ran out of gas( halftime stats showed we probably out played them and the 6 turnovers didn't help us)

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