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Everything posted by BIGREDFAN2

  1. WOW!! :o I bet I know whose got a target on their back. : Not to take away from your teams accomplishment. 8) 8) 8)
  2. I'm not going to hunt. The Houston sports writers seem to still be high on the Broncs, so maybe its a wash. The Broncs look to have a another great season.
  3. Sounds like you had a great summer. 8) I like taking photos too. But I heard something and thought I'd check here to see if anyone has posted anything about it. Without reading all the threads, I thought this threads subject would fit. I know someone in Dayton, I'm not from Dayton, told me that some football players were caught stealing computers and vandalizing the school and kicked off the team. Some were said to be defense linemen. This if true would be a big blow to the teams season. > Maybe someone can find out about this and verify.
  4. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and not going to pretend to be as smart as either one of you on this matter. But as much as I hate to agree with TT, I do. I agree with all points. A former coworker of mind dropped his two season tickets and Cardinal Club membership because of the Wednesday night games. Church and being a 12 hour shift worker made it more difficult to make games. Low and behold the next season was Thursday night games. TT covered the travel and the classroom pretty well. The officiating.....what a mess. We are definitely getting bottom feeders.
  5. Round 3: John Deere Classic, Scott -4 thru 10 in 6th place. Good to see local doing good on the tour. ;D
  6. I'm with you all the way!! I can't amagine football without a band, Dr. Simmons WILL have a band and all that goes with it. You gotta know this because of where he came from at Lamar or if you know him at all. GO BIG RED!!!!
  7. I'm new to the forum, but have enjoyed your input and comments. Congratulations ;D
  8. Looks like we have a veteran staff with a lot of experience. I hope they have good chemistry and gell quickly and do the same with this new team.
  9. That's probably right. I wonder how many of the NBA players have played overseas? The number may be surprising. I have wondered how well are the paid.
  10. I liked what I read about Custer. It sounded encouraging in that we may have to rely on him for his size next season (lost scholarships). I would like for him to work really hard on not only his weight, but foot speed and strength. He has good form and good basketball moves, but slow. If he were to work out hard like Lawrence Nwevo did last year, gains confidence he could be a real dark horse contributor next year and the next.
  11. "We can lay the blame on Lamar not having the money to support football on past administrations, but it looks like Simmons and Tubbs are trying to correct past mistakes." I agree. You can see it all over the campass, and the positive atmosphere amongst the students. Football is going to bring excitement in the campass life and the Golden Triangle.
  12. I hate to see her go, I guess she is doing what is best for her. I thought she was to play for Spain in the Olympics. If so maybe we will be able to see her play. I liked her sweet hook shot she would go to at times. Your right we still have a lot to look forward to with the lady cards, I just wish I could be as optimistic with the men.
  13. If you noticed I did say that some of the talent may have to go JUCO - LAMAR STATE COLLEGE-PORT ARTHUR or Penola College, D. Hop did go to Penola. No doubt Houston, our BACKYARD, has talent. We need to tap into that, for a lot of reasons. We need to keep our self's out of the pentally box. We are not going to be able to get a big man this year, because of it. I don't think we have not gotten good talent from the Houston area, with a few exceptions, because of our past records, coaches, and some of the negative feeling about Lamar. The present situation is much better and much more attractive to recruits. The addition of football will help it time. We may or should recruit better out of Houston.
  14. Tom, Tony and Grey were too young and/or had no HC experience to make a difference in the program. The suits of the day went low budget and we got what we paid for. They all were nice guys, some could coach. But the talent level of that time was dismal at best. Each team had maybe one player that was at the level of talent of the teams we have had the last few years. We were lucky to have a player that could get above the rim to rebound or slam dunk. Jonathon Burnett and Landon Rowe from the Houston area come to mind as players that contributed, but some of the others didn't do diddly. I could be wrong or missed someone obvious, but you see would I'm implying. We also have to be careful to get recruits that can make the grades, a reason we lost two scholarships. Some of the talent in Houston may have to go the JUCO route to qualify. I understand Tic Price (though not signed) is going to be one of the coaches, who is the other assist. going to be?
  15. This is for those who have not seen the new facilities.
  16. Tic Price seems to have a lot of peoples approval here, but I know a lot of fans that have followed him that are not too pleased. He has coaching abilities, he has shown that, but he has a lot of baggage that has hurt his career. I supose this has kelp him out of the HC jobs.
  17. That's a really nice stadium, something to be proud of, but am just as impressed with the photography. You must have some nice gear to be able to take those action shots. I envision some white lens. Beautiful photos, it's nice you have a place on the site to show your work.
  18. I'm with you, atr. coach Fran has too much bagage, too much negativity. THE ONE THING LAMAR UNIVERSITY DOES NOT NEED IS MORE NEGATIVY!!! We need someone that will be positive for the university, an easy sell, for recruitment, investment and for a renewed excitment of having a football team to be proud of. By the way atr, nice to see you back. The forum seemed to have lost it's rythum and missed your input while you were gone. Hope things are blessed with you. No need to reply on personal note.
  19. It's called GREED!!!!!!! That the money and run. I wonder where they went and how thier lives played out. Some time you get your just deserts. The University has not been the same since. Grant it with the current leadership things are and should be even better then it has ever been. The current leadership I suppose is trying to get all their ducks in a row and be ready for a GRAND ANNOUCEMENT to maximize the renewed excitment of getting a new coach and stadium plans. "GO BIG RED"
  20. It's always great to beat USL at anything. They are always tough and arrogant with their wins.
  21. Our prayers are with you AboveTheRim. May God Bless.
  22. I has been a while since we have heard from rim. I would think that family, work, school and forum would keep one busy and things need to take their priority. I hope his not laid up some where unable to get on line to make a post or two.
  23. Keys' Enterprise write up is a keeper. I like the way he has covered the Lady Cards as well as the men all season. The PA News has dropped the ball all season has far as the Lady Cards coverage. Bob and Tom are great with covering the men but don't use much ink on the Lady Cards. The Orange Leader your lucky to see a score on the men or women. Perryn Keys becoming a favorite.
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