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Posts posted by sahen

  1. Sterling only passes the ball and will not run the ball. 

    um...you obviously haven't seen Sterling play this year....

    I don't know what Port Arthur has this year but I do know Sterling is coming off their first win against Lee in 8 years and can smell their first playoff appearance since 1985...If they win this one then they are pretty much set as far as the playoffs go and those guys know it, if Port Arthur comes out weak then they will get jumped on cause this isnt the Sterling of the past 10 years or so but I really dont expect that to happen since PAM has to know they will prolly need to win this one or the game against Lee to be playing in the playoffs....Anyway, I am expecting a close game and since I am a Ranger fan and the game is in Baytown im gonna go with a 28-21 Sterling win....

  2. wasn't as convincing as i would like but i'll take it...they gotta stop getting up on teams in the first half and letting them back in it...they paid for it w/ a loss last week but pulled it out this week....next weeks game will be fun to watch, all of baytown should be out in force at stallworth as sterling and lee look close to even this year, sterling may even have the slight advantage for once since lee seems to have no offense whatsoever (which is really really weird for them).....anyway, sterling/lee could be for a playoff spot as well since it appears that channelview is god awful and since there are only 6 teams in the district 2 wins will prolly get you in...

  3. If Sterling doesnt beat New Caney by atleast 3 TDs its gonna be another long year for them in district....

    It gonna be another long year for them in district regardless of what happens tonight. That district is brutal and they won't make out with a win.

    channelview is horrible, they shoudl beat them...lee and port arthur dont look that great, if they beat one of them then they will be in the playoffs....all they need is 2 wins...

  4. im ready for the sterling/lee game in a couple weeks! in Sterling's game, Sterling looked like a team that hadnt played/practiced in a while and Katy Taylor looked like they had been going all year, prolly cause that was basically the case as I am sure was the situation in the Lee game.....suprisingly with Sterling's defeat I am not that bummed, they looked like they couldve beaten Katy Taylor (possibly badly as indicated by the 20-7 Sterling lead at one point before the turnover bug hit BIG time) but every thing that could go against them did in their game (turnovers, tons of flags, even an 80 yard TD run called back)....Sterling's defense looks good the offense needs some practice to get their timing and execution back down, they SHOULD roll at New Caney next week giving them some momentum going into "The Game"

    panamamyers, from what I seen of Katy Taylor and have heard of Lee I think the Ganders should take the game by a couple TDs just in case if you were wondering....really I don't think Katy Taylor is that good Sterling just played that bad after the 1st quarter, their offense looked nothing like the first couple games....

  5. I would have to say Liberty in this one. Cleveland hasn't played anybody and Liberty has just as much speed as Cleveland does. Their 2 backs can flat out go when they break it. 

    Liberty 34

    Cleveland 19

    yes but they cant hold on to the ball to save their lives....their whole team has the worst case of fumblitis i have ever seen, its really getting to the point of ridiculous....cleveland will prolly win off of 4 or 5 liberty turnovers....

  6. LP might not win a game this year.

    they will probably beat South Houston...their offense is horrible...but then again stelring's defense did alright against la porte and great against south houston....i think Dawson is playing their first year of Varsity ball so i'd hope they wouldnt be able to beat Sterling....its hard to tell when there hasnt been a lot of games, South Houston made the playoffs last year but im pretty sure they will be at home this year, we'll see...

    reguardless of how good La Porte is Lee's defense did a heckuva a job against them, that is an impressive performance no matter who you play, same for Sterling...im just hoping the Sterling/Lee game will mean something besides city pride again, it's been a while...

  7. I went to the Sterling game on friday night (my old high school)...the Sterling/Lee game might be a good one this year, Sterling's defense looks pretty salty as well, South Houston only got 3 first downs and 65 yards the entire game with most of if coming in the 4th quarter when the 2nd team was in...if Stelring's opponents are as good as advertised in the preseason then they have beaten the 2 tuffest nondistrict teams and should have 3 easier games ahead of htem, not wanting ot jinx anything but they could come into the Sterling/Lee game 5-0....

  8. I was at teh game...If Liberty can hold on to the ball (they had what? 6, 7 turnovers? and prolly 3 or 4 unforced) then they will be fine, esp. in their district....If Bridge City's QB can throw the ball like he did in the 4th quarter then they will be alright through the year, their district is a lot tougher so i dunno how well they will do there...Hopefully Bridge City's running back is ok, he got plastered on BC's last offensive play of the game and took awhile to get up, they are gonna need him to do anything this year...

    lol, figured SOMEBODY would make some sort of lame excuse...

    um...your looking for someone to make an excuse, reread the post, i was just making the comment that if Liberty can hold on to the ball in future games then they will be fine this year, just like I said if BC's QB can throw the ball like he did in the 4th quarter then they will be fine this year as well...the fact is the turnovers lost the game for Liberty or BC won it by forcring them which ever way you want to look at it, that isnt an excuse its just a fact, BC players held on to the ball and Liberty's didnt so they won...if Liberty wants to do anything this year they will have to fix that...

    on another note Liberty has more speed this year than I have seen there in a while...whoever runningback number 6 is he may be the fastest runningback liberty has ever had, their other runningback reminds of a leaner reggie white (liberty fans will remember reggie), can run through and by people....

  9. Lone Star Gridiron ranks the district like this

    1. Cleveland

    2. Coldspring-Oakhurst

    3. Huffman-Hargrave

    4. Shepherd

    5. Tarkington

    6. Splendora

    7. Liberty

    As long as you they dont draw West Orange-Stark in the 1st round of the playoffs, they have a chance of at least winning on playoff game.

    um...any rankings that dont have tarkington as last is pretty much disreguarded...no offense to tarkington but they are about as automatic in the district basement as my Bears in the big 12 south basement, maybe even moreso...

    Liberty has 2 kids that can absolutely fly at RB this year, one that is more of an outsider runner and another that will just run over people...as long as they hold on to the ball then they should be able to challenge for a playoff spot, but as of now they have A LOT of kinks to work out but most stuff seems very fixable minus the pass defense, luckily we dont have to worry about that in our district...

  10. I was at teh game...If Liberty can hold on to the ball (they had what? 6, 7 turnovers? and prolly 3 or 4 unforced) then they will be fine, esp. in their district....If Bridge City's QB can throw the ball like he did in the 4th quarter then they will be alright through the year, their district is a lot tougher so i dunno how well they will do there...Hopefully Bridge City's running back is ok, he got plastered on BC's last offensive play of the game and took awhile to get up, they are gonna need him to do anything this year...

  11. Liberty will be ready.........And as far as everyone thinking this is a weak district, get ready because it ain't as weak as you think.  CLeveland and Coldspring are very fast and physical.  Don't forget Huffman dropping down from 4A.  I'm glad everyone underestimates this district.   

    they are judging it on history...w/ huffman dropping it should be a little better than last year but last year it was arguably the weakest 3a district in the state...it was really really bad....i hope it gets better cause then it means there will be better football to watch...

  12. One more thing, instead of sitting around talking about how well they handled Hardin, Liberty should be thinking, "man, we sure didn't fare to well against a small 2A team, maybe we should look for ways to improve, our 3A district is gonna be much more difficult".

    to be fair, most of Liberty's district lost to 2A schools in real games last year, so beating one, even in just a scrimmage, is ahead of the curve and maybe playoff worthy considering Hardin was decent last year (i dont konw what they have coming back)....

    Liberty's inability to pass protect might come from the fact that they havent passed the ball consistantly in the program's history, seriously for all of Liberty's history their trick play was to pass the ball and it was even moreso this way under Stewart....you gotta give the kids some time to learn a completely new offense from what they were running (im assuming its comepletely new since its a new coach and you mentioned the word pass)...last year they had probs running around the edges and were good running it down people's throats so that part isnt too surprising, disheartening to see it isnt better but once again a new offense so maybe they will figure it out....and the secondary being bad shouldnt be too much of a prob being that no one else passes on a consistant basis in Liberty's district (unless if Huffman has changed their offense since the last time they were 3a, i havent seen them in a couple years)....

    honestly, since Liberty has a new coach I don't expect them to do much but their district is soooo bad that they could make the playoffs if they figure out their new system by district time (might be tuff to do considering their non-district opponents but we will see)...unfortunately for Liberty and the other teams in their district due to it being so bad whoever makes the playoffs probably wont go far barring the miracle run or a team that really rises up and surprises people....

  13. Gotta go with North Shore.  They haven't lost a district game in what...8 years?

    if they havent lost a district game in 8 years then the last time they lost a district game was the last time they were in 21-5a...i'd guess it wouldve been the game they lost by Baytown Lee blocking their field goal with time expiring (was the last week of the season), the next year they ran the table in 21-5a and after that they were moved to the district they were in until this coming year...

    21-5a looked a little different then though, North Shore along w/ Deer Park were in the District, there was no Port Arthur Memorial yet, West Brook along with Sterling were horrible and Baytown Lee had Drew Tate, and the district still enjoyed the dancing sensation that is the Beaumont Central band at halftime (and they were pretty decent at football)...anyway, i think North Shore will probably win it this year, but who knows 21-5a has historically been more competitive than the district they were in...

  14. i saw a couple already mentioned on here...the 2002 Liberty/Orangfield bi-district game was a pretty good game, also the North Shore/Madison playoff game w/ Vince Young was pretty special...also when I was younger Liberty was playing Stafford I believe, the game was a close one the whole way through and Stafford had finally wrapped the game up and was kneeling it out, anyway when they went to kneel on the last play the DT punched the ball when it was hiked, shot through the QB's legs the RB wasn't paying attention and it went through his legs too, then a Liberty linebacker ran back and got the ball which had traveled into the endzone, touchdown and Liberty won....

    All games pale (with respect to unbelievablilty) in comparison to one I saw my freshman year of high school though...1999 Baytown Sterling vs. Katy, in one of the most unbelievable upsets I have ever seen, and probably one of the most unprobable in Texas high school football history, Sterling ended Katy's 35 game regular season win streak on Katy's homecoming game 28-25 when Katy was ranked not only number 1 in the state but top 5 (may have been number 1) in the nation...that was one crazy game....to round the year out Sterling ended up finding a way to miss the playoffs again while Katy's only other loss was the state final game....

    Hey what year was that When Liberty beat Stafford off that last minute turnover...

    i have no idea, i was little so early 90's i would guess....and i think it was Stafford, its possible it was another team...actually i am looking at the team history right now and they did not play stafford in teh early 90s, but there was 2 close games in 98 and 99....im pretty sure that the game was when i was much younger though...i guess it wasnt stafford but the game did happen....

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