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Posts posted by sahen

  1. i saw a couple already mentioned on here...the 2002 Liberty/Orangfield bi-district game was a pretty good game, also the North Shore/Madison playoff game w/ Vince Young was pretty special...also when I was younger Liberty was playing Stafford I believe, the game was a close one the whole way through and Stafford had finally wrapped the game up and was kneeling it out, anyway when they went to kneel on the last play the DT punched the ball when it was hiked, shot through the QB's legs the RB wasn't paying attention and it went through his legs too, then a Liberty linebacker ran back and got the ball which had traveled into the endzone, touchdown and Liberty won....

    All games pale (with respect to unbelievablilty) in comparison to one I saw my freshman year of high school though...1999 Baytown Sterling vs. Katy, in one of the most unbelievable upsets I have ever seen, and probably one of the most unprobable in Texas high school football history, Sterling ended Katy's 35 game regular season win streak on Katy's homecoming game 28-25 when Katy was ranked not only number 1 in the state but top 5 (may have been number 1) in the nation...that was one crazy game....to round the year out Sterling ended up finding a way to miss the playoffs again while Katy's only other loss was the state final game....

  2. Baytown Sterling/Baytown Lee....been one sided for a while now (unfortunately) but thats a game that can sell out Stallworth a lot of years...anytime over 16 thousand people gather to watch a highschool football game something is up...dunno how it will be affected by the new school opening up, if Sterling ever gets good enough to challenge Lee I don't think it will matter though, them 2 schools absolutely hate each other or at least they did when I was at Sterling....

  3. dumb move. if someone is going for the ball he's going to fall off the court. ala last night in the WVU/Xavier game, when #3 for WV ran into the tables trying to get a ball, if that was an elevated court he would have gotten injured.

    ha, u think the NCAA cares about the players or the game? its all about opening them big football stadiums up so they can get as much $$$$ as possible...if a player or 2 blows his knee out and ruins his career/life in the process who cares? the NCAA made their money on him....seriously, im sure u already see that and im pointing out the obvious but the NCAA is a joke...

  4. all texas big 12 teams do the college classic, but since there are 4 of them and they cant play each other in nonconference they can only go 2 at a time(well kinda true, texas and baylor played a nonconference game this year in october, i think its more of a they dont want to play each other in nonconfrence thing instead of they cant do it especially since they have to beat each other up in conference already, y do it in nonconference too...) anyway, one year baylor/a&m play in it and the next year texas/tech play in it...its been that way for a while now....

  5. when no one on this board was on the school board or knows what exactly the school board was looking for then maybe they should chill on their acquisations of racism...calling someone a racist because they didnt hire who YOU thought was the best coach is a childish and shallow thing to do...if DD is as good of a coach and as qualified as yall say then he will get hired elsewhere and Liberty will pay for it in the end, or maybe DD is qualified but the other coach fits the Liberty job better at this time, in which case both will fluorish...only the future will tell...

  6. wow, im shocked they didnt hire a hometown boy...lets see how many seasons he will coach before they quickly pull the trigger and hire one...hopefully he starts off winning cause the way liberty is if he comes out and has a bad year 2 years in a row then so-and-so will get their boy in there...

    for now im just shocked they didnt pick the hometown guy, guess we will find out if it was a good or bad hire, but it sounds like a pretty decent one to me so far...

  7. Out of the 4 teams tied for 4th in the Big 12 Baylor has the easiest remaining schedule. We already played the hard part of the schedule through and all we have left is @Colorado, Mizzou, A&M, and @Tech....we should find a way to split those if the team is worthy of dancing....If we could somehow find a way to win all 4 then we could actually take the 3-seed from K-State if they go 2-2 or worse (possible since they have Texas, and @Kansas for their next 2 games) that would put us both at 10-6 and Baylor having the tie-breaker, who knows, personally i think we need to win 3 of the 4 to get in for sure....i hope we do it...

  8. According to my source in Liberty. The Sup is adament about deemphasizing Football. She doesn't think a Football offseason is necessary. The guys who wanted the job no better. They got the heck out of the running fast. You people in Liberty might need to go talk with Coach Stewart in Dayton to see if off-season is important. You might even think about questioning your board to let a woman decide about your football program that doesn't care much about it.

    she wont be sup long if thats the case...someone would be stupid to de-emphasize football on purpose in texas, great way to get yourself fired....

  9. we played horrible for 38 minutes, and then UT tried to choke it away, and then we remember we were Baylor and had our only starting senior go Chris Webber and call a timeout w/ none left....i get tired of Baylor sports, sometimes the way we lose is just ridiculous, i think they sit around and figure out how they will screw up each game in the locker room and then go do it....3 sellouts this year (unheard of for 3 in a year for Baylor Basketball) and we are 0-3 in those games, figures...

  10. Who is the home town boy that is the DC from Jacksonville?  Did he interview yet?  Sahen, could be right because I have never sign a interview process go this long without some names popping up.  Is Nations from Dayton really interested in this job, they should be even better next year.  Somebody out there knows something, spit it out!

    i am just saying the way things normally go in Liberty, i would be shocked if this went differently...its not always bad but we had a hometown boy as the last coach, i would think they would want to go a different way but i have no idea waht the guy from jacksonville has as his credentials, if he is the best candidate then hire him!

  11. I could understand if it was Southlake Carroll their keeping secret why Liberty? Not knocking Liberty but why the big deal to keep it quite?

    its Liberty, i have lived there for years, they dont want everyone to know who gets interviewed and such probably because they will pick some good ole boy from Liberty to coach the team (not saying that this wouldnt be the best canidiate but in Liberty using that mentality is normal so whether you are the most qualified canidate or least qualified, if you are from Liberty you got the inside track)...if the town actually finds out we could have something different then the people might lose their spot on the school board if the coach flopped...

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