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Posts posted by sahen

  1. Keagan is a tough kid, he said they were blitzing from the weak side and there wasn't anyone to pick them up.  The PAM defense was the fastest we have seen, North Shore doesn't appear to have the same speed but are a lot bigger.  If we can slow down the rush, big if, Keagan may have that little bit more time to hit the receivers.  Haven't heard about the health of the line yet.  We were playing, in some cases, third and fourth string linemen during the PAM game, I sincerely hope that we are able to get some linemen back.  North Shore should be a measuring stick for a possible first round match up with Pearland.

    hopefully the Sterling Coach shows the guys the game film when Sterling beat Katy in 1999, just proves who wants it more can win the game even if the other team has more talent....

  2. ok SFA85, i didnt say anything the first time since i thought it was oversight but apparantly you think REL = Sterling....Baytown Lee = REL = Robert E Lee High School, Baytown Sterling = RSS = Ross S Sterling High School....PAM just lost to RSS, they have yet to play REL....I dont know about before 1994 but according to collier-sharp RSS was 4-0 against Port Arthur Jefferson from 1994-1997, in that same time Lee was 4-0 against Jefferson as well....

  3. Minyard came from Jacksonville, I believe, with Coach Long, who only coached one year.  The PAM game was closer than it should have been.  Sterling started the game minus two starters on the offensive line, and lost their center early in the game.  This kept them from using their power game, which would have been effective against the faster PAM defense.  If they don't get these linemen back for the North Shore game, it will make for a VERY long night.

    it also seemed we had wide open receivers in the middle of the field all night long....but the QB was overthrowing them due to the fact that port arthur was in his face about the time the snap got to him, if we had our starting linemen i'd guess he'd complete at least 2 of those many opportunities for a couple more TDs....but, i got to give it to port arthur they were on our QB every play, its amazing he made it through the game w/o getting hurt...

  4. a win is a win, but in this case, it could be a loss if some of these WB players aren't able to come back for next week's game.

    Don't the Bruins go to Pt. Arthur next game?  No problem.

    From seeing both Lee and Port Arthur play Sterling, West Brook better be ready, Lee's defense is awesome all around but I think Port Arthur's gets more pressure on the QB....they blitz every single play it seems....they may be vulnerable to the run but i dont really know, Sterling didn't call many runs much against PAM...The thing is PAM's offense i believe was actually worse than Lee's, but who konws, the Lee/Sterling rivalry makes it to where those teams play differently than they normally do a lot of times.....

  5. How long has it been since Sterling has had a winning season?

    5-5 a couple years ago, they went 6-4 in '99....they havent been to the playoffs since 1985...the prob. at Sterling has always been the coaching, they have talent they just all have played other sports (as evidence by Sterling having very good teams in the other sports)...it was that way when i was there and was that way until recently, apparantly this new coach is getting some of the kids that were playing everything else to play football, they have some playmakers out there that normally would be playing something else (as evidence by their QB, he is also a baseball player, in the past players like him wouldve probably only played baseball)....the biggest thing also pointing to coaching is the fact that Baytown Lee 3 out of every 4 years are in the playoffs if not more, there is just as much talent at Sterling just the coaching has been so bad that the talent hasnt been showing up at the football field and when they did the coaching wasnt able to do anything with it....the biggest difference i can see now from when i was there ('99-'03, but not counting the '99 year they were a good team however the coach left after that year after turning Sterling around in 2 years) is the fact that Sterling has the guys to compete on the Lines, when i was there their lines were so small they wouldve been given fits by good 3a schools, they had no chance against a 5a squad, now they have guys that look like they belong on a 5a squad and play like it too...

  6. :o 1985? I didn't realize it had been that long. Well, now that they've beaten Lee they really only need to win one more game and essentially they're in. I dont expect PAM to put up too much of a fight.

    i think they need to win 2 more (there has been some bad luck in those 23 years)....if we only win one more there is a possibilty that Lee, Sterling, and PAM end up in a 3 way tie and we lose a coin flip or something...winning 3 assures we are in...

    Correct me if I am wrong, but if Sterling ends up in a three way tie with two teams that they have already beaten, they will advance along with whoever won the game between Lee and Memorial. It's all about head to head.

    Now if PAM beats you, that's a whole different story.

    i was assuming if we win only one more it'd be against channelview, you are right if they beat pam but lose to channelview and are tied w/ lee and pam then sterling would advance....i just want to go on and win this one plus one more then we are good no matter what.....like i said when you havent been to the playoffs in 23 years you have seen a lot of things work against you, winning tonight would put us exactly where we want to be so we can control if we end up in the playoffs....

  7. football doesnt always follow the transitive property, Team A beat Team B, Team C lost to Team B, therefore Team A should beat Team C...and even rarer does it follow the transitive property when saying Team A lost to Team B bad, Team C lost to Team B in a closer game so Team C should beat Team A.....however, i still say Huffman should win, but not cause of how they played Cleveland, but because Liberty can't hold on to the ball.....if the Panthers hold on to the ball it will be close....

  8. Sterling only had 243 total yards, 88 in the first half, with 60 of that coming on one screen pass.  Second half, Lee tires out, because they are on the field too long and have no depth. 

    Lee had over 300 yards of total offense in the first half.....the 2nd half was just 3 and out after 3 and out for both Sterling and Lee, until like you said Lee got tired and Sterling started putting together some drives...Olin is a smart coach and he almost had Sterling blown out in the first half but he needed one more score before the Stelring D figured out the scheme (they came out running nothing but the power I, it was weird to see a Lee team doing that and they were gashing Sterling's D. really it was genius but lucky for Sterling their D adjusted just in time)....if Olin can figure out something that works against West Brook and have it work long enough then it can be a game, i dont think they can win but they can make it interesting....that said i still think the game will be a 35-7 or so type game....

  9. there is no way there can be a 4 way tie at 2-4, there are only 5 district games.....the way it "looks" (in quotes cause looks can be deceiving) is that North Shore and West Brook will have one loss between them and be 1st and 2nd...Channelview appears to be really bad and should probably lose all 5 games, leaving Lee, Sterling, and PAM to fight it out for the 3rd and 4th spots...so far Sterling is 1-0, Lee and PAM are 0-1....its possible that all 3 end up tied at 2-3, but hopefully Sterling and Lee can both find a way to edge PAM out of the playoffs, Sterling's shot against PAM and only real shot to win 3 district games is this week so we will see what happens....

  10. :o 1985? I didn't realize it had been that long. Well, now that they've beaten Lee they really only need to win one more game and essentially they're in. I dont expect PAM to put up too much of a fight.

    i think they need to win 2 more (there has been some bad luck in those 23 years)....if we only win one more there is a possibilty that Lee, Sterling, and PAM end up in a 3 way tie and we lose a coin flip or something...winning 3 assures we are in...

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