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team first

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    team first reacted to RoschonsBigBro in Congrats Big Ned   
    Just cramps, couldn't open his hand much to clap or catch the snap. Use the damn running backs to run the ball sometimes. I don't know how much a guy can shoulder until something gives.
  2. Like
    team first reacted to outanup in Congrats Big Ned   
    No doubt about Roschon, hes the real deal......Wish he would skip next year and head to Austin!!!!! HOOK EM!!!
  3. Like
    team first reacted to RoschonsBigBro in Congrats Big Ned   
    You guys came and did what you said you would do. Roschon can't do everything man. Faircloth was straight up outcoached. Oh and please take #3 out of the game on D. Every big play ned had was against him!
    Good job, good luck !
  4. Like
    team first reacted to outanup in Monte Barrow...A new era begins   
    Does he have a set or what...Going for 2 and ending that game  was not only the right call, but a gutsy one. We had no answer for Shug, and the D was gassed.Hats off buddy!!!!!! Ole Delbert aint too bad himself!!!
  5. Like
    team first reacted to Kountzer in Herman's Texas Longhorns   
    I'd never heard of Holton Hill.  I don't keep up with football except the Texans.  Then I watched a recording of the UT game  where Hill scored on 2 pick sixs.  The fumble recovery for a td may have been in the same game.  So I know who he is.   Now this happens, whatever this is.  Is it co-ed related?  Who knows?  
    Tom Herman got that 6 mil mansion much too soon.  He is a snake oil sales man, but in that profession you have to be to some extent.  I hope he can turn it all around.  That Texas job is no joke.
  6. Like
    team first got a reaction from TxHoops in SECond to none   
    Jon Gruden opened at 20-1 to be next Tennessee coach. He is now 1.5 to 1. Huge favorite.
  7. Like
    team first reacted to Whoa in NFL tells players to STAND   
    Obviously, you are glad a Black American (maybe American) was elected - good for you- now it is Trump's  time.  Less food stamps, less free housing.
    Some talk that people who are on welfare will be asked to work for the government.  I know, I know hard to believe that we are trying to break the circle of hand outs.
    Do a economic and racial profile on welfare recipients - what does that reveal???  It was, in 2012, 82% of BLACK households with children receive welfare.
    As a White American I am feed up with supporting 82% of the African American population.
    In fact, as I write this I am really pissed off!!!!! 
    Apologies to all African Americans who are doing the right thing - all 18 % of you 
  8. Like
    team first reacted to GAGE12 in Port Neches-Groves Coach Faircloths first 100 games   
    at some point PNG is going to have to play a harder schedule , the district is at best average and pre district is not any better breaking yalls arms patting him on the back makes you fell better feel free , just my opinion
  9. Like
    team first reacted to PhatMack19 in Week 9   
    Big 12 is done.  ND gets in if they win out 
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    team first reacted to RoschonsBigBro in Port Neches-Groves 62 Beaumont Central 27/FINAL   
    he will be done by december of that year
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    team first reacted to WOSgrad in Port Neches-Groves 62 Beaumont Central 27/FINAL   
    SFA85 is gone.  So is PNGFan.
    LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR!  If you wish to comment on face, we have a forum down stairs called the Politcal Forum.  There are a bevy of folks down there pro and con that are more than ready to debate or support your views, whatever they may be.
    HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE NO RACIAL COMMENTS OR RACE BAITING on any of the sports forums.  Those that wish to do so WILL BE GONE!  THIS AIN'T THE NFL AND I AM SURE AS HELL NOT ROGER GOODELL.  You want to get racial on THIS forum, YOU WILL POST HERE NO MORE!!!!
    ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS!!!  And if you wish to question, you had better be careful......I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD!
  12. Like
    team first got a reaction from Rez Ipsa in Port Neches-Groves 62 Beaumont Central 27/FINAL   
    1996 png best lumberton 69-7
    its there highest total since then 
  13. Like
    team first reacted to Fast Turtle in Enterprise Top 10 Rankings: Week 9   
    So, West Brook has 6 players that is better than Newton's Tamazia Brown?? He is a 4 star defensive back / receiver that received an offer from Oklahoma State before his junior year even started this year. Oh, he also has 9 interceptions this season which is probably leading the state in all classifications if i had to guess. Now, i will sit here and wait for you to list 6 players that are better. Your statement was bold and out of reach, BMT Soulja1. BUt, i still want you to list them. I am very curious. 
  14. Like
    team first reacted to CardinalBacker in Enterprise Top 10 Rankings: Week 9   
    All kidding aside, a lot of kids from down here really don’t care to play beyond high school. I know... I had one that graduated last year that wouldn’t even bother to talk with college coaches who reached out to him. Anybody who played us last year knew about our o-line. Not a single one of those  seniors is playing ball this fall. It wasn’t because none of them were good enough to play at the next level. In fact, there’s only one kid playing college ball this fall from last year’s team.... and his name didn’t get called over the PA a lot last year if you know what I mean. We just don’t prioritize playing college ball as highly as schools in communities where there aren’t any options for a young man graduating from high school. When high school is over, it’s time to move on with your life... and for all but a few, that means leaving football behind by choice.
    As far as you thinking that I “should be uplifting for any high school kid from our area that is going to play college ball,” I think that you kinda have your priorities out-of-whack. 
  15. Like
    team first got a reaction from baddog in Privilege   
    How dare you give your kids privilege.
  16. Like
    team first reacted to six burg in Privilege   
    I am black and don't call my wife are any women a hoe. My two kids grew up with me and my wife of 30 years. 
  17. Like
    team first got a reaction from PhatMack19 in Texas at Baylor   
    "He even tried to swag surf with them the first couple of games, but that wasn't as big a hit as I thought it would be "
    you cant make this stuff up 
  18. Like
    team first reacted to Ty Cobb in Georgetown student group targeted as 'hate group' for Catholic beliefs, could be sanctioned   
    A Catholic university student group, in a Christian based world, labeled as a hate group because they believe in what the Bible has taught them.  What has happened to people?  Where did everything start going so wrong?
  19. Like
    team first reacted to PhatMack19 in Okie St at Texas   
    That sounds like something losers say....
  20. Like
    team first reacted to RETIREDFAN1 in Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?   
    Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?
    By: Jim Crews
    One of the greatest questions we can have answered for us when we study the Bible is the question of why Jesus left Heaven to come to the Earth. Why did He leave His heavenly home to come here? 
    Jesus came to the Earth to give men an opportunity to have their sins forgiven. Mankind needed a Savior because of sin. What is sin? 
    Sin is disobedience to God.
    I John 3: 4
    All unrighteousness is sin. 
    I John 5: 17
    Who has sinned? Every single human being on the planet has sinned. 
    Romans 3: 23
    Every person who can tell right from wrong commits sin.
    1 John 1:6-10 
    Sin separates us from fellowship with God. Sin is spiritual death.
    Isaiah 59: 2
    Romans 6: 23
    Where did sin come from?  The answer is given to us in Genesis. God created Adam and Eve. He put them in the garden of Eden and gave them everything they needed. He also gave them some commands to obey. 
    Genesis 2:15-17 
    God clearly told them what to do and what not to do. They could eat of anything in the Garden they chose with one exception. They were commanded not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What happened? 
    Gen. 3:1-6 
    It was through the disobedience of Adam and Eve that sin entered into the world.
    Romans 5:12 
    God is all seeing, all knowing, all powerful and eternal. He already had a plan to take care of man's sin. He had already planned to send His Son to the earth to save mankind from their sins. 
    Matthew 1: 21
    Jesus told Zacchaeus that He came to Earth to find and save sinners. 
    Luke 19: 10
    When He came to Earth,  all of humanity was lost in their sins.
    Romans 5: 6 - 8
    He came to bring us back into fellowship with God. 
    II Corinthians 5: 20-21
    Ephesians 2: 16
    Jesus came to earth to purchase His church. The church was planned before God created the world.
    I Peter 1: 18 - 20
    Ephesians 3: 10 - 11
    The Church was bought and paid for with the Blood of the Son. 
    Acts 20: 28
    The Church was founded and built by the Son. 
    Matthew 16: 17-18
    It was never in God’s plan to have hundreds of different denominations. It is not a part of His plan to have any denominations. His plan was always to have just one church, made up of all His obedient children. In fact, the Bible teaches unity, not division.
    1 Corinthians 1:10-13
    Ephesians 4:3-6 
    Christ is the only head of the one church He promised to build. It is only in His church that we are able to be saved from our sins. Ephesians 5:23 
    Jesus came into the world to die for our sins and to establish His church. He died, was buried, then arose on the third day as prophesied in the Old Testament. 
    If we are to be saved, we must believe this.
    Hebrews 11: 6
    John 3: 16
    John 8: 24
    Once we have faith, we must obey the commandments He gave to us. 
    John 3: 36
    Hebrews 5: 9
    What did He command? 
    We must repent of our past sins. 
    Luke 13: 3
    Acts 17:30
    We must confess our faith in Him as the Messiah, the Son of God, in a public manner. 
    Matthew 10: 32 - 33
    Romans 10: 9 - 10
    We must be immersed in water to have our past sins washed away. 
    Mark 16: 16
    Acts 22: 16
    This saves us.
    I Peter 3: 21
    In order to enter into the Kingdom He came to establish, we must be born again. How is one born again?
    John 3: 3 - 5

    We must be born of water and the Spirit. How does that happen? 
    Acts 2: 38
    Romans 6: 3 - 4
    Colossians 2: 11 - 13
    Titus 3: 4 - 7
    We put on Christ when we submit to His commands.
    Galatians 3: 27
    When we are baptized in a Scripturally authorized manner, we are added by Him to the church. We are born again.
    Acts 2: 42
    Looks like salvation and entrance to the kingdom are the same thing. That means in order for one to be saved, one has to be a member of the Lord’s Church, the one He founded, and the one you can read about in the New Testament. 
    Romans 16: 16
    There is no other way. There is no other path to salvation. 
    Matthew 7: 13 - 14
    Members of the Body of Christ are prepared to study with you and help guide you through the Scriptures so you can see what you must do if you are to be saved. Won’t you find one today. Repent, confess, be immersed in water, and live faithfully unto death serving Him. Come, while there’s still time. 
  21. Like
    team first reacted to Ty Cobb in Privilege   
    I watched and came away thinking about crappy parenting instead of privilege. You see, I have a son and he is not privileged. What he has are parents that care about him more than we care about ourselves. 
  22. Like
    team first got a reaction from LocknLoad in Weekly LSU Games   
    6-2 so glad I am not always waiting for next year!!
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    team first reacted to PhatMack19 in Okie St at Texas   
    Best 3-4 team in the Country!!!!
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    team first reacted to PhatMack19 in Okie St at Texas   
    Texas covered the spread!  Another notch on the moral victory tour.  
    “This is just like last year”
  25. Like
    team first reacted to OldTimer in Okie St at Texas   
    Sorry UTfanatic - topic is Okie State at Texas
    And Texas better win or maybe Post Season might be in jeopardy!  And even with all the "This ain't last year" c**p - 3 - 4 would still suk!
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