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Everything posted by JimThorpe

  1. Not smart again. They could have taken one more shot in the end zone.
  2. Calling that timeout was not smart. Oh well.
  3. Is speed is the difference. The Gobblers are fast too what I’m seeing makes me think they may not have seen Silsbee’s kind of speed in a while.
  4. Silsbee is doing well but I get the impression we’re going to have to score on most possessions to win.
  5. We’re in line to get into the parking lot. We’ll never make it before kickoff. It’s madness!
  6. I think Gobblers is a cool mascot name. Quirky but fun. I can't help but think of that famous "WKRP" Thanksgiving episode with my favorite line in all sitcom history, "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!" But if you have a turkey for a mascot you've got to have a chip on your shoulder. And Toby the Gobbler certainly has. He's a tough old bird. He's been an All American mascot several times. According to Massy Ratings Tigers is the second most popular high school mascot with 879 schools using it. Practically a dime a dozen. I wonder how many have "The Eye of the Tiger" as their fight song? The various big cat species are far and away the most popular with Tigers and Lions and Panthers abounding. By contrast there are only three high schools in America, according to Massey, that have chosen the noble bird as their mascot and Cuero is the only one in Texas.
  7. Interestingly Silsbee/Cuero is now on page 7 while PNG/FBM is still on page 4. More interest? Is it too late to reschedule the PNG/FBM game for Friday afternoon at NRG? Wouldn't that be a treat for folks all over Southeast Texas and the Houston area.
  8. I'll be at the stadium Friday but I listened to all three previous playoff games and I came to really enjoy the broadcast. The play by play is pretty good considering they are volunteers and I enjoyed the banter as well. So if you're in the car are somewhere you can't watch I highly recommend tuning in.
  9. The way FBM handled Lake Creek was a big surprise to me. And I still don't believe those two teams are 37 points apart. But matchups can be funny things. Huge credit to Marshall for a brilliant win but I just don't think the spread has much bearing on what happens Friday. With high school kids the 4th round in December is usually quite different than what happened back in September. Plus the neutral site will bring the teams closer together. Seems to me the spread should be more like 9. And it might just come down to the one that scores last wins.
  10. That would be true but it's not really an issue as the tickets will be for Silsbee games.
  11. It's worth it. You'll get to wear it to three games before the end of 2022.
  12. These two couldn't be closer, ranked side by side. It could come down to the one who scores last wins. I assume Silsbee will spend a good bit of time this week working on kickoff coverage.
  13. Most of them are wide open. They have enough time to text they girl friend then shoot. Hirschi is forced to pack it in so much.
  14. What’s killing me is listening to the idiotic commentary. I guess they have to say something but it sounds so ignorant.
  15. From my perspective this game looked like a pretty even matchup. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see Silsbee take them if the met again tomorrow. I’d bought into the conventional wisdom that FF was pretty much unbeatable in 4A. Having seen this game I realize that’s simply not true. The Tigers made a lot of mistakes and were in no way playing over their heads. They played the same kind of game they’ve been playing for the last two weeks. In fact I think they played at least as well last Saturday and maybe better. The Tigers certainly didn’t catch a break from the officiating. I’ll be generous and call it about even both ways. Once the Tigers had fought back, which they were bound to do, it came down to pure happenstance, the bounce of the ball, two very good, evenly matched teams playing as hard as they could trying to catch a break or make a break and close it out. Obviously these two teams strengths were very different but they played off about evenly. Next year the state had better watch out for whoever comes out of Region III.
  16. Not a bad half. About like last Saturday. Keep it below double figures.
  17. Exactly right. Again, deepest apologies for a thoughtless comment. What they've already done in their young lives is phenomenal. It's been an amazing season for them already. They're a really fine group of young men and a credit to their families their school and their community.
  18. Dumb. Stupid. A thousand apologies. Just thinking how much better it would have been has these two met in the final.
  19. I mean at the Alamodome. The untimely passing of the Tiger’s season.
  20. I hope we’re not attending a funeral.
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