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Posts posted by dillonpanthers

  1. 23 hours ago, 78Stang said:

    I agree with what you are saying but I am saying it is not a fair level playing field for teams that must travel long distances. Rotating the site is as close to being fair as it can get. I love Cowboy stadium and it is wonderful but I hope it does not turn into a Jerry Jones owned UIL. Heck if you pay attention to Jerry's College kick-off games, It seldom is Texas schools in those games. Why bring in out of state schools like Alabama, Arkansas, LSU ect so they can recruit and steal our Texas top football players. That proves he does not care about Texas high school football- only the All-mighty Dollar. Wake up!

    I agree, it's definitely an advantage for the teams that can drive in that day and don't have to get a hotel and create a crazy new game day schedule. And I think you're right. I just don't see it happening. 

    As far as the college game, Jerry and his son both played at Arkansas. That is who the classic is built around. Everyone else is whoever fits into the schedule for the Hogs. 

  2. 3 hours ago, 78Stang said:

    I also have been to championship games at both locations. This is not about atmosphere and the fans, it should be about the teams on the field and making it as level and fair for all teams. It should not be in one location every year.

    I'm not saying I think they have to be at the same place every year. But out of the 3, AT&T is hands down the best. I've been to a state championship game at the Alamodome too. And from the non metroplex coaches I've talked to (yes even Houston area) they like AT&T the most for a one location site.

    Before this year I've thought they would probably begin rotating the sites. But after Jerry Jones experiencing his grandson winning a state championship there, plus the ridiculous amount of money he made off of it this weekend, I think he'll do everything he can to keep it there. It would be up to the UIL to make the decision not to. 

  3. AT&T is more centrally located for the entire state compared to Reliant and the Alamodome. I was there this weekend and talked with and saw people from every area of the state. West Texas would not travel well to Houston and East Texas would not travel well to San Antonio. Having it in Dallas allows more accessibility to more areas. Obviously if Austin or Waco would be the most ideal location wise, but until they build an indoor arena, I think the game will stay at Jerry World. 

    I've been to the games at both places and there is no comparison to the atmosphere and fan involvement between AT&T and Reliant. 

  4. I didn't realize Mackey wasnt coaching anymore. If that's the case, not surprised at all his son is leaving. Especially since Silsbee is going to be so run oriented this year. 


    If the kid is already upset over the coaching situation, plus he finds out he's going to have a small role in the offense, easy to see what he's thinking. 

  5. Yes, obviously hurt feelings/issues with the coaching situation. If his dad went after the job, like was reported, it makes sense that he's upset.

    However, if his dad is staying and he's leaving, that is very strange. Especially to go to such a smaller school. Now his dad will miss all his games this year. Weird. 

  6. Unfortunately, right or wrong, the rule is 4 years of high school eligibility. When you enter high school your time starts. Period. Whoever placed him in 8th grade as an 11 year old is at fault here. 


    Pretty crazy to think that a kid this highly recruited won't play a down this year. 

  7. 5 hours ago, pakronos said:

    IMO, with all the growth still pushing southward down 45, I think LM high school is going to kill itself off. every year it gets smaller and smaller while new schools and communities are being built 30 minutes away. would not surprise me if the school has 100-200 kids in it come next realignment.

    It very well may. If that's the case they would need to just consolidate the schools. Texas City ISD would probably lose money in the overhead of keeping the building open/staffing it. 

  8. 6 hours ago, pakronos said:

    it would raise it in two years. who knows, UIL might move the numbers again also. they can get a 1000 students right now, they still going to be 5a for two years.

    You're right, it could change, but probably won't vary that much. But there is a lot of talk right now about 6 and 5A being split into divisions like the smaller classifications. So that would change a lot. 

  9. 12 hours ago, pakronos said:

    not really...when i was in high school, PA had three high schools with three classifications. the problem is we have been brainwashed into thinking a small school district have to have one high school. they can keep LM the way it is and still be absorbed. Texas City would have a 5a and a 3a...simple as that.

    My comment wasn't saying that what they will do. It was in reply to the person above me saying they could add in the La Marque students to Texas City High School and carry on as usual. My point was they cant, it raises their classification. 

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