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Posts posted by dillonpanthers

  1. 5 hours ago, pakronos said:

    they won't need to build another school. TC recently built a new high school about 5-6 years ago that's a good size. Lamarque high school only less than 450 students (more like in the 300's)TC has enough room in the school. the rest of the students can also be absorbed to the middle school and various elementary schools. if anything, maybe another elementary.

    Here's the problem with that. Texas City turned in an enrollment of 1.920 and La Marque 458 for this realignment. That means if Texas City absorbs them they would be at 2,370. The cut off for 6A this year was 2,149. So Texas City would become 6A. 


    The Texas City administration might not have a problem with that. But athletics wise they could be setting themselves up for some hard times. Who knows what they'll do, but that would be pretty good incentive to not consolidate the schools. 

  2. Yes, but to a lot of people it's about a sense of loyalty. That they stayed at a school when they could have moved on for other opportunities. Just like when they hired Thompson. They rewarded his patience and loyalty to "wait his turn". Foreman could have done the same and stayed on as a coordinate after Thompson took over.  Not saying I blame him for leaving at all. Just saying how a lot of people look at it

  3. Well Foreman was passed over once, so wouldn't be that surprised to see them hire a coordinator already on staff. Foreman applied for a LOT of head coaching jobs before he got the one at Central. He took an assistants job at Texas High when he left WOS. 

  4. Sorry about that last post. It keeps messing up at quoting old post.  Anyway, Barney Fife, I don't knowif Foreman was or was not calling the plays, but there are a lot of head coaches that give someone the OC or DC title and they still call the plays.  Just because he gave him the title doesn't mean he gave him play calling duty. The coordinators get more money. So sometimes head coaches that know they will still call the plays just give the title to someone for money reasons, to run practice, etc. Or they might be "training" them to eventually take over calling plays. 

  5. 3 hours ago, JustUs said:

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. Is there a possibility more than 17 applied ? Is it possible they decided to only interview 17 of what they were considered top prospects. Anything further would be pure speculation on my part so I'll rest my case my on this observation. Suggs's contract ends this week or next so hopefully the hire will be announced then...jmo..

    I agree. Like I said IF it was true only 17 applied. I seriously doubt it was that few. But either way looks like a new HC should be in place soon. 

  6. I understand what you're saying. But most Texas High School football jobs average around 100 applicants. So call it maybe half this late...so 50 for this job. And they got 17... Again, there are 3A schools who pay their head coach in the 50's/60's who get 100 applicants. Most coaches would do anything for a shot at a head coaching job. It's very difficult to get your first one.  I'd think there are more than 17 in a 20 mile radius of Ozen who want to be a head coach and wouldn't even have to move their families. 

  7. On Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 6:22 AM, GCMPats said:

    With jerseys and "helmets":.

    Doesn't look like they have on real helmets to me... and pretty sure there is no UIL rule against jerseys in the Spring. You would see this in most Texas high schools this time of year that are not doing real spring ball. 

  8. On Friday, May 27, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Scatright said:

    He's already where he is going. I've heard that he is hesitant to let anyone know where he is. What a shame, he was one of the good guys. A real up and comer.

     I guess he feels he's been that badly burned that he can't tell people where he's coaching now? Strange for someone whose spent the last few years all over social media. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Mann used to do it all, handled the recruiting across all sports and the college/career advising. Rio2 is Riordan's younger brother and the receivers coach. Ro2 is the kicking/special teams coach. Ro2 is handling some of the current football recruiting but he also tweets about our former football players too. Coach Nash actually has what Mann's official title was though.

    It's hard to replace coach Mann with one person, but with a new defensive coordinator and the hiring of coach Nash as the "offensive coordinator" the staff may be stronger in general. Guess we'll have to wait until August to find out though.  

    Thanks for the clarification. My info got crossed with all the  Coach Rio's and Ro's runnin' around at Crosby. Haha. I have a feeling Crosby won't miss a beat next season. Mann wasa big loss, but sounds like Nash is going to be a strong replacement. And don't forget Coach Riordon won a state championship as an OC. I'd imagine he's still got it in him.


  10. 6 hours ago, Olballcoach1738 said:

    If we're going off of twitter, coach Riordan has retweeted stuff from a different guy (coach Ro) who seems to be the recruiting coordinator. Or at least he tweets that he is. Though I have seen Nash bio say OC/college and career advisor. 

    Maybe my source is wrong. Maybe it's not his brother...not sure.

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