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Posts posted by PA4Real

  1. 17 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    I had the same thing happen to me and im white.  I was followed by 2 unmarked vehicles and then once pulled over a 3rd bmt pd vehicle pulled in front of me.  Why was I stopped cause I didn't look like I belonged there.  I was driving my old truck with my scraggly bearded face while towing my lawn equipment around.  Didn't bother me one bit.......cause I did not commit a crime, only stood out cause I looked suspicious....and I am ok with that.

    Funny thing is I was giving an estimate on a yard....the owners..............were black....

    Man, I was in Dallas at the time, not in an old beat up truck, but in a new 2015 GMC Silverado.  No loud music or big rims.  I had on my button up shirt with slacks on, but like you said, I must have looked suspicious.  I get it.  

    The kind of understand your point, but not really, because most lawn services operate in nice neighborhoods.  But I guess that was ok having 3 patrol cars stop you for looking suspicious in you work truck heading out to give an estimate.  Let it happen when you're not in your work truck LOOKING SUSPICOUS....lol, and I'm pretty sure after 3 or 4 run ins for the same bs you wouldn't still think it was ok.  I never said it happened to me just once.

  2. 48 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    I would like to pose a hypothetical to you.  Lets assume that someone of middle eastern descent boards an airplane and, in the opinion of some of the airline employees, appears to be acting strangely/suspiciously.  If that individual is "inconvenienced" by some additional queries from the airline employees via a couple of questions, was it worthwhile to exercise that extra vigilance or is it better to not question him because some will consider that "profiling" or "disrespectful treatment"?

    You're right.  Next time I'm out of my element.  I'll flag a cop down,  show all the documentation that's needed to visit a relative. Lol

  3. 7 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Do thin people get treated differently than fat people?  Do midgets get treated differently than those of average height?  Do ugly people get treated differently than attractive people?  Do popular kids in high school get treated differently than the not so popular?  Does a street person get treated differently than someone who resides in a conventional neighborhood? 

    That has nothing to do with anything. There's a difference between prejudice and racism.  That should go without saying.  People in general are treated different regardless of their race.  I'm talking about pure unadulterated racism. Not prejudging someone on how they look.  Case in point.  Why was I stopped by police for 30 minutes when I visited my brother in his nice predominantly white neighbor.  I was actually told I didn't look like I belonged there.  Had to wait for my brother to meet with us, then he followed us to make sure I was telling the truth.

    Of course, I heard that he was just doing his job.  Of course.  By saying I didn't look like I belonged there or by telling me to stay out of trouble insinuates that for some reason I look like I get into trouble.  It is what it is.  Oh yeah, my bro had to prove he lived in the house, pretty sure that never happened to any of his neighbors.

  4. 43 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Not denying that, but some want to blame everything on race.  That song is getting played to much.

    Some do.  I agree.  I have a nephew that goes to a predominantly white school. He likes it there, because he ignores 1 or 2 blatant racist remarks every single day by teenagers.  I feel for him, because if he complains; as he's done beforeb, nothing happens.  Why should he have to deal with that every single day.


  5. If that's the case, Martin Luther King Jr. was dividing the country by wanting equal rights under the law for African American citizens. MANY said he was dividing the country when it was clearly divided.

    Rosa Parks was dividing the country when she didn't want to get to the back of the bus like a second class citizen that she was supposed to be.

    Or kids sitting in diners getting beaten and spit on for wanting to be served lunch.  Sooner or later, people have enough and an uprising begins.  

    I don't think I've ever heard anyone tell militia groups that denounce the U.S. government; if you don't like it here, go back to Europe.  But you get up in arms about one man's protest not to stand for the flag.  If you want to be Pro American or show your patriotism, be equal with you anger over the disrespect of the flag and the U.S.

  6. 6 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Yeah, I'm always the bad guy and everyone else is perfect.

     My man, I have no idea who you are.  Minorities didn't divide this country.  This country was divided a long time ago when (others) were treated like second class citizens.  You don't put the blame on the oppressed by saying you're dividing the country when you protest.  Over 500 yrs of oppression, slavery, Jim Crow, is supposed to be erased from history because some don't want to hear it.  Brings up too many bad memories of the country's past.   They say when you have a certain problem, the first step to recovery is to admit and acknowledge you actually have a problem.  Very few white folk admit racism has always been a problem, and until most see it for what it is; that we do have a huge problem with race; nothing will change. 

  7. You also have MANY veterans that support Kappernick.  Many vets that feel that the country they fought for has forgotten about them.  How many vets do we have that are homeless.  That can't be seen at the VA in a timely manner.  That have emotional issues after war.  We think of the good, but ignore some of the harsh realites many of our veterans deal with on a daily basis.  A friend of mine said " I don't want to be called a hero for serving my country; I just want to be able to go to the doctor without having to wait 2 mths on a waiting list."  

  8. 56 minutes ago, baddog said:

    I don't disagree with your right to protest. I just think the flag reperesents all of us and it should be held more sacred than that. Hold signs and stand outside the mayor's office in the cities where you think blacks have been subjected to police brutality or even murdered. Arson and looting or spitting on the flag sure haven't done anything. What has it accomplished? 

    Church and GOD are sacred, but that didn't stop a racist lunatic from walking in a church and slaughtering them.  Also didn't stop churches from being burned and one time it had four lil girls in it. Never stopped grown men from burning crosses in front yards.  I personally stand for the anthem, but I don't judge a man for doing so because he feels this country has ignored the human rights of some of its citizens, which imo is a fact. Its his way of getting a discussion started about police brutality that we know as fact exists.  A cop pulled up on a 10 kid that had a Toy Gun and murdered him.  If he thought the person was dangerous and had a GUN, I'm pretty sure it isn't proper procedure to drive directly upon said person.  But it happened and it was video taped and the cop got away with it.  Media couldn't vilify a child, so they brought up the past of a relative.  That's fact.  That's what he's protesting; now if what I described isn't unsettling, then a silent protest of a flag is more important than a person's life.

  9. 2 minutes ago, baddog said:

    What, if anything, are you doing to help the situation,,,,,not standing for the flag? That'll show 'em.

    I respect every soldier who fought and/or died for this country......especially those that died. They are what I think of when I hear the anthem and salute the flag. If not for the storming of the beaches at Normandy, black and white alike being slaughtered by the thousands, we would not be here to discuss it.

    This country has a history of protest.  White, black, asian, hispanic alike.  We didn't hear a peep when occupy wall street was going strong.  We don't hear a peep when idiot militias denounce the U.S.  Many HATED when were FOUGHT for the right to vote.  When we FOUGHT for CIVIL RIGHTS.  When we FOUGHT for the right to have proper schooling.  When women wanted equal rights.  This country is full of lessons WHY people protest.  It's nothing new.  Muhammad Ali was an American hero when he died, but we fail to realize how he was treated for protesting the war and lost his title.  We're in a country thats full of its good and its bad.

  10. I was told a story by some of my elders that were in World War II.  I was told that the white soldiers that they fought side by side with treated prisoners of war better than they did them (black soldiers).  They ate better than they did.  They were respected more than they were.  The same flag that black and white soldiers died over didn't mean anything while they were in the military and really didn't matter when they were home.  Some were actually hung with their uniforms on.  It's stories many of us have heard over the years, and when they talk about it, it brings tears to their eyes.  How can I fight for a country than looks at me as less than human.  Yea, you guys say that's old news, get over it, - it happened so long ago - it wasn't that bad.  We've heard that for years, but history can't be erased, and that's a stain that will never go away as long as we stop downplaying the role racism, prejudice and unjustice has plagued the US.


  11. I did a little research.  GCM was 4-6 in both yrs in district from 2014 to 2015.  They had around 1,975 student enrollment, that's 6 to 700 more kids than most school they played.  Those are FACTS.  They just weren't threats, so nobody cared.  PAM is a THREAT, so we downplay wins and COMPLAIN about enrollment number when it wasn't important when we faced an equal sized school in GCM.  Is that real enough bro?

  12. 12 minutes ago, 503Raised said:

    Man, stop it!!  PAM played schools that had 1,500 to 2,000 more kids than we did.  I don't remember many complaints from us.  It's literally one of the first complains I saw in a post before PAM even played their first game in 5A.  I'm pretty sure WOS has less kids enrolled than Ned, but they still took em to the wood shed and put the paddle to em.  And just by chance and a miracle if Ned won, I'm pretty sure no one from WOS would come with that Sorry excuse.  What were GCMemorial's enrollment numbers???  Since they did swap out with PAM.  Where was that Sorry excuse then?  Let's Keep It Real....and Honest....

    (Applause)  Drop the Mic on that bro...

  13. The Mid-South County Bowl?  Not gonna happen.  If they really wanted to play PAM when they were 6A, they could have, but for some reason never wanted to.  Not even a scrimmage.  They HAVE to play PAM now.  It Is What It Is.  MidCounty, SouthCounty, or whatever you want to call it, we're all neighbors.  From one street to the next, you're in the next city if you cross the street.  One side of 365 is PA, the other is Nederland.  One side of Twin City is PA, the other is Groves.  Ned, PNG Little League practice on PA baseball fields every year off 9th Ave.  Businesses have their softball games there too by the high school. Its more so PNG/Ned probably just have more in common with each other than they do with PA.  I think that's it.  Yeah.  That's it. 

  14. I do believe that a few people were escorted out of the Ned game by the police. They weren't Ned supporters or PAM fans.  But they were from MCounty.  Just saying.  I've been to baseball games when the games get pretty heated and hear the way some parents talk to the umps with(what's the word again) **Class**  OK. lol

    Football is football.  I don't want nice kids on my field.  I don't want them to help up opponents; if they choose to do so, so be it.  I don't care if they don't want to shake hands before a game, as long as they do after the game.  Boxers get in the ring to KNOCK THEIR OPPONENT OUT, and some don't want to touch gloves, but at the end of most of the fights, you see hugs and RESPECT for what they did in the ring.

    Football is a VIOLENT sport.  In certain instances, its career ending and DANGEROUS.  They're great kids at both schools.  Not so great kids at both school.  Kids that drink, experiment with drugs, some kids that fight, bully, etc. at all schools.  I've seen the very worst of most of what SETX cities have to offer.  Some get blasted on the news while others don't.  A friend of mine from Groves said an incident happened at a basketball game once.  HE said,"if it was PAM, it would have been all over the news and newspapers.  From his knowledge, calls were made from both schools to the NEWS and the situation was settled without everything being blasted on television.  I know of similar situations where kids have gotten into altercations and some schools call parents to settle it while others allow constables to intervene and the kids go to court for the same exact things.

    Whether we like it or not, MOST of us are the same.  We work out butts off so our kids can have a better life than we did.  We try and enjoy of lives to the fullest on the weekends.  We enjoy our friends and families the same.  Its when something so simple as skin color is brought up that we look at each other different and act differently towards each other.  Of course, that's not everyone, but it's more than enough for my taste.  Its hard to enjoy talking sports when race comes up in almost every thread concerning PAM and BMT schools.  It's a lot of the same people that bring up things that don't concern football and get discussions going in a whole new direction.  And the people that respond in kind are not wrong, its just a natural reaction.

    KJ hit was about timing.  Not trying to intentionally hurt a kid. (Mind you this is football)  He did the same thing at least 4 times this season and it was better timing.  As soon as they seemed to have touched the ball (BOOM) he tried to separate the player from the ball.  PLAIN and SIMPLE.  I've seen kids in every school do the same thing at one time or another.  

    I know I went on a rant, but oh well, I'm not busy today. lol

  15. 2 hours ago, class-99 Indians said:

    i tell you what we better not play like that again or we will loose,i don't know what the deal is but you don't run your qb that much,thats a good way to get him hurt,Our play calling was bad the coach was calling some bone head plays jags played tough but it prolly should have been close to 50 we should have scored,but it was a good game,jags came to play Png was sleeping on off pretty much all night,tell me yalls take on the game

    I agree.  I'm not a fan of ava running too much.  Qbs throw the ball, run when they have to.   You have Rbs and Wrs to run the ball.  Too many Setx qbs go to college and get moved to different position because they see athletes that haven't fully learned the position.

  16. 2 minutes ago, 3rdone said:

    I will say this though...with all the talent that memorial there is NO WAY they shouldn't go undefeated going into the playoffs EVERY YEAR! What I don''t understand, is there too much pride in the staff at memorial that they won't pick WOS staff's brain about coaching, offseason prep, player development, etc..?

    If I had that talent, my program would be modeled after the areas most successful program. That's almost a no brainer. It happens all over that state in other programs, just wondering if there is something going on there. To be honest with all that athleticism roaming the halls at memorial, you put WOS staff there and they have 2 state titles...at least!

    I agree.  I hate to say it, but the play calling is really suspect.  You have D1 Wrs that were NON EXISTENT AND you're running a SPREAD OFFENSE.  If I run Hines that much, I would give him better run block support.  He did great against PNG, but its hard to do it in the playoffs in a spread offense.

  17. 3 minutes ago, 3rdone said:

    LOL...uh,  all I did was answer his question. No one here is hurt. Just good banter nothing more...talking a lil smack, ruffling the feathers so to speak...hahaha calm down

    I'll take that. Lmao!!  Mission accomplished (Feathers were ruffled)  Picking my feathers up and going back to work.

  18. On 10/19/2016 at 1:31 PM, bigd92 said:

    There are several ways to look at why the Titans aren't utilizing the passing game in games. My thought is the fact that Kadon is being heavily pressured due to poor pass protection. Wr know they are not the target receiver and take plays off. there is know way he is going through a progression, he's being told who to throw to. Titans staff are not fully sold on what there trying to accomplish (No true Identity). Why run a spread offense and not have a vertical passing game (baffling) Running the ball 50 times out of a passing offense?? Why are our kids not being challenged to learn a multi faceted  offense where they can utilize different sets to be balanced. Having a 3 year starter should be a plus, maybe the staff aren't  playing to his strengths IDK. I disagree Ghost with saving plays or not showing different wrinkles in fear of exposing gameplan. Coaches at this level probably seen pretty much everything there is to see from the Spread ( sorry). If that's the case as long as there  a next opponent when do you go all out ; when its over and your eliminated??  

    A agree, but how many coaches have plays to get the ball out quick when they know they're going to be blitzed?  You have players that can turn quick slant routes into big yardage plays.  I'm not criticizing the play calling, but they're many plays that you can utilize to help the qb that has sometimey blocking up front.

  19. 9 minutes ago, 3rdone said:

    Answer to your questions

    1. Title of the thread...was never about PAM chest thumpers.

    2. Haven't heard PAM say a thing until thy dropped to 5A.

    3. I started the thread to get PNG fans perspective, not to get highlight reels of guys in the 8th grade.

    Never asked about 6A...PAM has plenty of season left to prove me and everyone else wrong. STATE BOUND!!

    Every thread veers off into discussions that have nothing to do with the title on the thread.  It's it's more interesting, people usually talk about that subject or topic more.  Seems like this is what happened here. If your lil FEELINGS are hurt in someway, just get them to lock this thread.

    Oh yeah, from my experience, all fans CHEST THUMP in some way when their team is doing well.  Regardless of the district they're playing in.  The kids or school have no say so in  where their put in realignment.  They go out and play the GAME.  I never heard PA fans complaining about about schools having almost 1,000 to 2,000 more kids at NS, LP, ChView, etc.  But some MC fans can only bring up what happened in the tough years of PAM facing those teams.  Nobody complained about Goose Creek Memorial, because they're in the same situation we were in.  They had almost the same numbers that PAM had, but they weren't very good year in and year out, so it wasn't a PROBLEM.  They're replaced by PAM, and now it's about what we couldn't do in 6a and thank God we're in 5a, and win with class.  A lot of you guys are jokes.  Talk like that about volleyball or softball.  Get out of here with that crap when its concerning football.  Memorial is hear now, and until we leave, deal with it and stop crying like Elementary school kids when they can't get their way. SMH

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