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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Gotta love this guy….. [Hidden Content]
  2. What proof do you have of this? Post reliable sources, please.
  3. I can’t believe she asked that question. I mean, she and inmagawetrust know everything about everything. Remind me of the professor on Gilligan’s Island….professor of everything except on how to patch a boat.
  4. I would bet so, but no matter how you mix it up, that was still a female at birth. That never changes no matter how many operations you have. Your chromosomes determine gender. So why the verbiage? Male = X&Y chromosomes Female = Y Where is the confusion? It’s all in the grand scheme of things for the liberal objectives.
  5. Trump launched 50 cruise missiles at isis without the consent of congress. He also TOLD, not asked, Putin to move his crap in Syria because he was about to bomb the crap out of isis. Biden doesn’t know his family members without a teleprompter, and then still reads it wrong. Putin will have his way with Biden. Never fear, the msm, not Fox news, will cover for the wuss.
  6. This came up when MLK was voted to be a Federal holiday. There was a choice…..Juneteenth or MLK. MLK got the nod.
  7. It’s scary. She won’t come back with an answer on that.
  8. There’s a Trump reference. Lmao What did Trump believe? Hagar, unfortunately, Biden is going into the meeting as a whipped pup.
  9. Need I say more?……flaunting Your single example does not disprove his point. You always do that
  10. This is not something I care to familiarize myself with, so forgive me if I mess it up. It is confusing. A transgendered man was born a woman/female, still has the female reproductive equipment, had sex with a male, got pregnant, and gave birth. That is technically a woman/female giving birth.
  11. What an embarrassment. Really? There are people who actually believe 82,000,000 people voted for the lame ass? Read some of the comments below the video.
  12. Forget you dude. I am getting a return on my lifetime investment in our government. Leeches don’t work. You haven’t been jap-slapped lately, have you? Oh yeah, you are of the class of people who didn’t have to discover the pecking order by in-school fighting. Look what that produces…..^^^^^
  13. So pathetic. This guy is going to have a showdown with Putin? Really??! Biden and Harris got 82,000,000 people to vote for them? Where are they?
  14. Whatever floats your boat. Webster is a commie professor? [Hidden Content]
  15. Thanks grammar police….. [Hidden Content]
  16. Big Girl, do all of us lay people a favor and tell us if you have ever seen anyone other than a woman giving birth. OB/GYN may not be your field, but surely on some of your jaunts through hospitals, you may have witnessed things that some of us may never see. Even if you haven’t witnessed such an event, maybe you could expound on what a birthing person would be.Thanks in advance.
  17. Why should we care if Kamala goes to the border? She will do as much as she already has, which is absolutely nothing. She is clueless.
  18. George Carlin…..do you realize how many stupid people there are? Carry around a pen and paper and I bet you right down 30-40 names in one day. Think about how smart the average guy is, then realize that half the people are stupider than that.
  19. Oh, I knew too well what that was. BR549.
  20. “You” collectively as a people. “You” don’t have to be the one to say it, just simply believe it. If all of that were to happen, I’m sure you would be concerned about “qualified whites” not getting hired. See what I mean?
  21. Yes, but you people are never satisfied. You want a black owner, entire coaching staff, scouts, trainers, agents, merchandising, concessions, players, and fans. You want it all, so don’t even come at me with that equality crap. I don’t believe it for one second. Back on topic: I am straight and proud of it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  22. Gender card. That could get interesting. Does one have to stick to their classification or can they change it as often as needed per circumstance? By filling their quotas, it may get to where they eventually “have to” hire a straight, white male.
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