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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. Austin Hendrix Soph 1 today vs Sabine Pass Tyler Farrar Sr. 1 today vs Sabine Pass
  2. If this is true and something like this were to happen, the U.S. is in deep trouble. The next election can't get here fast enough.
  3. Should not be surprising since it all boils down to race.
  4. You, sir are in for a rude awakening on judgement day.
  5. If this is allowed, his a@# should get impeached.
  6. Just heard a radio interview with 'Rev.' Jesse Jackson turning this into a racial thing. Go figure, guess it doesn't matter that rules were broken. Getting sick and tired of the race card getting played, wrong is wrong. Skin color has nothing to do with cheating. JMO
  7. Their excuse is that it also works in reverse. Global warming causes harsher winters. I say BS.
  8. Wonder how the liberals in the northeast are feeling about global warming right now. I bet Al Gore is hating all that snow and cold.
  9. He'd probably lose right now, so he won't risk the embarassment.
  10. Is he done? Maybe he shouldn't have tried to look like an NFL linebacker.
  11. Gotta make sure the libtards are gonna continue getting them votes.
  12. And what has your guy done other than tell lie after lie about his plan.
  13. 35-7 run by Duke since early 6-0 lead by ND
  14. 2 quick 3's for ND, now Duke pouring it on. 13-0 run
  15. Duke v. Notre Dame about to tip. Let's go Irish!
  16. Seems as if Joseph Randle is getting a pass on this thread. Wonder why that is?
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