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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. He’s good no doubt. Can’t stand him, but he’s good. He’s the reason I will root against the Rangers, if they hold on to win tonight.
  2. The three guaranteed outs for the Astros showed up this inning. Is there ANYBODY else that can play RF and SS? The two out there now just flat out stink!! Maybe they can star in another HEB commercial!
  3. Early to bed tonight. Not much of a need to watch to much more of this 💩
  4. C’mon, big girl should be the one answering this question, not asking it. You know, after all, she is a highly trained medical professional.
  5. You obviously have no clue what a fact is? It is a fact that biden threatened to withhold funds to Ukraine, if the prosecutor investigating his po💩 son wasn’t fired. He said it on a live taping, but yet you deny it. Henceforth, you don’t have a clue what a fact is.
  6. Like bullets said, it’s all about who you root for. He’s for the Rangers, so nothing to see.
  7. How can you be a fan of Rangers given the steroid junkies that have played for them, if you can’t still be an Astros fan with the atrocities they committed?
  8. In regards to your last statement, how can you possibly know that?
  9. Don’t think every team out there is not pushing the limits when it comes to gaining an upper hand, no matter the sport. As far as the trash can banging goes, I was not a fan of it, but it’s done. But there are those that will say everyone of their playoff wins are still tainted.
  10. 2017, it’s time to get over it! They’ve been to six straight ALCS’s since. I guess you are one of those that can’t move on. And it’s been proven the Astros weren’t the only ones!
  11. When you have three guaranteed outs in a lineup, it makes it hard to win. There’s not a soft spot in the Rangers order. Peña, Maldonado, and Tucker are awful. I would start McCormick over Tucker. Tucker’s lack of hustle in the outfield and his inability to hit is a problem. Hopefully, they can pull it off tonight!
  12. Some have an issue with facts!!
  13. Garcia should have gotten a suspension as well. If he takes his base, instead of acting like a punk, nothing happens. The ball hit his elbow pad, shouldn’t have been an issue. He’s just a big kitty(😏)!
  14. A total bs call. The umpires need to know the game situation before they decide to throw someone out. If an Astro gets hit today, the pitcher better get thrown out. I wouldn’t be surprised if Altuve doesn’t get plunked in his first AB. Then he can go to first and show Garcia how the game is played.
  15. Garcia should take notes from Altuve on how to play the game with class!!
  16. Republicans are given the majority in the House and proving they can’t handle it. No wonder our government is so dysfunctional.
  17. What a dumbass potus we have! I know most of us on this site already know that. The others are just plain blind to it!
  18. Let’s see how bad the R’s screw this one up.
  19. Just a harbinger of things to come. People are realizing the Dims are a terrible bunch.
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