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Everything posted by wo-s#1

  1. Dawgs scratch 1 in in top 2,then load em up …That lefty for the Brahmas got him with that nice breaking pitch to end the threat
  2. He should have suffered too,1 fingernail at a time…he’s a disgusting mess that deserves some of what he dished!
  3. Really sad,should’ve made him suffer some before plugging him!
  4. Bring CS and OF out to Lamar also…Won’t happen but would be nice!
  5. Used to have a good head on his shoulders,”fell off the deep end lately it seems”
  6. Just heard about this…terrible for the young man!Prayers to the Jones family and Tiger Nation!
  7. Not unless it’s something that needs to be said..just a realist man that’s all
  8. Was this his first game back? Awesome for him,can you post a video link?
  9. The game?it lasted 1 hr and 10 minutes is what I heard,of course I didn’t get to go…work needed my expertise!
  10. Clearly you wasn’t so I might as well,that’s what this forum is about right
  11. I hear ya and I care just as much that’s why I’m griping,I said earlier 3 years but he’s about to complete his 4th season and nothing is getting better,time for change my guy and that’s it ….cya
  12. Young team yeah this year,2 studs that I know on the team have underachieved,he can teach and I know this because he taught my son personally a lot but guess what he under achieved too..it’s no keyboard games,the people close to the program (evidently you)should be thinking of something new is all I’m saying,I’m definitely no baseball god lol,again no beef just imo something should change
  13. A handful,is that enough?Not sure where you’re headed with that question…
  14. WOS (0-22)-with 3 remaining games have been outscored by a whopping 279-24!!!Freaking amazing and maybe even the worst EVER in the area!No reason why there’s not a new coach next year (and no I’m not bashing him)If I don’t produce at my job I will be gone,3 years and we haven’t done anything except waste time and money!Ok I’m off my box now,good day!
  15. Didn’t realize that was him until I re-read the obituary,he was a very intelligent man…if I’m not mistaken he started the texas downlow forum?Maybe not but sure updated a ton of information over there!Too young to be gone…
  16. Not sure if they’re still open or not either,probably not!They had the best bbq chip beef samich I ever had,they quit doing them several years ago ☹️
  17. That don’t even look right…very possible though I suppose,I thought Jasper was pretty young last year though and that defense was the truth…with an offensive HC now I look for them to be pretty balanced
  18. Any word on who the other is?Ramsey I know about,haven’t heard about anybody else
  19. If WOS doesn’t hold up and that is a question mark with everything happening,then I’ll take Jasper to win the district
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