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Posts posted by IT'S IN THE BONE

  1. 4 hours ago, eagleswoodville#1 said:









    My playoff projection:

    1. Kirbyville

    2. Woodville

    3. Coldspring

    4. Buna



    With EC out and Kirbyville down from last year, this district just got a lot more competit I've from top to bottom. 


    Kirbyville lost a lot of talent, but will also bring back a lot of speed in the form of Ty Dennis. They should be a little down, but still the class of this district.


    Woodville returns the most starters of anyone in the district, including 1st team All District RB Ivan Lockhart. They were extremely young last year, so look for those young guys to step up this year and start to show production in numbers and compete for the district title.


    Coldspring's numbers have been down lately, which has caused a drop in talent level, but they're still a good program who loves their football. They'll compete well and beat out Buna for this last spot.


    Trinity had a very good season last year, defeating powerhouses Lexington and Corrigan-Camden. They should be pretty good this year, as well. They get this third spot.


    Buna will return more experience from a young team last year. Their problem is going to be keeping up with the speed in the top half of this district. 


    Kountze should be way down. With the loss of Grayland Arnold, there aren't many other options. It should be a rebuilding year for the Lions, and if played right, can lead to a strong season next year.


    Warren will be down from a team that wasn't very good this past year. I hate to say it about my neighbors, but they'll be the bottom feeders of this district.




    Throw in your comments and opinions!



    playoff -



    Trinity, Woodville




    ****I agree with take otherwise


  2. 14 hours ago, Mr.Green Jeans said:

    Bone looks like your crystal ball was correct.:):):)

    Well it helps to have that source...but like I said did not see Trinity but I did not know their numbers at the time...glad they adjusted moving EC and AP out but Should have left Hardin...but big thanks to my old farmer friend and his resourceful UIL insight!   LMBO!

  3. On 12/31/2015 at 9:01 PM, MOSSHILL said:

    We are returning a lot this year to a good young squad from last year. Bats got cold in a few games that cost us a playoff spot. I believe we will take the 1 seed this year and see it playing out something like this :

    1) Hardin

    2 Kirbyville

    3) Warren

    4) Anahuac / Kountze / Buna

    I think 1st may be a bit ambitious but I love the confidence...if you don't have a vision, you can't accomplish anything! Best of luck.

  4. Buna is going to be in the hunt, always are. Askew and Martin saw plenty of action on the bump last year.  Also have some good younger players that will step up. Depends on how the schedule works out with the pitching. I've got it:

    1. Kirbyville 

    2. Warren

    3. Buna

    4. Anahuac 


    I agree with this for the most part accept I think Kountze, Hardin and Anahauc will be in a fight for the 4 hole and if Buna has a couple of off games to anyone of those three...well you see where I am going...will be another fun year to follow.

  5. From my perspective I see Coldspring coming down to 3A - D1 and the only place feasible I see them going is into the district with:

    EC, Kirbyville, Buna, Anahauc, Hardin, Kountze, Woodville, Warren.....Coldspring?     9 TEAMS

    Does anybody see another way than sending them this way? Everything north and east is 3A - D2 with no changes and the closest seems to be the district 3A - D1 district 14 and that twice the distance ...going North 3A - D1 district 11 which there again is twice the travel distance.

    SO...from my perspective...welcome Coldspring to 3A - D1 District 13! now this is all hinging on the official numbers which I have not seen just responding to a post by Bob4Life on the other thread talking about realignment numbers. 

  6. Just FYI...Grayland did place 2nd at state in the 100...I think that's right? Lol anyway I know he said he wanted that top spot and training for that will certainly help him in football. As I understand track will be his focus now along with the weight room...wish the kid the best, but just don't put your team on a YOYO. I agree with OldSchool on that front...JMO

  7. Hate to here that for the sake of Kountze Basketball...although being in such a weak district with maybe exception to EC...Kountze will still be a playoff team but winning district could be a much tougher challenge. Yes some will go far to the left and be like the Waterboy movie and say "on no we suck again" but let's be real Kountze will hold its own in most cases but they will have zero depth and no room for injury or grade issues...now for my black sheep thoughts...if Arnold is not playing how does that affect the other players? Do more hang up the high tops or do they embrace it and take it as their time to shine? Time will tell the tale.

  8. Who y'all got? 

    ok you picked Sealy on your picks...ok since you are now on the block for a Mamma Jacks meal from earlier this season I am gonna give the ultimate opportunity...it's a kinda double or nothing challenge...Sealy wins your off the hook, but if Silsbee wins we go to Jerry Nelsons Wood Fired Grill for a Chicken a Fried  RibEye...just to be clear I get my own steak not sharing one! Lol...lets do this broski!  

  9. Having Asst. AD's is common place, even at 3A schools. Having an AD, a head football and head basketball coach at a 3A school like Kountze (I say "like" based on their own money troubles) is very rare and not good business, IMO. No way you can get your monies worth having 3 different people in those positions at a school and community the size of Kountze.

    I agree just seems like Kountze is great at trying to be different! Lol...not many school districts can say they had an athletic trainer as the AD...but like I said you are probably right. I just hope for the sake of the kids in Kountze that the folks with the control make good decisions. 

  10. Sorry, but Kountze ISD is not big enough or rich enough to have a separate AD, separate head football and a separate head basketball coach. That ain't happening.

    I here what you are saying, but you are talking about a school district that has given the AD position to an Athletic Trainer while having a separate Head Football Coach and a Basketball Coach and Kountze has also paid for an Asst. AD under Lance Dale and Tracy Franklin...that Asst. was Joubert...once again just sayin...JMO...you are most likely correct Mike but don't be surprised.

  11. The carousel of highschool kids wanting or not wanting to play the game when already committed to a university. Interesting.

    I had heard from a Kountze coach during the middle of district (football season) that Grayland was not "hooping it up" but I told him then he's crazy.

    Grayland likes basketball more than football. Joubert would just coach basketball year around if they would let him, in which I did hear he was going back to full time basketball. How or why they would allow an AD (head football coach) to even be on the basketball court just blows my mind.


    But, we are talking about Kountze here. Basketball is all they got. 1 football playoff appearance in 40 plus years.

    2 playoff appearances in 41 years...hey man when they are that scarce one would like get credit for what they can...LOL...gonna give my prediction on AD/Coaching...Joubert keeps AD and a Head football Coach is hired and Joubert hands off the Basketball job after this year leaving him as AD only. I have no source and have run no swab on this topic, just MY OPINION and I could be 100% wrong (this statement does not represent anyone's position or political view and is not the position of any organization or district entity and strictly represents the views of the author...) sorry guys had to throw that out so I don't get harpooned or receive a party foul!

  12. Bad things happen to good people and good people can make some terrible mistakes.  Two good people...a mom and a six year old little girl were killed by a man that an instant before striking, killing and leaving the scene, was conciderered by many to be a great guy...a good man that made a terrible error in judgement. Two lives have been cut short unnecessarily: a mother who will never feel her child in an earthly manner and a little girl who will never be able to one day, possibly, see her own little girl; another life horribly damaged and may never recover emotionally or spiritually and many many other lives forever changed. I have seen first hand, as a father, the guilt a person feels when someone has died by their hands or actions...it is intense and sad and in this case it was not this persons fault. I can't imagine the hell this man is living through at this time...if it was me I would want to die! I bet this man would give his own life at this point if he could change his actions...JMO...I am not taking up for him because a mom and a sweet little baby are gone from this world to be with our Lord but no amount of hate or blame can or will bring them back. I am so so sorry to all the families involved and you have my prayers that God brings not just peace but also strength. God bless!

  13. No one knows better than the boys that they got beat last week. They will come into this game focused,  They have worked their backside off this week. Just a side note:  you directing comments like that towards the boys, umm  no,  One of those boys is mine ( I'm sure you can figure out which one )  and I can guarantee you he walks with NO such swagger.  So cool your jets . What I think, what you think, its all meaningless, what those young men on both teams think about each other is what counts, and I would say that both teams respect the ability of the other team and what that team is capable of doing .

    hey glad you said what you said...finally somebody gives the desired response...see all the things being said about Lumberton is the same kind of indirect attack on the Lumberton Players thanks for your help BigNed85...now maybe a little mutual respect can be shown based on the successes both these teams have had. Lumberton has come from obscurity and Nederland continues the tradition. This will be an awesome game and Raider Girl be careful about getting to cozy with that big dog...he bits! LOL...just joking guys and gals. From the heart I hope for a good clean game...pray the weather holds.

  14. Lets just make this clear so we can move past all the dumb comments and actually talk about the game.... Lumberton is not seeking anyone's respect. We are trying support our guys and hope to build upon this success.. If you don't wanna support what we have going then that's fine, it's your decision. But it will not stop what we have going. At the same time, we are not disrespecting any program that has earned their spot.. Saying that we can beat a team is just being hopeful that we can and will... No, we do not have the legacy that PNG and Nederland has. I applaud y'all for what you have done in the past, and this year. I will be rooting for those teams along with Central in the playoffs.. We are not comparing our program to yalls based off of one year, if anything we in Lumberton would like to get to yalls level one day. But that has to start now.... So no disrespect towards any program. It's our goal to be able to compete year after year with the great programs we have in this district..... I feel we have a chance to win tomorrow, but not because Nederland is a bad team cause obviously that's not the case, but because it's high school football. I'm supporting my team and know that anything can happen on any Friday night... And although I think Vidor doesn't have a chance against PNG, I'm rooting for them to win only because it would make things more interesting for the championship race if we win too. But my gut is picking PNG and hoping that will catapult them into a deep playoff run!!! Good luck to all :)

    you got nothing to explain to Big Ned Nation...it is them who are walking around 10 foot tall and bulletproof. Last week BIG NED walked with this same swagger into the game with GCM and got BEAT...B-E-A-T... Lumberton has done nothing but show up to fight a battle each week...when they won the did it with class and when they lost, I did not see a bunch of excuses. Nederland is a very good program and it deserves respect but it would get even more respect if it's fan were a bit more humble. So once again, Nederland Bulldogs, show up with that same strut from last week and you might be looking at second place. Lumberton folks this team has fought to get to this point and done it thru hard work and commitment...explain nothing to these folks. Yarbrough, Rhodes, Boykin, Thomas, Boutwell....y'all have fun Friday night, leave it all on the field and win or loose you will hold your head up! God Bless guys

  15. Everyone always has a chance to beat someone, but  ... on our Senior Night .... in OUR Stadium .... in front of BULLDOG NATION watching....smh ....comical at best.  Nederland will finish off Lumberton and start preparing for our Bi-District opponent. The pressure will be too much for the raiders and the DOGS will keep that little "choo-choo"  horn pretty quiet come Friday night. Get ready for BULLDOG NATION!

    GO  BULLDOGS !!!!

    And that is why Lumberton will be in this ballgame till the end...bring the Nation and time will tell, but if Big Ned shows up that cocky it could another Goose Creek Mem.

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