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Posts posted by IT'S IN THE BONE

  1. I was sitting in front of the press box and this coach was right above us, on top of press box, and yes several times he seem to have flipped his lid and was going of on whoever was on the other end of those head phones. Several fans asked him to not cus anymore. And he actually told Pasture Chad to shut up and mind his own business.

    you know what's funny is Kirbyville ISD attitude towards folks visiting Kirbyville for sporting events...those being a bit hypocritical in comparison . During Baseball last year we had a Kirbyville administrator act a fool in a confrontation with fans due to his own comments and now their Coaching personel giving a  lesson In the use of colorful language and once again no real response other than what happens in the box stays in the box and get better facilities...upgrade. Nobody is perfect and we all fall short but when you know your in the wrong and especially when your are In a leadership role...an apology and putting a stop to the negative behavior would have been the end of it...in the heat of the moment anyone can slip up. But to just not care and thumb your nose at people making a legitimate request is wrong. 

  2. This is a public high school sports forum. There is no "what happens in the box, stays in the box." When a coach makes a dumb mistake in front of public volunteers, he has to deal with what comes later. And that includes what is talked about on this site. You wouldn't be saying that if this were a Kountze coach in Kirbyvilles press box. 

    If it were in the press box maybe it would have been more contained...but the guy / coach was outside on the roof broadcasting via mouth for all to here.

  3. I would like to hear about this as well.

    all I know is the Kirbyville Coaches were on top of the box and a coach was using an outside voice and was letting the obscenities fly...he was asked to put a cork in it and it continued to the point that administration had to go get Kirbyville folks and remove him during the second half. AAW I don't know what the deal was...I only can think that sitting right in the middle below the press box is several families with small kids. From my understanding he was asked to stop before the situation escalated. 

  4. Ozen has to regroup and as smash mouth said look in the mirror, don't think they were scouted well enough, and maybe,just maybe don't have the numbers, or personnel, to match numbers and personnel of other teams. Don't take that the wrong way, they have several players on Ozen's team that are better than all players on most of the teams in the district, just not enough of them.

    IMO...Ozen is loaded with talent but that talent has to be coached up and developed and BISD has not done the best of job putting the right folks in charge of Ozen Football.  In addition, you also can't continue a revolving door either...Kids have to be coach-able and that starts off the field...plus, coaches have to coach and together they gotta have heart. When Ozen becomes a team with kids that want to be coached and coaches that want to coach...Ozen will play as team and execute. I keep waiting for that year to occur and watch Ozen roll...if your a football guy than you know thats special and fun to watch.  

  5. Maybe it was the Kountze announcer he was pist about. By the middle of the first I was sick and tired of hearing his poor humor about everything from nachos to pylon cameras to TIDE.  

    Well I did the announcing last year and the year before and it takes alot of prep...it's not easy to do and it's a volunteer job that has little thanks. I am sure I could not announce my way out of an open box and was no better but the guy is trying and he is  doing it because he cares...but I understand...lol...he is just trying to hard.

  6. That's why you're the fan and not the coach. A statement had to be made.

    ???? I get it they must have needed the style points needed to calculate that big national ranking...lol...whatever, no need for that! Or maybe it was the fact the Kirbyville Coaches were pissed because a Kirbyville coach got ejected from the press box roof for a terrible case of profanity...pretty classy!

  7. I know the majority opinion is that Kirbyville will bounce Kountze and that probably will be the case, but if the stars align and Kirbyville should some how be on their heals and then make mistakes with multiple turnovers and Kountze plays a near perfect game...all bets are off...PERFECT STORM. Anything can happen on Friday nights as we have all witnessed in the past. My personal opinion...the stars stay scattered and sky clear. Pulling for the underdog anyhow!

  8. JUCO IS AGREAT WAY TO GO...many talented kids have gone that way and have gone on to big things and at the least got an education...as far as not playing and saving the money to just pay for school...lol...thought about that many times, but no price tag can be put on the time I was able to spend with my son and allowing your kid to chase a dream...WORTH EVERY CENT! 

  9. Hardin won't give it up easy at home, but Woodville will be to much for the Hornets. I like the heart and determination in Hardin but beating a much improved Woodville is a little to much to soon IMO. I know there are a few that will say how improved can they be after Friday night...I say this....last years Woodville did not have the ability to make adjustments and recover to pull that type of game out of the fire. 

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