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Posts posted by IT'S IN THE BONE

  1. Gore?? Interesting you say Gore when he is probably 4th or 5th best pitcher on Silsbee's team. Powell, Griffin and Hartman will be the Tiger starting rotation.

    Thought Gore looked good, Griffin pitched and did well, he is ligit but thought Gore and Powell looked the best. IMO
  2. AAW I acknowledged the "potential reality" LOL for Silsbee: Again, if Silsbee stayed with Gore and Powell hitting would have "potentially" been more challenging. See to me AAW, "what if's" are only "what if's" if you don't have the talent to back up the senerio laid out. If you do than it's a potential reality. LMBO, sounds good anyway! Heart felt good luck to Silsbee, hope they win it all!
  3. I think the issue is most of the time the "what if game" is a one sided la la land. But what I was dolling out was potential reality AAW not make believe bra. Silsbee is a good team so let's just leave it at that and say, best of luck to the Tigers this year, go far and go deep!
  4. Eagles, and whoever else,

    Not defending anything or giving excuses or hypotheticals. I was merely having a conversation / discussion about a Kountze on a 25 2-A thread. Why anyone from Silsbee or anywhere would take issue is past my comprehension. But since we are gonna go their, than let's go: first, defensively I saw Silsbee make mistakes in the field that a top ranked team should not have made. So better defensively " don't see it " as far as Silsbee's pitching, I agree Silsbee could have used their ace and made hitting more challenging. But as far as Silsbee's hitting, I think Franklin and Marshall gave them a challenge and in no wY dominated either of those two pitchers, IMO Lognion was not a push over either. Bottom line Silsbee did damage with the sticks against an inexperience freshman. Look guys you can paint how you want it but my original point was respectful and only said Kountze had the ability to give Silsbee a closer game and on the right day maybe pull off an upset. As far as a comparison to Shephard, I agree that Silsbee is a better rounded ball club for sure, but hitting pitchers that are solid 90 and above is a challenge. Eagle just FYI, it's my understanding several scouts will be present and most people when they go to a dance and the bands present, well dancing normally goes down; my point, the brothers will hit the bump. ;)
  5. Agree, last night Kountze could have given Silsbee a much closer game if that was the exercise at hand. Could have stayed with Marshall another inning and Lognion another couple of innings and it's a game, not to mention if Franklin stayed dialed in like the first inning Kountze would have made it a very close game if not right out won. Our young freshman got stroked, and one of our potential relief guys struggled but that's ok it's a scrimmage and you want to see what you can see. At the plate Kountze is tough with Marshall leading off, because he is a very difficult out. Generally he gets on and then we have Franklin coming three hole to drive runs. I think as a hole we are stronger than last year 5-9. Kountze was without district offensive MVP the past two outings and will really solidify the lineup upon his return against Shephard Friday. That should be a good test, more so than Silsbee.
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