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Proud Dawg

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Posts posted by Proud Dawg

  1. For some people on this board and in the state, this game is over before it is even played. Go ahead and mail Gilmer the trophy and save everyone a trip to Dallas. That is some views. Stranger things have happened that wos winning the state championship. They haven't made it this far for no reason. Wos is an outstanding football team. It will take a great game to beat gilmer, but gilmer is gonna have to play great to win also. 48 minutes for the rest their lives. If they leave it all out there wos will be fine. I can't wait to see the game. Good luck wos. Way to represent setexas
  2. No one said co didn't have athetic kids. I simply said that they are not as athletic as port neches. Basketball and baseball are sports where you need time playing and time playing together. There is no doubt in my mind co will win, but that doesn't mean they are more athletic
  3. Sorry to chime in so late, but. If you have half a brain you realize that the best athletes don't always win in basketball. I have seen both teams and co will win by as many as their Parent pleasing coach wants. My bet is he will take his foot off the gas early. Port neches is more athletic, but they can't beat co Wilson. Diego got to be on that purple koolaide to be posting garbage like that
  4. There is no team left in playoffs by luck or bad play. This game like from here on out will be decided by how each team matches up with the other. I feel it will be decided in trenches. Not a lot of love for the big guys, but o line d line play will factor in this game big time. I give edge to wos d line. They are always fast and disruptive. Not sure about o line for either, just d line for wos is gonna be tough
  5. I like reading footballer06 myself. It is funny as hell. Crosby is playing great football. Haters are gonna hate and they won't change their mind. But you asked why that is happening and I attempted to answer the best way I know. Not hating or bashing and damn sure not taking away from crosby football. I wish I was off work to watch em play. I will be keeping up with it just like I did the last 3 games.
  6. I really don't think people dislike crosby, I think it is a genuine dislike for you and other posters who say how much better crosby is than their team. It happens on alot of threads. People on here know they are playing basketball and crosby is playing football. Off this site, most people are pulling for crosby to win. But once they listen to people dog on theit average team for 5 or 6 weeks, they turn bitter. It is easier to attack brash posters because that is what they do. You don't have to say a word about how good crosby is, they are playing football in December. Enough said. As I read the posts, people seem to respond negatively to certain posters not teams. Just sayin
  7. It is no secret that a couple crosby fans ruffled everyone's feathers this year. So, everyone is waiting for the time when you lose so they can dish it back at ya. But everyone needs to realize that crosby is still playing, so they have the right to boast. They beat nederland, so they can talk smack. I was at the game. I wasnt impressed when I left with either team, but here we are and crosby still playing. Even if they lose to brenham, they still played longer than us so they have a shield for the trash. Can't argue with em for whatever draw they got in playoffs. Good luck crosby. If we all quit arguing about why they are where they are, then it gets boring.
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