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Big girl

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  1. Like
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in Mar-a-Lago Ring a Bell?   
    it's always kinda funny on here when folks on either side spend a whole lot of effort excusing their guy's behavior, but then try to crucify the other guy for the same thing.  Literally every one of you downplayed or totally dismissed Mar a Lago.  If that wasn't a big deal, this certainly isn't, as it's on a much, much smaller scale.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, the law enforcement response should be the same, at least kind of.  Trump had 325 govt documents, including 160 secret and 60 top secret documents, stored haphazardly in 12 boxes at a storage room at his house.  His possession of these documents was intentional.  Biden forgot about 10 documents in a locked closet from his vice presidency, and a had a handful of documents at his house.  Kinda apples and oranges, That said, it's hilarious watching the right pretend that this is all of a sudden a big deal when Trump's much more serious act was "just a witch hunt" a few months ago, and also watching the left pretend like this means nothing, when Trump's acts were akin to treason a few months ago.  The hypocrisy of both sides knows no bounds, but it's pretty entertaining.  The first page of this thread with the outraged comments about how hypocritical the left is was especially amusing.  
  2. Haha
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Poor schmucks in this topic still don’t realize it’s a uniparty, as their comrade Unwoke rightfully points out (maybe the only thing he has right 😉)
    Another day, another SUCKER getting duped into picking sides 
  3. Like
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    It's been "libtards" here forever and I don't remember you standing up for the mentally challenged then.  I guess it's only a problem when it's directed at YOUR friends. 
  4. Haha
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    TrumpTards again trying to deflect and cope with opposing McCarthy last week, and bending the knee this week 
  5. Haha
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Well since you asked.. it means you’re an idiot. 
  6. Like
  7. Haha
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in In McCarthy Negotiations, GOP Landed On ‘Most Significant Win For Conservatives In A Decade’!   
    Oh look another binary brain NPC.
    Must..pick..side… 🐑 
  8. Like
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in In McCarthy Negotiations, GOP Landed On ‘Most Significant Win For Conservatives In A Decade’!   
    Yeah we know you love big spending, debt expansion, and free money interest rate policies.. old news.
    Just another big ole hypocrite on this website.. dare I say, RINO. 
  9. Like
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in George Santos - NY Representative   
    Well DUH! Why on earth would I blindly pledge alliance to a political party like you guys do? Makes zero sense.
    But I guess that’s why y’all keep falling for the nonsense (don’t worry 2024 is the year, and I mean it this time!)
  10. Like
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in George Santos - NY Representative   
    Correction - the moderates and independents are right, and the Trumptards are slightly bigger idiots than Biden supporters 
  11. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxFan in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Agree about weak conservatives, TBH yall could've put your best conservative up against Obama and he'd still have won IMO.... 
  12. Haha
    Big girl got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    The antics of Gaetz and McCarthy were worse than Pelosi" tearing up the state of the union address"
  13. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxFan in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Troll? Lol ok
    Not about to go back and forth with you, seen you get embarrassed many times on here... not worth my time
    Anyhow, seen were Mccarthy says he has the votes... lol all these negotiations to pick the same guy from 4 days ago on the 1st ballot 🤣 
  14. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    I'd like to see a source that says 80% of Republican voters don't want McCarthy.  I'm confident that you made that one up on the fly. 
  15. Haha
    Big girl reacted to TxFan in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    After all your comments on here, you call someone clueless? 
  16. Haha
    Big girl reacted to TxFan in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Long time reader, had to create an account for this one
    Unwoke dude sips that kool aid like no other on here 😂
    after reading the comments I've come to the conclusion he really thinks these folks care bout him! 
  17. Like
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    I think that Obama would be an interesting choice for Supreme Court Justice.... Don't get me wrong, I don't like his politics, but the guy is a Constitutional Scholar.  If I were a Dem President needing to fill a seat I'd explore it. 
  18. Haha
    Big girl reacted to Boyz N Da Hood in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Crawfish? Pshh plz
    I'm just enjoying the 💩 show the R's are putting on for us, ensuring that they won't get anything done like they promised... hook line and sinker to the cult
  19. Haha
    Big girl reacted to Boyz N Da Hood in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Stay on topic if you can, not really interested in going back and forth with you...  instead I'll just laugh at you
  20. Like
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    The Republican Party isn't a party.. It's a group of people who are held hostage by the whims of the most extreme members of their unit.  That's why the Democratic Party is superior to the Republican Party, as bad as it pains me to say it.  
    Democrats wanted the ACA?  They had the votes and got it passed.  The Repubs promised to repeal and replace, and they had the votes... but they couldn't get it done.  It's a party full of people who are only looking out for their own desires and interests, and they have no ability to come together and do what needs to be done.  Once 19 of these 20 get on the same page, you'll have a few defectors who recognize their own new-found importance and demand that even MORE stringent demands are met.  
    The Republicans just look like a bunch of clowns who can't even agree on a leader, much less do anything to further conservative issues in the House.  It's an embarrassment.  I'm with you... they'll lose the House in '24 if they don't get this done, now.  America is watching a bunch of dudes that can't even work with each other, much less across the aisle... and that's what most Americans who aren't hardened partisans wants to see happen.  
  21. Haha
    Big girl reacted to Boyz N Da Hood in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    how bout kari lake? I mean she is a free agent 🤣
  22. Haha
    Big girl reacted to Boyz N Da Hood in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    She's at work, I'm off today... do whatever I want today and I chose to laugh at clowns on here 
  23. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Here Are the First 12 Actions the GOP Should Take Once Taking Control of the US House!   
    And McCarthy is 0-3. Nice look for the new Republican majority in the House. 
  24. Haha
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Check out the projection on this one lol.. the only people I see having a meltdown right are.. TrumpTards.

    I wonder why Trump didn’t drain the swamp like he said he would. Either:
    1) trump is part of the uniparty 
    2) trump doesn’t give a 💩 about his voting base
    3) trump got outsmarted by the swamp, because he’s too stupid 
  25. Haha
    Big girl reacted to DonTheCon2024 in Speaker of the House - Vote Today   
    Let’s see how the GOP manages to shoot themselves in the foot today..
    MAGAtards vs. normal, respectable conservatives. round #9000 fight
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