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Big girl

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Posts posted by Big girl

  1. 13 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Nobody here had a PPP loan, stop deflecting.

    You failed to pay off your debt for so long that the taxpayers had to step in and bail you out.

    Surely you understand that it upsets responsible folks that pay their debts to see you get on here bragging how you forced others to pay off your loan.

    Bs. Because I made a lot of payments, it was paid off. Do your research. Do you agree with ppp loan forgiveness. If I had not made payments, I would e been in defaul, which disqualifies one from forgiveness. Nice try.

    2. Borrowers in repayment for 20 years or more

    Those who have been carrying their student debt for decades may also benefit.

  2. 2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    biden and his administration not allowing any mention of Christ during the Easter coloring contest at the WH.  More proof that your party is a bunch of heathens that doesn’t want anything to do with God.  Keep calling yourself a Christian as you support this Godless bunch.  Go woke and lose your country.  That is what the Demoncrats and those like you are doing every time you vote D.  You and others need to wake up before it’s to late, if to late is not already here!

    Says the man who supports a party that locks kids in cages. A party that wants to cut programs that help to sustain life, and tax the middle class more than they tax the super wealthy A party that doesn't want to accept refugees. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    biden and his administration not allowing any mention of Christ during the Easter coloring contest at the WH.  More proof that your party is a bunch of heathens that doesn’t want anything to do with God.  Keep calling yourself a Christian as you support this Godless bunch.  Go woke and lose your country.  That is what the Demoncrats and those like you are doing every time you vote D.  You and others need to wake up before it’s to late, if to late is not already here!

    Judge not, lest she be judged.


  4. 19 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    You know that Demoncrats are anti-God, therefore, the reason shallow minded big girl has a problem with it.

    I am a Christian. You guys sure were ok with ppl loan forgiveness even though some of the people who had their loans forgiven were rich. Hypocrites. Besides, I can buy a bible for 10-15 dollars. I have several. Some people give them away for free.

  5. 3 hours ago, Reagan said:

    From the article:  "“All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book”.  As a Christian yourself, wouldn't you also believe this?  Oh, BTW, he doesn't need the money.  Have you seen the stock value of his new company?  It's ~67 dollars per share.  And I think he owns 79 million shares!  You do the math!

    Why doesn't he give them away for free. Why is he selling them?

  6. 20 hours ago, Reagan said:


    They laid off, or are going to layoff, 1,200-1,400 American workers.  They will in turn hire 42,000 "illegals" this year and another 42,000 "illegals" next year.  They will be paid $16.50 per hour.  

    Oh, and BTW -- Tyson is owned by china!!

    Not true

  7. On 3/15/2024 at 8:26 AM, Englebert said:

    More lies, and accusing me of lies. How long will you embarrass yourself.

    Obama weaponized the IRS against Conservatives. He spied on Fox News (and AP) reporters. Are you denying these facts? I'm sure he probably had something to do with Hillary's "Russia, Russia, Russia" dossier. No telling what else was done. Biden has a new attack almost daily. You even admitted it. So try to disprove these. And for bonus points, start listing those Trump political persecutions being done to Democrats. Maybe there are some. Otherwise, let's see if you must consider calling yourself a liar.

    Trump did not run on "Lock her up". It was a saying at his rallies that caught on. He did not go after her because it was against form and fashion to go after your political foes. Do you remember when Conservative had character? I wish he would have had her investigated. She would be rotting in prison right now...where she belongs.

    Trump fought against the spending bills given to him. He even shut down the government because of it. Do you remember that? Can't you get anything right?

    Again, you are horrible at revising history to fit your TDS filled criteria. You have proven that you cannot analyze other people. It is laughable when you try. And yes, you should feel physically hurt when you are this stupid...if you had character.

    What lies will you reply with now? Maybe get Big Girl to help you because you are doing a terrible job on your own.


    Show me your source?

  8. On 3/14/2024 at 12:43 PM, thetragichippy said:

    LOL......You are ate up with CNN talking points. No one, unless evil is OK with babies starving to death. One could make an argument that someone who has 1 or more babies but can't afford food for them without government assistance is "OK with babies starving".  The rest of your comments is nonsense too, but I'm not wasting time addressing it. 

    So, do you support entitlement programs?

  9. On 3/15/2024 at 1:16 PM, Englebert said:

    Are you really resorting to playing armchair psychologist. You just keep digging that embarrassment hole deeper and deeper. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Do you really want to pursue a path in which you obviously have no comprehension.

    I really had no intention of letting you embarrass yourself. This is just getting ridiculous. I'll wait for CardinalBackers rebuttal instead of being the catalyst to your "clinical embarrassment". (I'll save you some research time and let you know that disorder does not really exist.) As much as you post on here, I really thought you had a bigger spine. CardinalBacker can dish it out, and can take it too. You, not so much. For wanting to be the morality police, you sure do exhibit a clear lack of morality. I suggest you spend more time in the psychologist's flat bed instead of the arm chair.

    What disorder doesn't exist?

  10. On 3/12/2024 at 6:20 PM, BS Wildcats said:

    Democrats have no family values, thus they can’t run on family values.  They are for murdering babies, allowing schools to brainwash kids into thinking they are not the gender they truly are, allowing men to use women’s restrooms with no threat of repercussion, and they want no part of God at their conventions.  As far the schools brainwashing the kids into thinking they are a different gender, this is done unbeknownst to the parents.  I ask you big girl, would you stand for a school doing this to your kids?  Democrats are plain and simple bunch of paganistic heathens.  No wonder the Demoncrats don’t run on family values.

    Yet you are OK with babies starving to death after birth or dying of some preventable disease, because his mother didn't keep her legs closed. Also, you have hate in your heart towards Muslims. God is love, period. You are a hypocrite.

  11. On 3/12/2024 at 6:20 PM, BS Wildcats said:

    Democrats have no family values, thus they can’t run on family values.  They are for murdering babies, allowing schools to brainwash kids into thinking they are not the gender they truly are, allowing men to use women’s restrooms with no threat of repercussion, and they want no part of God at their conventions.  As far the schools brainwashing the kids into thinking they are a different gender, this is done unbeknownst to the parents.  I ask you big girl, would you stand for a school doing this to your kids?  Democrats are plain and simple bunch of paganistic heathens.  No wonder the Demoncrats don’t run on family values.

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