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Posts posted by undiscovered

  1. I'm curious as to where race comes into play in this particular election? My understanding is that the two nominees of both parties were white. In fact, the republican party was the only party to have a black man in the primaries this year. I can't seem to find the race problem here, something just isn't adding up.

  2. 11 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    2months ago he was. Calling Trump the biggest liar of all time saying he refuse to be his puppy dog and could never vote for Trump. Come 18 and 20 he don't wanna have to answer why he ain't back the republican nominee in 16....

    I know it just politics as usual but. It just proves all bark no bite.


    btw when bernie did it he sold his soul right?


    Ted Cruz has done nothing different than what Barrack Obama has done.

  3. In America we have problems, a whole lot of problems. Problems that are caused by whites, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Christians, Asians, Atheists, you name it. These are problems that are caused by US citizens, people that were born here. People that work here and pay taxes. These are American problems caused by American, that we have to deal with everyday. The people that our government is allowing to come into our country (Muslim refugees, Illegal immigrants) have their own problems. Some want to kill Americans (Muslims) some are bringing over drugs (Mexicans) and some are coming here to better themselves and their family's lives. (Both Muslims and Mexicans). We have enough problems of our own to deal with. Why would any of us want to deal with someone else's problem? Sure not all of them are bad people, but all of them are coming into a foreign country, a country that has laws that they may not be accustomed to. All of them are coming here with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Some of the most desperate people are often the most dangerous. We should caution ourselves around these people and if possible prevent ourselves from being around these people. We should not risk American lives in order to try to save others who don't live by the same rules or play the same game as us.

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