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Posts posted by undiscovered

  1. 1 hour ago, JimThorpe said:

    One of the signs was inappropriate.  And I don't understand the logic of calling your arch rival "overrated".  If they are overrated and you beat them, so what.  But if they are not overrated and you beat them then it is a big deal.  But I get it, knucklehead teenagers are instinctively illogical in such situations.  I was a knucklehead teen myself but not an illogical one.

    You are very illogical if you think signs from a student section, that calls themselves “hecklers”, are inappropriate. You are a fool. Let the kids have fun, and heckle. As long as they aren’t cussing or throwing things on the court, they should be able to get as rowdy as they want... that is what makes these games fun. 

  2. I think you’re mad at the wrong people. Be mad at the old people in Sour Lake who don’t want to pay $14 more a year in taxes so we can have nice things.

    • Can’t host track meets bc of the condition of the track

    • Can’t host tennis tournaments because of the condition of the tennis courts

    • Can’t play JV baseball games because there are no lights 

    All of this would have been taken care of in the last bond that the District, that you’re so mad at, proposed. The people voted against it. Get out and campaign, and educate people on the bond and maybe next time this bond is proposed, people will actually vote for it. 

    Nobody is picking on baseball ..

  3. Since the very first post claiming that Silsbee would go undefeated in district for the next 5-6 years, two unexpected things has happened. Since then Silsbee has lost to HJ at home and then lost a game this year in district (; .  It's only been 3 years since that first post was made, and the streak has already been broken twice. I will be the first to make the next prediction that Silsbee will not lose a district game for the next 4 years, but like many warned 3 years ago, we should caution ourselves when making predictions on 15-18 year old kids. 

    All jokes aside I wish the very best to Silsbee this year and truly hope they can bring it all home. They have the talent no doubt, just need to stay focussed on the task at hand. Good luck tigers!

  4. Jim why do you want Hardin on the schedule so bad? Don't you want your son to play in a game that will prepare him for teams like WOS and others that hopefully HJ will see in the playoffs? Or do you just want him to have a good record his senior year? I'm sure BlueOwl would have much rathered a worse record with DuBois if that meant being more prepared and going further in the playoffs. Goodluck to your son this year, hoping the best for all of the kids. 

  5. Hardin should NEVER be on HJ's schedule. Under no circumstances should that happen. For a 4A coach to schedule this game against Hardin is an embarrassment to him and his program. It's a lose-lose situation for HJ. If they win they get nothing out of it whatsoever, except a W in the win column that isn't even respectable. If they lose it's an, even more, embarrassment for losing to a below average small school. This game should have never been scheduled in the first place. It seems to me that the only person scared in this situation is the one looking to beat up on a smaller school to make his record look better, rather than playing better competition to prepare his team for games that actually count.

  6. I find it very interesting how quick people seem to change their feelings on certain situations.

    When the Celina QB did what he did, many people on this site suggested he be suspended for the year including playoffs. The video was spread all over the internet and even put on this site for everyone to see, but nobody complained that he had a future and people shouldn't crucify him for a mistake that he made as a kid.

    When the softball catcher a couple of years ago in the state championship game did what she did nobody on here was upset that the video went viral and some even called for the removal of her scholarship. Nobody on this site said "It was a mistake, we should give her another chance. She was just a kid in the heat of the moment."

    Why is it that when its one of our own we seem to think differently? What makes this particular situation any different? IMO the only difference is this was a much more vicious assault that could have lead to very serious problems for the young man that was hit. 

  7. BadSanta what do you care more about a state championship or a kid getting back on the right track so he can make something of himself? You seem to be into this for your own selfish reasons, you didn't get a ring so you're living vicariously through these kids. They're kids they have so much more in life to accomplish than a state championship, and you even said yourself to a WOS poster "I hope that's not the highlight of his life" when regarding his nephew's state championship rings. So I know you understand that there is a bigger picture out there. Plus let's not assume that all of a sudden a state championship is out of reach, this is still historically one of if not the best Silsbee teams to ever put on a uniform with or without Devon. If you care as much about this kid as you say you do I think that (1) You'd want him to go through a punishment that will change him for the best and make him a better person, or (2) at least spell his name correctly.

  8. 51 minutes ago, BADSANTA said:

    #0 for LCM should hmbe in jail 


    If #0 for LCM belongs in jail, where does #3 for silsbee belong? Something similar to this also happened at the state championship game last year. On the way into the locker rooms at half time #3 for silsbee shoved a Dallas Lincoln player square in the back, their just happened to be no video cameras or referees. "We all make mistakes" is maybe okay for a one time offender but man watch the video..

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