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    jv_coach reacted to LumRaiderFan in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    It's actually easier to do nothing and belittle those that try minister to others...even if the method isn't always perfect or the message is tough to receive.
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    jv_coach reacted to LumRaiderFan in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    Simply witnessing to someone is not forcing your beliefs on them.
    As Christians we are commanded to tell the Gospel to others...but never to try to force it on someone.
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    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    First thing that comes to mind is that it is a current event and not something from the past.
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    jv_coach reacted to LumRaiderFan in "YMCA" Banned From Talent Show...   
    That is nuts...I will, however, go along with anything that makes sure that song is never played again.   :D
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    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in Why is this happening?   
    The reason, sir, that there are so many broke little guys is that, aside from section 8 housing, obamacare, long term unemployment, food stamps, and free cell phones, you aren't doing enough to support those who need "just a little temporary boost"
  6. Like
    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in fox news anchor arrested   
    Dove, sounds like you are making a case FOR Fox news.  They do the exact same thing.  They mention things that your crowd plus 99% of the media wont.  If it hadnt been for Fox, we wouldnt know anything about Benghazi and the IRS Scandal and the VA deaths would have been unknown as well.
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    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    But its ok to outlaw Big Gulp soft drinks in New York.
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    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    Yes, I once listened to someone from Occupy Wall Street tell me why their movement was so noble.
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    jv_coach reacted to mat in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    If gay marriage should be acceptable, why not plural marriage? (a little less radical comparison to marrying an animal)
  10. Like
    jv_coach reacted to H-D BOBCAT 55 in Hull-Daisetta Bobcats AD/HC Finney to Step Down!   
    Coach Finney announced to his players today he will be stepping down. Coach Finney once again shows he is classy, giving HD a chance to get going on hiring his replacement. Finney has done an outstanding job since taking the position! Finney came in and right away developed a top tier culture, based on hard work, integrity, discipline and accountability. In two seasons, HD won back to back undefeated District Championships under Finney. Under Finney the Bobcat pride and tradition was rekindled to a stellar level. Finney made it a personal mission to upgrade the athletic facilities and provide top of the line equipment for the kids at HD. During Finney's tenure HD obtained a new field house, weight room, locker room, players lounge, uniforms, equipment and concession stands. Finney also built up the culture of all HD sports, including the girl programs. The biggest thing Finney accomplished was turning decent kids into good young men. These young men will forever be better individuals for being Coached by Finney. Furthermore, the blessed Coach that takes over this program at HD, will be walking into a strong well built culture, ready to win and get better. I heard straight from the horses mouth, HD is not lacking any current or future talent, this is a personal family based move, that is needed at this time. I have talked with several Coaches highly interested in the HD position, there will be a strong interest as usual. Myself and many others in the community, would love to see Stan Hodges and Randy Birdwell get interviews and consideration. Coach Hodges was at HD years back and brings toughness, discipline and high expectations. Randy Birdwell is a HD alumnus that brings smarts, dedication and valuable grooming from Darrell Barbay. Coach Finney leaves HD Nation in a great State, better and more improved than it was. Thanks Coach Finney, it was an honor and privilege to have you here at HD!
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    jv_coach reacted to thetragichippy in Weird story out of Oak Cliff   
    It's officially a bad day when a naked man falls through your sunroof......
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    jv_coach reacted to PNGFan in NBA is fixed!!!!   
    I've said it all alone that the NBA is fixed.
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    jv_coach reacted to WTB in Marshall & others Dropping 7th Grade Football   
    Little league would be where the poor coaching comes into play
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    jv_coach reacted to PURPLE 4EVER in Always Believe Scholarship   
    Been a long time since I posted, but Wednesday was a Mount Rushmore day of my career as an educator.
    At the 2014 George Ranch HS Spring Athletic Banquet I presented the first ever ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF scholarship.
    It is amazing how my life has been blessed, and how hard it still is at times to know what I left at Dayton, but I know without a doubt my future potential at George Ranch is greater.
    Look for the Toups Graphics website to return this fall to post commentary on the top 5A football games in Region III.  Looks like the west side of Houston will be loaded next year with George Ranch, Elkins, and Ridge Point fielding good teams.
    Also in the beginning stages of writing a book on how to teach others to "Always Believe", this came after about three of my student parents emailed  encouraging me to do this.
    I have had an amazing year, my students are among the top test scorers on their benchmark tests in all of Lamar CISD (which has four high schools), I gave away an "Always Believe" Scholarship, one of the campers at Camp Cayuga Face Book messaged me and told me she had an English assignment to write about their hero, and that she would write the paper about me, because whenever she was sad she could always think about my positive attitude, and I can not count the number of amazing parent emails I have had on my impact of their kids.
    Miss all of you on the east side of Houston, but at least with this site, I can stay in touch.
    Mr. Toups

  15. Like
    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in Emails show D.C. officials directed IRS targeting   
    I am shocked- who would have guessed-  I will guarantee you one thing- The President is going to be outraged and will conduct a complete investigation to get to the bottom of this
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    jv_coach reacted to smitty in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Because what Tebow stands for is traditional America.  obama's about striking back at that tradition...
  17. Like
    jv_coach reacted to stevenash in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    My concern is that political correctness, carried to the extreme degree, is going to be our downfall.
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    jv_coach got a reaction from texas13 in Changes in Woodville   
    If the guy your bringing in is not qualified to be the AD he should not be the football coach. The person who is qualified to be the AD should be the football coach. 
  19. Like
    jv_coach reacted to AledoBearcatsCO2014 in More Evidence of the Big Bang   
    Man makes mistakes, but God doesn't. God would not allow the Bible to have any mistakes in it.
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    jv_coach reacted to AledoBearcatsCO2014 in More Evidence of the Big Bang   
    God would not allow the Bible to continue as it is if it were not all directly inspired by him.  He reveals himself through the Bible, and if someone was misrepresenting that, he would do something about it.
  21. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from texas13 in Changes in Woodville   
    If the guy your bringing in is not qualified to be the AD he should not be the football coach. The person who is qualified to be the AD should be the football coach. 
  22. Like
    jv_coach reacted to WTB in Overuse of young pitchers fueling MLBs "Tommy John" surgery problems   
    Lol arms need 2-3 months every year, not just sometime!!! Like I said select ball is hurting all these kids right now!! Then why are these players getting hurt and high school kids having Tj?
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    jv_coach reacted to chukslegacy in Overuse of young pitchers fueling MLBs "Tommy John" surgery problems   
    Arm problems are never a good thing, my son hyper-extended his throwing arm during football and an mri was done and the report was a tear in his ucl. Surgeon in PA referred us to Litner in Houston who does all the tj surgeries. This came about at the beginning of baseball this year so he was devestated, that he would have surgery and miss his senior year. I took the advice of a good friend and sent him to performance sports medicine in lake Charles La. and they said it was inflamed and rehab was done for 5 to 6 weeks and he is at 90% now.  I guess what i am trying to say is always check your options out! Too many doctors are willing to put kids under the knife!
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    jv_coach reacted to AggiesAreWe in Overuse of young pitchers fueling MLBs "Tommy John" surgery problems   
    Part of the reason why I am not too big a fan of "select" or year around baseball.
  25. Like
    jv_coach got a reaction from AledoBearcatsCO2014 in How the Bible just became more relevant   
    How the Bible just became more relevant FAITH & INSPIRATION By ANDRÉE SEU PETERSON Posted May 6, 2014, 10:42 a.m.   I read 2 Thessalonians this morning and was astonished at how much the apostle Paul had learned about my life lately.
    I say this tongue in cheek, of course, in the spirit in which Mark Twain allegedly quipped, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”
    It used to be that my eyes glazed over at the Pauline passages about persecution, like this one:
    All this talk about suffering and being afflicted at the hands of some faceless people! All this talk about needing to endure it and wait for Christ! I could not relate. I had to admit that the meanderings of Paul (and Jesus) did not describe me. I had no experience of being harassed or hated for my faith, or of knowing anyone who had. It made those sections of Scripture—and therefore the whole of Scripture, to some extent—a bit alien and abstract for me.
    But praise the Lord, see how much the Scriptures have “learned” about our lives in the last few years! Increasingly, our American experience has come to resemble conditions in first century Thessalonica, so that we can finally feel a part of the cloud of witnesses and the suffering saints.
    A sampler: The fast-food chain Chick-fil-A is banned in Boston. (When I was a kid, if a movie or a book was “banned in Boston” it was because it was morally filthy, but nowadays a company that is not pro-same-sex marriage is unwelcome in Beantown.) Last week, CNN host Rachel Nichols, latching onto the feeding frenzy of the Donald Sterling affair, dropped the hint that the Orlando Magic’s Rich DeVos should be the next NBA owner to go, for his pro-family views.
    An acquaintance recently told me that I should check out a website called â€œRight Wing Watch,” subtitled “A project of People for the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities of the right wing movement.” She said my name is mentioned on it. I hardly believed the woman, but I looked and it was true.
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