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Everything posted by jv_coach

  1. [Hidden Content]     The root problem in America is not Obama. He is just the most observable symptom of the national disease. The disease is the godless secular humanist evolutionary worldview that took over America and allowed evil men like Obama to rise to power. If the government is changed, the “progressive” Left with their evolutionary worldviews, still will remain well established, and they still will control America. America must return to the biblical worldview of its founders or it has no hope of change for the better.
  2. [Hidden Content]   Everybody needs a some Abbott and Castillo 
  3. Back in the day it was called the new morality , but it is still what the Bible calls sin. Our generation is not near as smart as we think we are.
  4. While one may not say that they agree with you Criag S, you are correct when you take their view out to its logical conclusion. 
  5. Going from a moral absolute society to a moral relativist society is a big deal. 
  6. The majority is the minority and the minority is the majority.     [Hidden Content]     The Worldview that Makes the Underclass Anthony Daniels Writer and Doctor ANTHONY DANIELS, who often writes under the penname Theodore Dalrymple, is the Dietrich Weismann Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal. Born in London in 1949, he qualified as a doctor in 1974 and has worked in various countries in Africa and elsewhere. From 1990 to 2005, he worked as a doctor and psychiatrist in a prison in Birmingham, England. He has written a column for the London Spectator for 14 years, and writes regularly forNational Review and the Wall Street Journal. He has published more than 20 books, including Not With a Bang But a Whimper: The Politics & Culture of Decline, The New Vichy Syndrome: Why European Intellectuals Surrender to Barbarism, and Life at the Bottom: The Worldview that Makes the Underclass. The following is adapted from a speech delivered on May 20, 2014, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Dearborn, Michigan.
  7. The demonstration began after allies of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement marched from Ramallah to the edges of Jerusalem to decry Israel's offensive against Hamas fighters in Gaza.   Housing/protecting bad people (Hamas fighters) and shielding them with children is not only a cowards pride but also a good way to show the world that your not that innocent.
  8. Well when the Palestinians are hiding weapons in the UN buildings then one should not be surprised. 
  9. The reason is not coming from either side of your mouth.
  10. I believe that a person would "make this up" because some people believe that corporal punishment is wrong. Thus if corporal punishment is wrong then the facts can be blurred by ideology which leads to parents getting in trouble unnecessarily. When a sane person would say the kid cursed an adult and got what he deserved.    
  11. Also  the environmental movement has a religious side because many are pantheist  and believe that God is nature and that man is a curse upon the world.       [Hidden Content]
  13. It's all about children's rights, because if they have rights then the parents can not discipline them. Thus the children are not infected with the parents morals or convictions and then the children are primed to bring about hope and change.  
  14. I am not for it. Now if you believe that America is Satan and Sharia law is a good thing then don't cry about your rights being infringed for you gave those up through treason.   
  15. If you do not know the difference between the USA and Russia then you do not know the difference between drinking milk and urine. I mean they both are secretions so in that aspect they are the same but in reality they are very different and that is the problem with liberal thought.  Liberal thought does not know the difference between what nature intended for nourishment and what nature intended for waste.
  16. I have my opinion on the how’s and why’s of the youth invasion of the United States by Central America. As I said last month, it was orchestrated. I think those that want open borders are involved. We know that Homeland Security was aware that this invasion of children would happen months before it started. They even solicited venders to take care of the youth and transport them to various locations in the United States. Just before this started, Obama went to Mexico to talk with their President. At that time, I suspect that he made an agreement with the Mexican President to allow the children to pass through Mexico. We now know that Mexico has been complicit in allowing the youth to travel to our borders. They even have been aiding these children so that they reach the U.S. border. Our own operatives in Central America planted disinformation in Central America media so that these kids would come to the United States. It did not happen by osmosis. The real question is why did the Obama administration want these kids to come? There are various theories and many probably have some truth to them. I personally think that this is only part one of a much larger plan by Obama to give general amnesty to illegals. This is in spite of the fact that the vast majority of the people in the United States are against any amnesty to illegal aliens, at least until the borders are made secure. Exactly what laws Obama will disregard, and what his end plan is, is hard to say, but you can be sure you will find out too late to do much about it. History tells us that socialist Fascist and Marxist tyrants first influenced the youth. Make no mistake, the radicals now running this country are of the same mold. The radicals in control are just following the rules for radicals of those that mentored them. Obama’s terrorist acquaintance (Bill Ayers) said that 25 million Americans would need to be killed because they could not be reeducated into Marxism. This was said around 1970. Ayers and ilk have not repented. With our population today, he must think more like 50 million would have to be killed. Ayers was not alone in his radical Marxist beliefs and some of those people now have a great deal of influence in education, media, government, and religion. What happened in Russia, China, and Cambodia could happen here if these radicals ever got the communist revolution that they have been working towards all of their lives. Keep in mind that Obama was brought up and mentored by communists. These youth have not been recruited here to pick beans. They will be sent to the cities and inevitably will join with gangs that already are well established in all of our big cities. If you have been in the cities you should know that the youth are becoming increasingly radicalized. There is something brewing in the inner cities of our nation and the brew that is being cooked up by the American haters is deadly. What is now happening in Venezuela, will happen here, if Americans do not grasp where the radical Left intend to take them. Amnesty by legislation or decree will only accelerate the La Raza socialist agenda. The demise of America as a world power by destroying her middle-class and by bringing division between her races and cultures is the real agenda of the globalist puppet masters running the show. There is a revolution or civil war brewing down the line. However, the first danger is that hardened terrorists will be coming across our border to bring terrorism here. When the attacks take place, as they inevitably will, the government will tell us why they need to take away more of our freedoms for our own safety. They will then finish establishing their police surveillance state and they will outlaw any resistance or guns. Do not underestimate what these radicals will do to bring about their antichrist Borg Kingdom on earth. Hundreds of millions of people were put to death in the 20th century when the socialists came after middle-class people and Christians. It can happen again here in the 21st century. They will do whatever they think they can get away with, and from the reaction of most Americans it looks like they can get away with just about anything they want. All this may be coming before this present American hating president is out of office. He has 2.5 more years and why should he obey any law if he knows Congress will not remove him? He certainly already proved that he thinks he is above the law and that he can lie with impunity to the people of America. [Hidden Content]
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