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Everything posted by jv_coach

  1. In introducing his new book, Sowell asserts that the Obama administration "is the embodiment, the personification, and the culmination of dangerous trends that began decades ago," trends that are "dismantling America." Sowell sees this in the dismantling of marriage, of culture, and of self-government.
  2. How old where you during Beirut and how old where you when Benghazi happened?  Seing the relevence of this this question will require higher level thinking skills.
  3. A moral debased society is not a good one.
  4. Obama’s Iran foreign policy is nothing but appeasement and it will allow Iran to become a nuclear threshold power indefinably. They might already have a few nukes. Then at any point in the next five to ten years Iran could build 50 to 100 nukes in very short order with missiles that can even reach the United States. Israel is simply not going to allow that to happen. Senator Cruz said that if America continues on the same course, Israel will have no choice but to hit Iran within months, or their nation will be at risk. I have reason to believe that Cruz is correct. The Fall high holy days before the winter season sets in would be the likely timing of any strike coming from Israel. I just do not see how Israel can put off a strike against Iran any longer than that, unless they become cowed enough and gullible enough to become a protectorate of Europe and NATO. European people continually demonstrate that they have no great love for the Jews. The Jews should not trust them for their protection. Obama’s is also setting us up for the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban. He is releasing the Taliban leaders that will lead the effort to overthrow the government that we support. In any other war, these enemy combatants and war criminals wouldhave been shot rather than exchanged for a deserter. The people Obama released slaughtered whole villages. Obama gives our military men lip service but he is doing everything he can to weaken them and everyone in the military knows it. The careers of the flag officers on top are more important to them than their honor, their men, or their nation otherwise an ultimatum would have already been delivered to Obama. And Pakistan is a much bigger terrorist problem than Afghanistan. They have about one hundred nuclear Islamic weapons. Much of the nation is largely controlled by Taliban jihadists, but we act like Pakistan is an ally when our real ally is democratic India. Who by the way, just elected a very conservative prime minister that very well could make India into an economic and military power house that could counterbalance China and deal with the radicalism of Pakistan. What can I say, our foreign policy is just plain nuts. We unilaterally disarm. We appease nuclear North Korea and Iran. We do nothing to counter Putin’s plans to recreate the Soviet Union. We do nothing to contain China. Ukraine is not going to be going away. Putin decided to take over the Ukraine through the subversion of the Russian separatists in Ukraine rather than through direct military conflict. Other parts of the Ukraine will fall rather quickly. This will also happen in other nations around Russia. China is expanding into the China sea and conflict there can come at any time. Who is going to stop them? Obama?? The Chinese generals would have a good laugh over that. We could go on and say the same thing all over the world. Obama is America’s own worst enemy, and why? Because it weakens the influence of the U.S. and strengthens rule by the Fascist world order that he  really is serving. I am sure Obama plans to run for Secretary General of the U.N. in 2017 and he cannot get the votes unless he is ostracized by the America that he is helping to bring down, and then disowns America and becomes a citizen of the world. He wants the votes of the Islamic block, the Central and South American block, African nations, and some nations in Europe. He does not give a hoot about America’s one vote. I think Obama will work toward getting rid of vetoes in the UN Security Counsel while he is still President of the U.S. Obama is pushing climate change agenda because it weakens America and it gives the ruling world oligarchy much more control over all the people of the world. The reason that Obama does not quite fit the Communist mold is that he really is more a globalist fascist, as are the rulers in much of the world. It is called the third way. It is government controlled capitalism. What they don’t quite understand is that the people of the world are once again moving toward nationalism. Globalism will not happen before the next world war makes global governance imperative for human survival. Yes, Rosemarie’s Baby might have been born for this time and if he is not the actual Antichrist, he will be the warm up act. Putin actually believes that America is antichrist and the Eurasian union lead by him will destroy America and our antichrist system.
  5. The “progressive” establishment was pushing hard for a vote on immigration reform to take place this summer with a bill passed before the election. And, lo and behold, all of a suddenly thousands of children from Central America decided to come here (all by themselves) and Mexico is complicit in letting them travel here. You cannot tell me that this was not all orchestrated. In Central America countries there is a propaganda campaign taking place in the media that is telling these children to come to the United States. Leftists in our nation are providing the transportation for them to  get here. Once they are here they are being transported to military bases all over the country for support and housing. I am sure the rank and file on these bases love being host of illegals. What will be next, medial treatment for illegals by the VA? The word is out in Central and South America that Obama is not going to enforce immigration laws and those that come here will get  free benefits. So why not jump on the “progressive” gravy trains and planes heading north? Obama also plans to let many illegals out of prison so they can also trash our country. All this is a crisis of Obama’s own making just to force immigration reform on Congress. There is now an ongoing invasion of America from the south and our federal government helps make it happen. They will continue to bring violent drug gangs into our cities. They will continue to suck us dry economically. Terrorism, crime, and disease will come across the border with these people. Then these people will vote for the radical left to keep tyrants in power to oppress the Americans that were born here or earned their citizenship. Many of the teenage thugs coming here are not even respectful of Americans. It is like they think that America owes them a living. Most Americans now waste their life watching staged reality TV shows, playing video games, texting triva on email and networking sites, altering their minds with chemicals, and mentally or physically acting out sex, while a real Satanic reality show that includes all of the above transforms this once prosperous and once mostly decent nation into a Satanic hell hole. The President of America actually is a domestic enemy of America and he is bringing about the destruction of America anyway that he can and Americans do nothing about it. This would be unbelievable if it were not true. Do people in America really think that changing a few votes is going to stop the lawlessness of this evil administration? There is more going on here than the agenda of just one evil man. Evil spiritual forces have infiltrated eduction, government, media, politics, economics, and even our churches. They intend to destroy all Judeo-Christian morality in this nation. They intend to keep evil people in power and they are on the brink of victory, because once good men, have allowed their families to be subverted and perverted by satanic influenced social engineers. Rather than getting out of their comfort zone to oppose this demonic agenda coming from the Radical Left they just go with the flow. [Hidden Content]
  6.   The more I look around today the more I believe the USA is like Germany 1937.  So the real question is why do you think it is hateful to stick with the thoughts and ideas that founded our country? 
  7. Here’s my question for the President and honest to God, I want an answer: If you were this committed to saving Sgt. Bergdahl, so that you’d break the law and let 5 mad dogs loose, then why on God’s green earth didn’t you do something to rescue the 4 Americans slaughtered at Benghazi? Why did you roll over, go to sleep, and fly off on Air Force One the next day for a Las Vegas political fundraiser instead of moving heaven and earth to save Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty? That’s the real question.
  8. What would the world have been like if back in 1937 somebody would have killed the NAZI leaders? 
  9. [Hidden Content]         Gutfeld: 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook? Not so fast
  10. This will open a can of worms... “Then the woman took the two men and hid them. So she said, ‘Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they were from. 5 And it happened as the gate was being shut, when it was dark, that the men went out. Where the men went I do not know; pursue them quickly, for you may overtake them’” (Joshua 2:4) Most husbands would lie if an armed intruder asked if his wife was hiding in the house. If he said, “Yes, she’s under the bed,” then he would be enabling her murder. What would he say if he’s forced at gunpoint to watch while the gunman rapes his wife before murdering her: “Sorry, honey; I didn’t want to tell a lie”? These scenarios are often brought up by the unsaved to justify lying. But God knows the difference between incidents like these to protect the life of innocent victims, the use of “discretion” to protect someone’s feelings, and bold, deceitful lies to protect ourselves. From, The Evidence Bible      
  11. NEW YORK – Two U.S. congressmen tell WND they believe the flooding of America’s Southwest border with thousands of illegal-alien children seeking government handouts and citizenship is the intended outcome of policies by the Obama administration derived from a strategy by radical sociologists to transform America into a socialist state. In the 1960s, professors Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven of Columbia University, Obama’s alma mater, devised a plan to provoke chaos by deliberately overwhelming governmental systems and the U.S. economy to the point of collapse, paving the way for state intervention that would ultimately replace America’s free-enterprise republic with a collectivist system...... Read more at [Hidden Content]
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