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Everything posted by jv_coach

  1. They are raising money to play so that hopefully they get a chance at a scholarship at a Juco in Mississippi.  
  2.   As a liberal everything is about race!  Even George Washington knows that and he is the biggest racist in world history!!!  
  3. [Hidden Content]     Overall I think one of the biggest faults of ours as believers in America is we do a horrible job of discipleship  and that is what leads to so many weak brothers and sisters in the faith. Also I think we as believers in America really need to heed the words of Colossians 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ. NoB and Matt, I hope all this reads well Soli Deo Gloria    
  4. Economists at Harvard and Berkeley crunched the numbers on 40 million tax returns from 1971-2012 and discovered that mobility is pretty much what The Pew Charitable Trusts reported it was 30 years ago. Today, 64 percent of the people born to the poorest fifth of society rise out of that quintile -- 11 percent rise all the way into the top quintile. Meanwhile, 8 percent born to the richest fifth fall all the way to the bottom fifth. Sometimes great wealth makes kids lazy and self-indulgent, and wrecks their lives Also, the rich don't get rich at the expense of the poor (unless they steal or collude with government). The poor got richer, too. Yes, over the last 30 years, incomes of rich people grew by more than 200 percent, but according to the Congressional Budget Office, poor people gained 50 percent. That growth should matter more than the disparity. Piketty's data reveal times in our history when income inequality decreased: during world wars and depression. Do we want more ofthat?   It's right to worry about the plight of the poor, but not everything done in their name really helps them -- minimum wage laws, for example. [Hidden Content]
  5. Both of ya'll are spot on.   North of the Border I thought I was the only one who knew about Paul Washer.   From what I have gathered ones view on this has to do with how Calvinistic one is compared to  Arminianistic (sp).   [Hidden Content]
  6. Chuck Colson said, "True tolerance is not a total lack of judgment. It’s knowing what should be tolerated—and refusing to tolerate that which shouldn’t."   True Tolerance What Does It Really Mean? By Chuck Colson|Published Date: April 13, 1993 You can hardly pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV set these days without seeing Christians bashed as bigots.   Even the Republican National Committee chairman announced that he was ashamed of the intolerant attitude shown by Christians in last summer's convention. There is no group more harshly stereotyped in America today than what the media labels the Religious Right. But a look at the facts should make these negative stereotypes crumble. One of the most significant studies ever done on Christians was recently published by George Gallup, under the title The Saints Among Us. The Gallup organization has been taking measure-ments on people's religious practices for years. But this one is different: It delves into the effect of religion on people's attitudes and personality. And the effects it uncovered are dramatic: People with a strong Christian faith are found to be happier, more generous in helping others, and-here's the real surprise-more tolerant. The survey asked questions such as, "Would you object to a person of another race moving in next door?" Of the highly religious, 84 percent said they would not object, compared to only 63 percent of the nonreligious-a 20-point difference. There's "a general assumption," says Gallup, "that the more religious people are, the more close-minded and bigoted they are." But his study, Gallup says, found just the opposite. Religious people are actually more tolerant, more color-blind. They also score higher on related virtues such as compassion and forgiveness. When asked whether they spend time helping people in need, 73 percent of the highly religious said yes, compared to only 42 percent of the nonreligious-a difference of 30 points. When asked whether they forgive people who offend them, again the spread was 30 points. So much for the stereotype of intolerant hate-mongers. If the empirical evidence contradicts the stereotype, why is it still so widespread? To begin with, Gallup's findings apply only to people highly committed to the Christian faith-about 10 percent of the population. Average churchgoers don't show any difference from the general population. So when the non-Christian peeks through the doors of the average church, he sees people whose lives show little of the transforming power of God. A second reason Christians are condemned as intolerant is that our culture has a distorted view of what true tolerance is. Americans tend to define tolerance as moral neutrality-refusing to judge any behavior right or wrong. The classic definition of tolerance, however, is profoundly judgmental: It means putting up with people even when we know they're wrong. The classic definition stems from a deep Christian sense of sin and error. Since everyone falls short at some point, we are enjoined to tolerate people's shortcomings, so long as they do not directly threaten the communal life-all the while, of course, lovingly seeking to persuade them of the truth. So when you hear those predictable words from the media or your friends describing some Christian group as intolerant and narrow, take a moment to educate them. Real tolerance is a Christian virtue-and the empirical evidence shows that it is Christians who practice it best.   [Hidden Content]  
  7. Question: "Is it biblical to ask Jesus into your heart?" Answer:“All you need to do to be saved is to ask Jesus to come into your heart.” The problem with this statement is that it is not expressly biblical. The Bible nowhere mentions Jesus coming into a person’s heart. The wording generates a mental image that can easily lead to wrong impressions. The idea of Jesus entering a person’s heart is nowhere used in any gospel presentation in the Bible. Even the Scripture verse from which the “ask Jesus into your heart” concept is usually taken,Revelation 3:20, does not mention the heart or our asking Jesus to do anything. In context,Revelation 3:20is speaking about the church fellowshipping with Jesus, not an individual person getting saved. When the Bible gives a gospel presentation, it encourages people to believe (John 3:16;Acts 16:31), receive (John 1:12), or change their minds, i.e., repent (Acts 3:19). That is the proper response to the gospel. We are to change our minds about our sin and about who Christ is, believe Jesus died and rose again, and receive the gift of eternal life in faith. We are to recognize that we are sinners (Romans 3:23), understand that we deserve to be eternally separated from God (Romans 6:23), trust that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21;1 Peter 2:24), and receive the gift of salvation God offers us (Ephesians 2:8–9). All of this is done in faith, with God’s enabling (John 6:44). Salvation is not something we do or earn. Salvation is something we receive from God due to His mercy and grace. While asking Jesus to come into your heart, i.e., enter your life, is not explicitly biblical, it is also not necessarily anti-biblical, if it is done in the context of a presentation of the biblical gospel. If a person understands sin and its penalty, understands the payment Christ made on the cross, and is ready to trust Jesus alone for salvation, an invitation to “ask Jesus into your heart” is not necessarily wrong. In fact, it could even help a person understand that the Spirit of Christ comes to indwell the soul (seeJohn 14:17). However, it is always best to use the terminology the Bible uses. “Ask Jesus into your heart” does not fully communicate what is actually occurring. When we are sharing the gospel, we should be extremely careful what we say and how we say it. Even the wordbelievecan be misleading if it is presented as intellectual assent (agreeing that certain facts are true) instead of as trust (relying on those true facts). Judas Iscariotbelievedcertain facts about Jesus, but he nevertrustedJesus for salvation. Salvation is not about believing a list of facts. Salvation is not about asking Jesus to come into your heart. Salvation is not even about asking God to forgive you. Salvation is about trusting in Jesus as your Savior, receiving the forgiveness He offers, by grace through faith. Salvation is about being made new through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). Read more:[Hidden Content]
  8. San Francisco is famous for its liberalism and oftentimes crazy culture; the “what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom” chant is the city’s de facto tag line. But what about in the garage? Is that room subject to the same appeals to privacy and self-determination? Turns out, it is not. According to city code 603, storing anything but a car in a garage can result in a $500 fine. The irony of this staggers the mind. It’s the groovy city of freedom, baby; the town where liberty and fighting “the man” and public nudity are assumed. But residents are forbidden to keep anything beyond their Prius automobile in there. Given the proclivities of the typical resident of the City by the Bay, this has implications beyond just the elimination of a place to keep extra junk. It means no bicycles in the garage, for the exercise or carbon-footprint obsessed; no recycling bins or cans, for the planet-saving concerned; no hydroponic equipment, for those that grow their own, um, medicine; no Grateful Dead album collections nor precious collectibles from the Monterey Pop Festival; and no banners or posters, for this weekend’s protest march. Does anyone get the feeling that the left is just using the government to shake people down, at this point? It certainly seems like silly laws like this are just as much about revenue collection as they are a concern for tidiness. What is the actual “injustice” or “social harm” in putting stuff in your garage? Acquisition of excess stuff is a great American pastime, so it may be that simple: the powers that be want to discourage residents from doing stuff that everyone else in the U.S. does on a daily basis. It could be asserted that this is liberalism run amuck, an example of how progressives like to dictate and control even the smallest minutiae of the lives of the collective. You could say that it’s a perfect example of how the left has moved from touting independence to a shrill voice, telling people precisely what they should be doing. And you’d be completely correct. [Hidden Content]
  9. Thanks for pointing out that Government is not the solution to our problems but government is our problem.  
  10. Freed American POW’s Father Deletes A Very Disturbing Tweet: Throws Prisoner Exchange in Question   [Hidden Content]       American Soldier Who Served With Freed POW Casts Doubt on Official Story; Fears Reprisal From Obama Administration [Hidden Content]   very interesting read the ole boy recalls his time served, very interesting.... 
  11. [Hidden Content] It’s an age-old argument. Liberals believe the solution to all that ails America is more, bigger government. Conservatives believe the opposite: less, smaller government allows America to achieve its full potential. This post from John Hawkins on Townhall offers a defense of the latter. 1) It’s not the government’s money: One of the biggest reasons a “kid in a candy store” acts like a “kid in a candy store” is because he didn’t have to earn the money he’s about to spend.   It’s no different for the government. Government employees are not the ones working double shifts when they’re exhausted to collect enough money to pay their taxes. They just collect the sweat of someone else’s brow and spend it the way they see fit.   2) The government is doing things it shouldn’t be doing: If the government were simply building roads, throwing up a few street signs, securing the borders and making sure rotten horse meat isn’t being sold as steak in the local supermarket, it would probably be relatively good at its jobs.   But, when we have the government declaring your yard a wetland because it rains, micromanaging what kind of light bulbs you’re allowed to buy, bailing out big corporations and forcibly taking over our health care, of course the government does it badly.   3) It can’t go out of business: A company can make a series of small mistakes, be too slow to adapt to change or even make one big mistake, one time and it’s game over.   That’s why businesses tend to be so ruthlessly efficient. It’s either be ruthlessly efficient or go belly up. On the other hand, our government makes mistakes that would bankrupt 98% of the businesses on the planet year in and year out.   4) It doesn’t effectively measure success and failure: The government can tell you the “jobless rate,” although it’s essentially meaningless since it doesn’t include large segments of the population who have given up on looking for work.   5) There’s a lack of responsibility: â€œWhen everybody owns something, nobody owns it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition. That is why buildings in the Soviet Union — like public housing in the United States — look decrepit within a year or two of their construction.” The question is, when has it EVER worked?
  12. That response comes from a mind that is  very unenlightened 
  13. A message to all Americans: Out of this time of distorted history and confused ideas comes a story. A story, not taught in schools anymore and known by few Americans. This is a story of Socialism and Communism. This is a story of America. This is a true story. Americans do not need to listen to Socialist professors and teachers , with their misguided agenda, or hear speeches by the progressive left on the wonderful benefits of Socialism to find evidence of failure and the simple truth about this ideology. All we simply need to do is look back at one of the most celebrated groups of people in our history:  The Pilgrims What most Americans do know is that the Pilgrims, landed in Massachusetts in 1620. What many don’t know is that the original economic system in many colonies, was a form of: Socialism and Communism. The pilgrims who came to Plymouth established a communal system, where  everyone had to share, equally to all, whatever they hunted or grew. William Bradford served as Governor of Plymouth Colony from 1620 to 1647 and wrote, in great detail, everything that took place in the colony.  Bradford writes: "all profits & benefits that are got by trade, working, fishing, or any other means" were to be placed in the common stock of the colony, and that, "all such persons as are of this colony, are to have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock." A person had to put into the “common stock” all he had but take out only what he needed. There was no private property No division of labor.  Food was to be grown by the townspeople and distributed equally to everyone. Bradford writes: "young men that are most able and fit for labor and service" complained about being forced to "spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children." Also, "the strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak."  So the young and strong refused to work and the total amount of food produced was never adequate. This "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" was an early form of Socialism and it is why the Pilgrims were starving.  -Richard J. Maybury  No one had any incentive to work. Nothing was to be gained by working harder and smarter, or finding new ways to increase the harvest. The system failed ! Socialism always does! Production became insufficient and people were starving. It was becoming a disaster ! In 1623 Bradford decided to try something different: “1623 Bradford abolished socialism. He gave each household a parcel of land and told them they could keep what they produced, or trade it away as they saw fit. In other words, he replaced Socialism with a free market, and that was the end of famines. Many early groups of colonists set up socialist states, all with the same terrible results. At Jamestown, established in 1607, out of every shipload of settlers that arrived, less than half would survive their first twelve months in America. Most of the work was being done by only one-fifth of the men, the other four-fifths choosing to be parasites. In the winter of 1609-10, called "The Starving Time," the population fell from five-hundred to sixty. Then the Jamestown colony was converted to a free market, and the results were every bit as dramatic as those at Plymouth. In 1614, Colony Secretary Ralph Hamor wrote that after the switch there was "plenty of food, which every man by his own industry may easily and doth procure." He said that when the Socialist system had prevailed, "we reaped not so much corn from the labors of thirty men as three men have done for themselves now." - Richard J. Maybury  Here’s a video on William Bradford: [Hidden Content] What does all this mean? Well, despite all that is being taught and promoted in our schools today: Socialism does not work ! It never has and never will. It will bring on famines, create debt, crush economies, cause class warfare ( evil rich guy poor little workers) , set Americans against Americans and completely destroy what our founding fathers and soldiers have fought and died for throughout history. And for what ? To replace God with the state and take every bit of liberty and freedom that all of us have enjoyed for over 200 years.  Where the elites know best and the common citizen is just a pawn to their whims and desires. With less than 5% of the world population the “United States of America” creates more wealth and opportunity for the common person than anywhere else in the world. We are the place where dreams come true and our capitalist economic system is the driving force for individual freedom and liberty world wide. With all the complaining and hatred seen in this country today, I don’t see a long line of Americans trying to “escape” this country to go somewhere else. Where would they go ? The only thing Socialism and Communism has excelled at throughout history is death, murder and torture.  180,000,000 innocent people ! That’s the utopia envisioned by Marx and Lenin.  That’s a fact !! “Know the History”
  14. When you want to spread the wealth you are a communist/socialist. To put it another way you have a different viewpoint a viewpoint that is communist/socialist 
  15. Communism has never worked and never will.  So ECO please go and hang out with Jay Carney and stare at his communist propaganda posters.
  16. I take God at His word. I am a young earth.   I used to believe theistic evolution and a who cares guy, but God....
  17. She would not know what the meaning of pure. So sorry Nash you are wrong. lol
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