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Posts posted by usedtobe

  1. Make fun of him all you want but I have to agree Bedlemon does not hide who he is, nor do I for that matter (I have explained my name in several previous post) and as far as his sons go I can promise you they are not embarassed by dad, those boys can hold their own....

    It will be nice to see all the Silsbee people getting off of the HJ jock straps for awhile, I mean we are no longer in your district so there is really no reason for you to follow or comment on our threads anymore right????

    Unless of course my hunch is correct and you all have Hawk Envy (which is what I am betting the case to be.


    Now there is a drawback on this site to being a Hawk, you don't get the advantage of having that Silsbee Admin. backing to delete anything that may hurt your feelings so you have to toughen up a little...

    Oh ye of the comical "Bird Avatar" which we all take to be be a fierce H-J Hawk.  I was innoculated for "Hawk Envy" the first year of existance of the Hardin-Jefferson High School because I knew there would be people like you and bedelmon coming along.  The doctor told me then that I would only need a booster shot every seventy-five years,  I haven't checked recently when that booster is due but I made a note to do it.  The shot is very inexpensive and it works to perfection - I haven't had even a smidgen of Hawk Envy since I had the shot.  And, no, I didn't have a state championship, but then, I didn't know that bedelmon had one eiither.  I did get a third place state medal in golf one year, but that's a gentleman's game and I would not expect you or bedelmon to understand  that.  Get a life . . . after you get a new avatar.

  2. I know it takes 2.... I have not seen anyone ask me to change my name.... I dont hide behind a nifty little screen name because I'm not afraid for people to know what my opinion is.... My sons get on here and use what you guys say for fuel... Fuel to shut the mouth's of people like you that think kids are to blame for the failures of a program.... People like you that have nothing better to do with their day than get on the internet and lash out at children because their lives are that boring or meaningless... I'll say a prayer for you Tigersvoice or Usedtobe or whatever you call yourself, because I feel sorry for you.... I hope one day that you can meet my sons, and ask them what they think of dear ol dad.... See how much I embarrass them on here... After all, the only thing they read on here is how much they suck at football, and for their dad to get on here and say they dont, well, that should be pretty embarrasing... My boys, just like their teamates, believe they can beat anyone on any given day..... No team is invincable..... HJ has as good a shot at beating WOS as anyone.... This year, HJ is the team with 5 D1 prospects..... Everyone returning after a 3 deep run..... So you set there with your mustard infested keyboard, in your potato chip grease stained wifebeater, eating your ham samich and drinking you apple juice outta your juicebox that your mom just brought to your 40 year old self, and keep believing that HJ sucks...... You'll see soon enough.....  

    Well, bedelmon, I knew that your reply would be a classic but I wasn't prepared for how eloquently you expressed yourself. Absolutely eloquent, bedelmon, most especially the last

    three lines.  Keep studying hard and you'll get that GED in about four more attempts.

  3. Everyone (except bedelmon) knows it takes two to make a prize fight.  And, that it takes two teams to make a football game.  Bedelmon sees one team only - period - the Hawks (and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor)  Bedelmon envisions a Hawk lead of 35 - 0 against WO-S and then he notices (but doesn't acknowledge).that the Mustangs have come out of the dressing room to do their pre-game warmup session.  POP!!! goes his balloon.  This guy is such an embarrassment that his sons asked hem to change his member name on SETXsports   His reply should be fun.

  4. Just like last year, we will make a believer out of ya.... You said we would not win a district game.... You said we would not make the playoffs...... You said Silsbee would beat us by 50...You said we had no speed while we were putting 400 plus yards of ground and pound on the pussy cats.... You guys couldnt call a football game with Lou Holts, Bear Bryant or Vince Lombardi as your uncles.... Go back to the D1-4a division and tell Cleveland how untallented they are.... We got WOS to play with now.....

    Holt S  ???


    Still trying to figure out how you get an "average" from just one player. Wouldn't you need multiple ages to get an average?


    Show me where Vegas puts lines based on ages? :rolleyes:


    I agree BD, some very sour grapes going on around here.

    AAW, MoFo must be a move-in to the HJ school district.  Anyone having gone to school in the HJ system would know what an average is.

  6. It will be interesting to see how the HJ Stalkers/wannabees handle not having HJ in their district. Poor Farmer Fran will probably be in withdrawls by the first day clinging to the distant memories of his chance to don the Hootie Hawk outfit. Ahh those precious memories when he could flood the Hawk Football post with his gibberish and not seem weird (much), because at least they were in the same district with the team he "supports".   Keep on following your Hawk dream team Farmer we still love ya, and will still let you slip on the Hootie outfit at a pep rally.

    Is this "Big Girl" wearing an awful "Hawk" costume?

  7. In texas 25 % of its residents are uninsured. It ranks very low in education when compared to other states and it has a high amount of unskilled labor jobs (minimum wage). Texas has the largest amount of people living in poverty. Kudos to Rick Perry.

    Why are YOU still here?  Leave - go - get the h'll out!  You claim to be an RN; a talent and craft that is in high demand all around the country.  Go some place that you might be happy and well adjusted - that certainly isn't Southeast Texas.  Leave and make yourself, as well a

    great number of Texans, very happy.  Try the Dakotas: big oil boom going on there.  Surely they could use one more RN.


    Bundy is a "welfare rancher" that wants to graze his cattle on public land for free without paying like everyone else!

    ". . . like everyone else." Does this mean that you graze cattle on public land and pay a fee? What is the going rate for public land grazing these days?
  9. You were the one correcting typos, not me. I was only suggesting that if you remained in BISD, maybe those typos would never had occurred.  ;) And, I live close to the "Da Butch."

    Since I don't know how far west the BISD extends that doesn't answer my question.  I know that the Beaumont city limits are a half mile or so beyond the stadium, but that doesn't represent the school district.  So, could you give a straight answer to the question or are you going to "dance" around as you normally do?

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