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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. Huh? would anyone have predicted this? not me! should be an interesting series... i'm curious to see if ANYONE can beat the rockies.
  2. this makes no sense. the team in first lost to a team that is upper middle of the pack, and their only win is against a team that will struggle to finish higher than 6th. nederland beat the weakest team and a team that could make the playoffs, and lumberton beat the defending district champion and the weakest team... i have a problem with a scale that puts a team with no quality wins and a pretty bad loss (at least in years past) ahead of several undefeateds.
  3. starting quarterback? he must be good at basketball.
  4. this is tough to call... neither has lived up to expectations, but both have potential... i'm gonna say lcm by 6
  5. my main problem with your system is that you have a team with a loss ahead of three teams that are undefeated in district, including the team that handed them that loss. also by using this system, there is no statistical representation of quality of opponent.
  6. as in game called, or game delayed? and what's the score right now?
  7. i think you can count out lcm. in order to make the playoffs they're going to have to pretty much win out, and i don't see them beating dayton or nederland, and also they should lose to a much improved lumberton team.
  8. HJ at silsbee. many silsbee fans are promising a blowout at home, so i'm curious to see how things actually play out.
  9. not trying to be rude... vidor's own fans are starting threads about how bad they are... it's a down year, everyone knows it. don't take it as a personal attack, take it as me stating the obvious. also, i do realize a lot of the blame is on the coaches.
  10. I'm not a lumberton fan or a hater, just an interested observer.
  11. the timing of this game sucked. the only thing that would have been proven in this game would've been if lumberton had lost. lumberton won't gain any respect from the haters for beating a very weak vidor team. i guess we're in for another week of lumberton fans screaming for a championship and lumberton haters screaming for a blowout loss.
  12. if i had to make a prediction right now, that'd be exactly what i said would happen.
  13. central 33 lumberton 20 I wish lumberton had played anyone but vidor this week. a lot of lumberton fans wanted to prove that the dayton win wasn't a fluke, and a lot of lumberton haters wanted to see lumberton come down to earth. it stinks that lumberton ended up playing the only team in the district that they would gain little or no respect for beating. next week lumberton has a real test, and i don't think they'll win, but i do think they'll put on a much better show than in years past.
  14. With a win like this, PN-G proved that every team in the district better come to play when they have the indians on the calendar.
  15. HF may just be the darkhorse this year. HJ is not very strong this year, but HF dismantled them. Good luck longhorns, you might just sneak into the playoffs if you keep this up.
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