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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. for me, it wasn't so bad. i was quite pleased with the results... as much trash talk as these guys are spewing, i would say it still hurts a bit to some of those in silsbee.
  2. let's rename this thread "what if Ltownpimp knew how to spell lumberton?" then it would be a legitimate thread.
  3. HJ- I like the EC game, even though they in a lower classification, they are a great team, and the game last year was awesome. dropping anahuac and cleveland, let's play splendora and coldspring or liberty. a couple of games that will prepare us for the lower level teams in our district that we can actually compete with. i don't think scheduling games against supertough teams would do us much good. nobody learns much from a 50 point loss (except maybe humility)
  4. if you're really hardpressed, you can always pull a few catfish out of just about any canal you want to try. personally, i'd go down to the boatramp and stowaway on an unsuspecting boat, because we've been catching some monster red snapper.
  5. it's not feedle. it's fetal. as in "last year after Silsbee blew a huge lead and lost to HJ in the playoffs, ST4life and setxreporter curled up into the fetal position and wished they could die."
  6. maybe 3-2, i don't know if they beat dayton after coming off a 60 point loss to permian.
  7. i know ya'll are 3-0 against weak 3a teams, 1-0 against a quality team, and 1-0 against the 4a team that is arguably the worst team in your district (although they've played a tough schedule). I'm not saying lumberton is bad, and they might indeed be very good, but you're trying to make a jump that nederland would struggle to make, and they're successful in 4a year after year.
  8. they haven't even proven that they can play in 4a yet. on the other hand, i think their predistrict schedule has more than proven that they're ready for the drop down to 3a .
  9. the first extra point i ever attempted was a bad snap that i ended up running in for 2, and the first kickoff i ever took i made a touchdown saving tackle, so instead of making fun of me, coach spent a lot of time trying to get me to play other positions, but like you, soccer was my main sport, and i didn't want to get hurt.
  10. so you're saying when one of the best teams in the state said no, coach decided on three of the worst 3a teams in the area instead?
  11. and maverick and i are in agreement for the first time in the history of man! of course, it is kind of funny
  12. no, they've been pretty average, but kenny cooper's been out for forever, and carlos ruiz just came back from injury a couple of weeks ago.
  13. dang, you're going to be throwing spears? i better not come to that game.
  14. this year they tried to get the texans, but they had a preseason game the same night that lumberton had an opening.
  15. Absolutely. It's an upset... but if they do beat them, after they've beaten dayton, i wouldn't consider a win over png an upset.
  16. i think it should be banned. if you're close enough to horse collar you're close enough find another way to make the tackle. i saw a kid's arm end up broken in 3 places when he was horsecollared back when i was playing. it's just too dangerous.
  17. i'll never forget when our head football coach came out to soccer practice and TOLD me i'd be kicking the next season for him... i did enjoy it, though
  18. I don't know about this pete sampress guy, but the backup seems to have done quite a job ;D
  19. I'm hoping there will be some educated posts where people explain why they pick who they do.
  20. If they can beat central, then they have two wins against the traditional "top 4", and they will have my respect. I will consider them one of the top teams in the district.
  21. they'd hate him worse than the guy who caught that foul ball.
  22. Week 7 Illinois @ Iowa LSU @ Kentucky Louisville @ Cincinnati Auburn @ Arkansas Oklahoma St. @ Nebraska Texas A&M @ Texas Tech Missouri @ Oklahoma Colorado @ Kansas State Purdue @ Michigan Georgia Tech @ Miami
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