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Posts posted by OlDawg

  1. 1 hour ago, BHFAN said:

    Looking at the stats last year it was #23 and #3 that did the most damage, but #3 did more. I just remember he was small a shifty and nobody could see him behind the line 😂. Once that dude popped out from behind the line he was in the secondary.

    3 is the returning Jr. Yes. He had 140 or more last game splitting time & coming out early. #6 is the other Jr. Slightly different style. More direct, straight N/S runner. Doesn’t avoid contact. Instigates it much of the time.

    3 doesn’t seem fast. But, if you recall, his speed is deceptive. Yes, he’s very patient behind his big linemen…until he pops out.

    Neither one are big. The Soph call up from JV is the biggest. He’s gonna be special. I think he may be related to a former player. Maybe a son. His name is familiar. He busted about 6 tackles straight up the gut for a 30+ yd TD before the last 2 passing TD’s.

    LP totaled over 300 yards rushing & 110 passing against Lee. Substitutions began early/mid 3rd.

    Panama has his opinions, and he may be right. BH is impressive from the gamefilm I’ve seen. But, LP has been pretty methodical this year. Not flashy. Patient & methodical. More of a team effort than individual stars.

  2. 1 hour ago, BHFAN said:

    Hoping to get one LB back this game. Not sure about our D1 commit LB, but when he’s back BH will be set. Hope we can get through this healthy and of course a victory. Then get heathy through an easier part of the schedule and a bye week. LP’s offense is tough to defend, but if we stay disciplined and bend but don’t break we have the personnel to limit it. This game like most will be determined in the trenches and we do pretty good there. Another factor of course is turnovers! BH fumbled deep in BH territory right before the half to set Crosby up for a TD going into the half. Also fumbled on the Crosby 2 yard line! Those are killers and have to be corrected. 

    OlDawg, do y’all still have that little RB that torched us last year? That dude was definitely a problem🙄

    I haven’t seen #23 play this year if that’s who you mean. He was the speedy one. There are 2 Jrs & 1 Soph move up from JV that are getting the downs now. One of the Jrs. played full time with #23 last year. They are all fairly straight ahead, put their head down and get N/S runners. None are what I would call flashy. None go down easily with the first defender. All are what I would consider patient runners for their level.

    It’s really a fairly boring attack to watch. But, it chews clock.

  3. 1 hour ago, CougarCal said:

    I think LP will score, but your defense will definitely need to play well.  It’s going to be a fun game to watch.  Good look to y’all and hopefully everyone is healthy afterwards.

    LP held a decent Lee team in check except for one long QB run in trash time (Duncan’s pretty good BTW), and had 2 goal line stands against a full set of downs each time. Still, I don’t think they’re strong enough to stand on their own against an attack like BH. LP’s O will need to have time consuming, point resulting drives to help them out.

    Yes. Everyone healthy. Last year, the teams played hard—but clean. Don’t see why it can’t be that way again.

  4. 10 hours ago, CougarCal said:

    If you were smart enough to read between the lines, the play call I was talking about is what you’re going to see a lot of Friday night, but you’re not 

    Wouldn’t be surprised to even see some true Wing T in selected spots. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them use it in a couple key instances. The RB situation is definitely stocked for the possibility.

    What I’ve enjoyed so far (getting into the weeds I know) is watching LP’s NG & the OL (#74) has been fun. The Texans could learn some stuff from LP’s OL. Ha!

    I know we always focus on the skill players. But, these guys (OL) are talented & have had a year plus in the new schemes now. They’re starting to put it together. As they go, so goes LP.

  5. 18 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

    Same BH fumbled I think 3 times and recovered 1. Also the DB’s missed about three interceptions that hit them in the hands. Gotta clean that up.

    Probably won’t have to worry about missing interceptions too much. If y’all do, the game’s already in hand. I hope LP doesn’t try to get cute. They should just play to their strength (power football/execution/ball control), and let the chips fall. If they execute, BH chances are minimized. LP can—repeat can—control the clock and game flow better than most.

    Up until the last 4-5 years with all the staff turnover, that’s what they were known for. That, and hard-nosed D.

    Berneathy was a part of that history, and is quickly bringing it back. Not all the way there yet. But, it’s coming. I see glimpses of the old LP in this team.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Steven Avery said:

    Will it be televised?  I don't think LP spots net will be allowed to run right as the visitors? 

    I sure hope so. I thought BH had a deal with Texan Live, thus NFHS…

    Maybe BHFan can clue us in?


    I just looked at Texanlive site & didn’t see the game listed. Do they ever add through the week?

  7. 19 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

    One thing is for sure since LP fans are used to traveling to The Hill, the stands should be packed on both sides for this one😃


    I’ll have to watch from home. Wife isn’t mobile enough to get into the stadiums without pretty good handicap facilities nowadays. Part of the reason we’re excited about LP’s new digs. We had to drop our season tickets a few years ago after about 28 years.

  8. 21 minutes ago, panamamyers said:

    Crosby had the two best athletes on the field when they were on offense against BH. I thought BH might have problems with them.

    That won't be the case with LP. They do it more with execution and trickery.

    I am a Baytown fan but I have seen both BH and LP play. Just providing my opinion. We can revisit this weekend.

    In all seriousness, if LP doesn’t hold onto the ball any better than they did against y’all, your score prediction could be very accurate. Especially, if the t/o’s happen early. They’ve got to clean that up.

  9. The Eagles want revenge & it’s Homecoming. The Dawgs—on the other hand—have never been scheduled as someone’s Homecoming opponent in all my years of remembering. (Which is a pretty long time. Ha!)

    If they have, I bet I could count the times on one hand with fingers left over.

    We used to consider being scheduled as someone’s Homecoming opponent as a slam. Wonder how the young men feel about it now?


  10. 1 hour ago, Separation Scientist said:

    See above. 

    Actually BH is so banged up right now its going to be very difficult for the Eagles. LP has the advantage and is even playing in their home away from home. 

    Sandbagging is only necessary during the hurricane.

  11. 1 hour ago, Old Ape said:

    If either offense gets really rolling it could be ugly. If both sides get rolling it could be really interesting. 
    BH usually is a lot better at home! I told y’all last week that BH is slow D! Better get that fixed this week!

    True. Thought this as well. Just have a gut feeling it’s gonna be a different type ballgame this time. No real reason.

    Excited to see how LP stacks up against a really solid team. They’re ahead of where I thought they’d be with the new coaching staff already.

  12. 1 hour ago, BHFAN said:

    The one thing different this year for the Eagles is they won’t overlook the Dawgs. I think last year after an emotional OT win over Crosby they let their guard down and thought LaPorte wouldn’t be up to the task. Another big thing this year for the Eagles is our RB’s which allows us to control the game a little more. RB1 got 147 yards on Crosby and gets better each week. BH has turned into a balanced attack this year with really no one to key on as we spread the ball around. Against Crosby QB 1 threw for just over 200 yards for 5 TD’s to 4 receivers! BH hit around 250 on the ground the same game. The BH defense came in banged up but by mid 2nd quarter they had it figured out pitching a shutout in the second half. LaPorte will be another challenge this week for sure can’t wait to see how the defense responds 

    Sounds impressive. Not sure LP should even waste the gas money making the trip.

  13. Goes without saying BH will attempt to score early & build a lead. The longer the game goes in a low scoring manner, LP gains advantage.

    LP D will be tested. Pass D has historically not been a strength, and this year is no different. LP secondary is on the smallish side & young. What they do possess is speed. Getting outside has been difficult for opponents. But, for every big play they make, they get burned. So it goes with youth. ADVANTAGE: BH passing game.

    BH D will be tested. LP will run multiple formations with misdirection & multiple backs. Each are co-starters on any team in the district. There’s literally no drop off between them. The slot man is another formidable weapon with speed. If BH attempts fast penetration, LP will trap and gap. ADVANTAGE: LP ground game.

    ST seem to be somewhat of a wash. I would say both staffs are very capable.

    Turnovers will be magnified in this game. BH will need to maximize their possessions. They basically need to steal a couple. There won’t be that many chances. LP is very good at 3rd & even 4th down conversions.

    I’m going with a low scoring game. Over/Under of 50. Something along the lines of 24-21.

    Have to be a homer.

    Go Dawgs!

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