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Everything posted by outanup

  1. Thanks Grad, very resourceful you are.... I knew my JACKETS would be close to the top!!!!! ;D ;D
  2. Hey Grad, where does TJ stand percentage wise? Seems they had a good winning percentage. Good stuff!!
  3. How about Yoder in the Power I at tailback, and let him dive over and in for six? I believe this was discussed, but the play wasnt called.
  4. Had the opportunity to speak with Bruce during powerlifting, he is a very humble and respectful young man. While I knew he was a gifted football player, he suprised me as a powerlifter. Good luck Bruce!!!!
  5. Congrats Mark, gotta love those TJ exes.
  6. I know that at least one of our local coaches has applied. I believe the pay is a big factor.
  7. Twin City hwy, Jefferson Drive, Stadium road ...... all the same.
  8. Sounds about right, saw one of his line trucks at AllPHASE picking up material. I guess he is back in business. I have seen his work firsthand but, i will take the highroad and refrain from further comment. I will say this, hes connected and seems to be bulletproof.
  9. If Im not mistaken, Walkers Master license was in jeopardy.
  10. Seems to me it was in the examiner some time ago but, havent heard anything since.
  11. I couldnt say what school, but I believe he is referring to Walker electric.
  12. I remember that night as if it were yesterday, we had lost 10 straight to PNG. It was the sweetest feeling to win that one, it was a long time coming. Most people (my kids especially) cant imagine a rivalry as big or bigger than MCM, but thats exactly what it was. What a shame it will never be again.....
  13. As long as Neumann and company are returning, I like our chances. Taken into consideration all the injuries Ned faced, and still securing a playoff spot speaks volumes for the job done by the coaching staff. Would of been real easy to fold up the tent. IMO, Neumann and company did as good a coaching job as anyone.
  14. Did Bruce Taylor coach at Thomas Edison jr high in P.A.? or maybe TJ in the 70s?
  15. Sorry ROT, gotta agree with the majority on this one. While Hughes potential as a runner is fact, u dont move a 2 year starter at qb his senior year. Besides, what could be better than Hughes having the ball in his hands EVERY play. Im sure Credeur will find a way to exploit Hughes athleticism PLENTY this year.  IMO, the lack of running game at Ltown this year was due to an inexperienced Oline. Sorry for getting off topic......
  16. Im hearing that the QB job at Ned could go to either of the two. Competition makes one work harder. ;) ;)
  17. Im sure Im leaving alot out but,these I know. Robert Johnson 165, 1st place and outstanding lifter. Colton Carter 181 1st place.
  18. Okay, time to get it going..... Lets have a roll call, whos coming?
  19. As 17-18 year old young men , most dont realize how fleeting the moment truly is. When its over it leaves a void that only time can fill. Good luck to all, and remember leave it all on the field!!!!!!
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