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Everything posted by outanup

  1. Still toooooo many acorns and way too green in W. Texas  (Menard). Deer not coming to feeders like normal but, this will all change when acorns are gone. Leaving in the morning to try my luck again. Good luck to all.  On a side note we have killed 9 hogs and seen adequate deer, just no mature bucks.
  2. Its normally one of the first of the season. Usually a well run meet, but always alot of lifters and a long day for everyone. Good luck to all.
  3. Well said 007, no slight to the D this year they played there rears off. But as of late the overall talent and size (in the trenches) has been scarce. And folks, thats where it all starts.
  4. No Smitty the stats were correct. But, the problem wasnt the scheme, we were simply outmanned. I guess with you not being there you missed that. You missed a good game.  ;)
  5. Hey ROT, Hanna has graduated, and Ltown has struggled to run. Ned is in the same boat, should be a good game.
  6. Vidor made the playoffs in 01 or 02.  They had beaten Ned that season but Ned returned the favor in the playoffs.
  7. Both coaches will play to win period...  And that means the best will be playing. You dont tune up for the playoffs by resting your best.....
  8. Im a Yellow Jacket first and foremost, and I bleed maroon and gold. But I now pull for Big Ned, a real close second. And once the playoffs begin, I pull for all the local teams. Gotta love H.S. football.  
  9. Gotta agree with AAW on this one. Central is undefeated in district play, they have my respect. Beat PNG in two weeks, and everyone will follow suit. Hey Soulja, u been drinkin Coop's WHINE ?
  10. Cant see the Ltrain running the ball against PNG. Hughes and his receivers will need a big night to pull this one off. Ltown has a pretty stout D but my gut says they will spend too much time on the field. Good luck to both teams.
  11. Dont know if its true but, I have heard this also.
  12. when vidor runs the same plays how in the world can you move the ball when the opposing team knows where they are running it. Simple, its called (Imposing Your Will). The team that can do this usually wins.
  13. Hey Smitty, we gave up around 400 yards (I'm guessing). I say its a cycle, stay the course.What say you? Just curious?
  14. Agreed Soulja, the better team won tonight. Smitty, what changes are you looking for?
  15. Robert Johnson of Ned, went to state last year as a soph.
  16. I wasnt there but, he supposedly cut it against central.
  17. All fields get torn up with heavy use, and alot of rain. Football has been played for 80 years in Ned, all on grass.Rain has always been a factor. Im sure Ned's groundscrew is doing everything possible to get it in the best possible playing shape for friday night. Good luck to all.
  18. Kenny Harrison and crew visited Ned today, the word is that Ned's stadium is worse than Memorials. I think a couple of jr. high games were played at Ned yesterday. Most dont realize what's involved in prepairing for a game, much less moving one on such short notice.
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