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Everything posted by PlayActionPass

  1. I know, i just wanted to be the first to bring it up this time. I know someone that want's this job really bad.
  2. Haven't we been down this road before? Same story, different season? Talent that underachieves.
  3. Isn't the OC his brother? Or, is he just on the staff?
  4. Will Joubert now be an assistant football coach?
  5. That is a sad state of affairs. Not sure I have heard of any situation (at this level) that matches this one. So much potential and so much apathy towards football. Huffman is a tough situation too, but at least the kids do enough to be competitive there.
  6. Dang, that is sad. That is all I can say. I appreciate the honest assessment. Just a couple of those baseball "only" kids could make a huge difference. Especially if they are "right" ones.
  7. This is a full season award, not a half season award. And in the case of Barlow, a career based award,
  8. I guess as an Outsider, who only sees BC kids on rare occasions, I just don't understand why there is not more success in football.
  9. Not my intention at all, and if I insinuated that the coaches were at fault, then I apologize. I was just curious what the BC faithful on here felt like the problem was in the football program. You have told what the problem is NOT, in your opinion what is the issue?
  10. Exactly, according to most College Baseball Coaches they prefer to have Baseball/Football guys as opposed to baseball only guys.
  11. I will never understand it. Every College Baseball Coach I get the opportunity to talk to, says the same thing. They prefer kids who also play football. They talk about the weight training, and how football player better understand the importance of lifting. They talk about mental and physical toughness. They talk about those kids being better teammates, because they are not as selfish. They talk about more disciplined athletes because of the rigors of playing football. I just don't get why parents and high school baseball coaches don't get it. Football is great for developing better baseball players. Anybody ever heard of Kyler Murray? Deion Sanders maybe? Bo Jackson possibly?
  12. I get it. High School Football is king in Texas, just not Bridge City, America. Sounds to me like a combination of SOFT kids, and Baseball Coaches who are selfish and territorial.
  13. OK, then is simply a matter of them loving Baseball more? Why can't BC get the best athletes on the football field? Do the Baseball coaches hate football? And use their power over the kids to encourage them not to play football?
  14. Didn't know there was a State run Mental facility in Orange, but tell the patient thank you for the input.
  15. I think the job posting said something about Multiple-I experience. Teams are going to play man-2-man against BC and crowd the box regardless of what offense you run. So. I'm not real sure it matters much if it is a Spread formation, I formation or a Wng/Slot formation.
  16. Where did the BC-OC go? Saw that this job was posted. Any thoughts?
  17. Winning recruits, sending dudes to D1 schools after graduation recruits and facilities recruit. Coaches in DFW do not have to recruit.
  18. Yes, Danny would have us a working list of all applicants. I knew he would be missed.
  19. No race card at all, I'm about as far from that as you can get. Just curious, just asking a question.
  20. Did the "Enterprise" file a Freedom of Information request for the applicants for this job? I would really like to see all of the names that applied for this one. Is this definitely a minority hire?
  21. No such thing as an overpaid coach. Every coach earns every dime he makes and if somebody is willing to pay the asking price then........ Now, by Allen or Allen want-to-be's are you referring to winners???? Because I would think everybody's goal is to be a winner.
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