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Alpha Wolf

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Posts posted by Alpha Wolf

  1. 4 hours ago, TXHSFB said:

    If there are any returners that were among the players who refused to go in the game, they would not be part of my program going forward. TBH,  they wouldn’t  have continued to wear the Jersey on the sideline. Send them straight to the lockeroom, and if their parents were there, send them home. Those type of individuals are what keeps a program from taking another step forward. As a teammate, I don’t even have to say what should happen to them, y’all already know how y’all would handle it. I don’t even have a connection to this team, with the exception of being district mates, but this has been eating at me all night, Bc there are kids and coaches who bust their ass every day during off season, during the season, to get the opportunity to play in a playoff game, and they never reach that goal, and then these kids are scared of a challenge and don’t appreciate the gift, the opportunity that they have earned, and I’m sure they worked hard to get there too, but they will have to live with that the rest of their lives, every time they look in the mirror, or drive by a stadium, or run into old teammates 20 years from now. It will always be with them, and deservedly so. Congrats on a great, historical season United, that community should be proud of y’all! See y’all next year!

    It was only Seniors as far as I seen.  No returning players.  This is also the last class that either attended Central or Ozen.  Next years Senior class will be the first four year class of BU.  It will take some work but I think Coach Graham will get the culture headed in the right direction...

  2. 11 hours ago, TXHSFB said:

    That’s not what a competitor does, I don’t know the whole situation, but as an athlete, you have to welcome that opportunity, to have the chance to play against the best in the state. GO COMPETE


    10 hours ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Wouldn't play another sport at my school if im the AD. 


    10 hours ago, Majestyk said:

    Wait a minute. Are you saying the player told the coach no?


    10 hours ago, Majestyk said:

    Weed those guys out. Got too many athletes not to be a force. Got to have the attitude also.

    He wasn't the only one.  Just the first one that I noticed.  At least 2 more.  1 was faking an injury.  The trainer would come over and stretch him out and whenever the trainer would walk away, he'd laugh about it.  Another special team player came out after half time and just left his shoulder pads in the locker room.  I did notice a few other seniors that called them out towards the end of the game for quitting.  Something in me tells me where those kids would be going to school if the schools had not merged but I'll leave that alone...

    I do admire the coaches for rolling with the kids that still wanted to get out there and try to compete and letting the returning players finish the game out for you.  What the kids have to realize to be like the Manvel's and other teams that consistently have good programs, there is no time off.  Next season starts Monday...

  3. I think I will take it once I can get it.  I haven't contracted the virus up to this point but the thought of not being able to breath and possibly being on a ventilator scares me more than taking the vaccine.  

    My question to some of you is what are you going to do if your employer and most other employers requires that you take it to keep your job or if health insurance requires that you take it to be covered?  Or for those that have school aged children, they can't return to school and/or participate in extracurricular activities unless they have taken the vaccine?

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