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Everything posted by PURPLE 4EVER

  1. gasilla, I emailed you... I hope all of you enjoy the video highlights I get each week. The kids at Dayton really enjoy it. The videos are at... www.toupsgraphics.neptune.com
  2. If he does have a fracture, 4 weeks is very very quick to get back. I just hope when he does return his ankle is 110%. Get well soon!
  3. Looking at my video this was true, but in the first half, WOS was rushing 5 to 6 players. In the 2nd half they dropped 2 linebackers which followed Green's movement. When Green tried to rush the ball he couldn't get around both linebackers. Going 3 and out the first 3 times was the key to the game. GREAT COACHING AND EXECUTION BY WOS!!! Hated to see Dayton lose, but seeing how the kids at WOS came back after being down 2 TD's was something to behold.
  4. Does anyone know the location??? SFA or will it be at the HS??? Hopefully Dayton will bring a crowd larger than what was at WOS.
  5. anybody have any information on the dragons??? Last year we won pretty easily...
  6. MATH GIVES YOU MORE POWER!!!! Congrats to Clay!!!! To see our kids grow up in our communities and then make it big time on a national venue... IT IS JUST AWESOME!!!!
  7. Central or Nederland??? Dayton will be in the thick of things... Any team that loses their starting two linebackers for the 2nd half will not be the same. Nederland had a huge victory, but after losing their QB they barely hung on for victory. I still see the Dayton vs Central game to determine the championship... The PNG vs Nederland game is looking more and more like the game for 3rd place (If PNG gets by LCM...)
  8. The game is at the Reservation... PNG will win... Crosby may be good, but good is for 21-4A... They wouldn't make the playoffs in 22-4A.
  9. I think Central can win it in a close one... SHOULD BE AN AWESOME GAME!!! Were will it be played?? Lamar, Zaharias, or at West Brook???
  10. Didn't get the cause of the brawl. On the play there were several players between me and the tackle. Wish I could get another camera man, because I can only get one teams highlights. WOS played a great 2nd half, just like Dayton played a great first half.
  11. Hope he doesn't have any complications from the fractures. Good luck to his replacement. ALWAYS BELIEVE!
  12. I video and photograph each Dayton Bronco football game. At the end of each season I create and produce a DVD which is given to all the varsity Bronco football players. Thought many members of SETXSPORTS would enjoy watching the highlights. I post them to a video and photo sharing website. Go to.... www.toupsgraphics.neptune.com For some AWEsome Friday Night football action! Also check out my other website where I post my previews, predictions, and summaries of District 22-4A games. [Hidden Content] This website is updated on Tuesday with the preveiws on the upcoming games. Thursday I offer my "Fearless" predictions, and on Saturday I review the games. This week Nederland was my "team of the week" Congratulations to the Bulldogs for their big victory. Also congrats go to WOS. What an unbelievable 2nd half. Making the Broncos go 3 and out the first three possessions in the 2nd half sealed the deal. HOPE YOU ENJOY THE WEBSITES!!!
  13. I have video of a WOS coach "pushing" a Dayton player. The Dayton coach responded to this by "pushing" the WOS coach. This was an unfortunate episode on BOTH sides that just shouldn't happen at all.
  14. Agree.... Hooks and Barbay are on the top of the mountain as coaches go...
  15. Talk about 2 totally different football games... First half, Dayton is just AWEsome... Second half, fortunes are flipped!!! The coaches at WOS did some fantastic adjustments at halftime... Dropping 8 into coverage on defense, Dayton goes 3 and out the first 3 times. Offensively... #13 is the MVP!!! The QB from WOS did a wonderful job. Good luck to both teams as the season continues.
  16. WILL BE A FANTASTIC GAME!!!! Can't wait till kick off!!!
  17. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS PURPLE4EVER would like to thank all the people who will make the next dozen or so Friday nights something that is extraordinary. Thanks to the fans – the kids playing on the field will never forget playing in front of thousands (in some cases over 10,000). Without the fans these games would just not be the same. Thanks to the students – last year while videoing the Dayton games I was very impressed by the student sections at the games. These students may not have what it takes to be on the field, but they sure were supporting their buddies. Ps… The best student section last year by far was LUMBERTON!!! They had about 3 dozen kids that were having good clean fun while cheering on their friends despite the lopsided loss against the Broncos. THANKS TO THE CHEERLEADERS, BAND, DRILL TEAM, AND THEIR PARENTS! Who can count the hours that all these young adults spend during the week preparing for their time each Friday night. Thanks to the coaches – many coaches will be putting in 100 HOUR work weeks! These men are making an everlasting impression on the athletes they are improving. I am glad the coaches in Dayton will be influencing my son to become a better athlete, individual, and eventually a fine young gentleman. And above all… THANKS TO THE YOUNG MEN PLAYING FOR COMMUNITY PRIDE. We must all realize when you get down to it, this is all about the 15 to 18 year old young men doing their best. Word of wisdom to the athletes who may be reading this... ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! LET THE COIN FLIP DETERMINE THE KICK OFF AND LETS PLAY FOOTBALL!!!
  18. Can't wait to see the game... Agree with an earlier post... MCM is MUST see TV for the rest of the state... One of the great rival games in all the state... Would be great if it could be televised state wide.
  19. If one or two of the Baytown schools are 4A, it should make for an interesting realignment this spring....
  20. I don't think there is a varsity stadium at the school.
  21. I can see a game with tons of offense. Garrett should have a great game also...
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