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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I have enough room on my truck to transport it there if need be...
  2. Nah. Well, it won't be ECHS. Their numbers are very minimum and have not really increased much since it's been open. Also, kids know you basically by pass you're normal high school experience there. No pep rallies, no extra-curricular activities are to name a few. Which is why I question ECHS even moving to the new South Park building next year anyway. Austin's campus would've sufficed, but that's another debate for another day...
  3. Overall #"s of current sophomore and freshmen class plus projected incoming freshmen class. Everyone as far as the higher ups seem to think the numbers will shoot back up to at least that 2400 number in 2 years.
  4. The numbers went down exponentially after the two floods. As you know, the recent one did a number on the school and many parents moved (homes destroyed or because of the long downtime for restart of school) and took their kids. Actually, West Brook's numbers dropped a lot too, just not enough to put them in 5a as well. But, uh, yea. United in 5a, but we all project they'll be moving up to 6a next realignment... Huge Sophmore and Freshman classes this year...
  5. Impressed with the balance the Lady Hawks had. Even without an overly dominant game from the sophomore phenom Jackson...
  6. Wow. I'm shocked not over the result, but the margin...
  7. Timberwolves T. Arceneaux -16 pts, G. Bibbins - 13 pts, K. Harrison: 13 pts
  8. SheWolves C. Dill - 13 points , P. Anderson - 12 pts, T. Boudreaux - 11pts, T. Cooper - 10 pts
  9. I only said last year because of the epic setting. Huge crowd, pouring rain. Big plays.
  10. We'd love for you to post scores amd articles on those ladies moving forward. We'd like to keep up with that young group...
  11. So glad it didn't happen this decade. Lol
  12. I'll narrow it down to 3... 2014 Central Vs West Brook 2018 Silsbee vs WO-S (playoff meeting), 2019 North Shore vs. Duncanvlle
  13. Couple of favorites.... I'm no particular order... 2010 Nederland at Central 2014 Central Vs. West Brook 2015 Central vs. West Brook 2015 Central Vs CE King 2016 Silsbee vs Carthage 2016 Silsbee vs. Bridge City 2018 Silsbee vs. West Orange - Stark (both meetings) 2018 North Shore vs. Duncanville 2019 Silsbee vs Wimberley
  14. Realistically, I see it like that too...
  15. Those Jr. Guards are ok, but it's the sophomore guard and post that's the heartbeat of this team...
  16. I've seen Jasper and of course United in person. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to see H-J. Lots of talk about that guard.
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